- 4-8+ pages (maybe more depending on how extensively you have analyzed your data so far)
- Include the major components of these sections as covered earlier this term. In no particular order (but follow an order that makes sense for your paper):
- Define the model (but don't reproduce the literature review - you'll link these together in the final paper)
- Describe the data and how to obtain it
- Describe data collection procedures
- Map variables to theoretical constructs
- Summary statistics for key variables
- Define the methods used to analyze the data
- Present initial (tentative results)
- Use tables and figures as appropriate
- Grading will be based on:
- Actually having data to analyze (and being appropriate for your theory)
- Implementing an appropriate computational method given your research question
- Describing your data using appropriate methods
- Presenting and explaining results accurately and clearly
- Tables and figures are not raw output from Python/R, but are properly formatted and labeled
- A PDF of this document should be available in the
folder in your repo by 11:59pm on Wednesday, May 22nd