Local Leetcode Code Generator (a.k.a., LLCG) is a code generator that generates LeetCode-style code to run locally.
Please feel free to contact me to give any comments or suggestions.
- Place your LeetCode-style code into code/input.cpp
- Place your test case into code/input.txt (copy and paste from LeetCode is recommended)
- Run
python main.py
- code/output.cpp can be run locally!
First, write your Solution here in code/input.cpp.
class Solution {
map<int, int> a;
vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
int n = nums.size();
vector<int> ans;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int v = target - nums[i];
if (a.count(v)) {
ans = {i, a[v]};
a[nums[i]] = i;
return ans;
And then paste your test case into code/input.txt.
Run python main.py
and code/output.cpp will be generated.
#include "template/template.h"
class Solution {
map<int, int> a;
vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
int n = nums.size();
vector<int> ans;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int v = target - nums[i];
if (a.count(v)) {
ans = {i, a[v]};
a[nums[i]] = i;
return ans;
Solution* solution;
Timer timer;
int main() {
solution = new Solution();
vector<int> var1{2, 7, 11, 15};
int var2{9};
print(solution->twoSum(var1, var2));
delete solution;
print("Runtime: " + to_string(timer.end()) + " ms");
solution = new Solution();
vector<int> var3{3, 2, 4};
int var4{6};
print(solution->twoSum(var3, var4));
delete solution;
print("Runtime: " + to_string(timer.end()) + " ms");
solution = new Solution();
vector<int> var5{3, 3};
int var6{6};
print(solution->twoSum(var5, var6));
delete solution;
print("Runtime: " + to_string(timer.end()) + " ms");
Build and run code/output.cpp, and you will get following output:
[1, 0]
Runtime: 0 ms
[2, 1]
Runtime: 0 ms
[1, 0]
Runtime: 0 ms
- More infrastructure for this project
- User interface
- Version management