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index 7f5a6e8..e394fba 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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## Synopsis
-This middleware enables the use of [Crypt4GH][crypt4gh] files as inputs for tasks that are run in [TES][tes]
-implementations (e.g., [funnel][funnel], [TESK][tesk]).
+This proof-of-concept middleware enables the use of [Crypt4GH][crypt4gh] files as inputs for tasks that are
+run in [TES][tes] implementations (e.g., [funnel][funnel], [TESK][tesk]).
## Description
+Currently, there are no implementations of TES that natively support the use of files encrypted with Crypt4GH.
+This middleware supports the use of Crypt4GH files by prepending the list of executors in a TES request with a
+decryption executor. This decryption executor decrypts the contents of any Crypt4GH files and places them in a volume
+so that subsequent executors can work on the decrypted contents.
+## Implementation Details
+### Middleware
+The middleware alters the initial TES request such that a decryption executor and a new volume (`/vol/crypt/`) are added
+to the request. Since the decryption executor places all input files in `/vol/crypt/`, all input paths in subsequent
+executors are altered to `/vol/crypt/{filename}`.
+### Decryption
+The functionality of the decryption executor lies in [`decrypt.py`][decrypt]. This script moves all input files to a
+specified output directory (in this case, `/vol/crypt/`). If a Crypt4GH file is detected and the secret key used to
+encrypt it is provided, the executor decrypts the contents of the Crypt4GH file and places it in `/vol/crypt/`.
+Subsequent executors then refer to the files in `/vol/crypt/`, not their original locations.
+## Important Considerations
+You __should not use this middleware in untrusted environments__, as it requires transmission of secret keys and stores
+the decrypted contents of Crypt4GH files on disk. This middleware is meant to be used with a [Trusted Execution
+Environment (TEE)][TEE], which allows for the secure transmission and storage of data. Integration with TEEs is a work
+in progress.
## Installation
+ pip install poetry
+ poetry install
## Testing
-### Prerequisites
-This middleware requires a running instance of [proTES](https://github.com/elixir-cloud-aai/proTES)
-(running on localhost:8090 by default).\
-Download the required dependencies\
-`pip install requirements_dev.txt`
+### Requirements
+Tests require a running TES instance and an S3 bucket containing the input files. Instances of [Funnel][funnel]
+and [MinIO][minio] were used in development. `TES_URL` in `tests/tasks/test_tasks.py` can be altered depending on the
+TES instance being used.
### Run Tests
-Run tests using pytest\
-`pytest tests`
+Run tests using pytest.
+poetry run pytest tests
## Contributing
-## Code of Conduct
-## Versioning
+This project is a community effort and lives off your contributions, be it in the form of bug reports, feature requests,
+discussions, ideas, fixes, or other code changes. Please read these [guidelines][guidelines] if you want to contribute.
+And please mind the [code of conduct][code-of-conduct] for all interactions with the community.
## License
This project is distributed under the [Apache License 2.0][badge-license], a
copy of which is also available in [`LICENSE`][license].
## Contact
The project is maintained by [ELIXIR Cloud & AAI][elixir-cloud-aai], a Driver
Project of the [Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH)][ga4gh], under
-the umbrella of the [ELIXIR][elixir] [Compute Platform][elixir-compute].
-- For filing bug reports, feature requests or other code-related issues, please
+the umbrella of the [ELIXIR][elixir] [Compute Platform][elixir-compute]. For filing bug reports, feature requests or other code-related issues, please
make use of the project's [issue tracker](https://github.com/elixir-cloud-aai/protes-middleware-crypt4gh/issues).
+[![GA4GH logo](images/logo-ga4gh.png)](https://www.ga4gh.org/)
+[![ELIXIR logo](images/logo-elixir.png)](https://www.elixir-europe.org/)
+[![ELIXIR Cloud & AAI logo](images/logo-elixir-cloud.png)](https://elixir-europe.github.io/cloud/)
[badge-license]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache%202.0-blue.svg
[badge-chat]: https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=chat&message=Slack&color=ff6994
[badge-url-chat]: https://elixir-cloud.slack.com/archives/C04RLFJNF7U
+[code-of-conduct]: https://github.com/elixir-cloud-aai/elixir-cloud-aai/blob/dev/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
[crypt4gh]: https://www.ga4gh.org/news_item/crypt4gh-a-secure-method-for-sharing-human-genetic-data/
+[decrypt]: https://github.com/elixir-cloud-aai/protes-middleware-crypt4gh/blob/main/crypt4gh_middleware/decrypt.py
[elixir]: https://elixir-europe.org/
[elixir-cloud-aai]: https://elixir-cloud.dcc.sib.swiss/
[elixir-compute]: https://elixir-europe.org/platforms/compute
[funnel]: https://ohsu-comp-bio.github.io/funnel/
[ga4gh]: https://ga4gh.org/
+[guidelines]: https://elixir-cloud-aai.github.io/guides/guide-contributor/
[license]: LICENSE
+[minio]: https://min.io/
[tes]: https://github.com/ga4gh/task-execution-schemas
[tesk]: https://github.com/elixir-cloud-aai/TESK
+[TEE]: https://f1000research.com/posters/13-194
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