Released March 8, 2024
Does this version...? | |
Change the database schema? | no |
Alter the API? | no |
Require attention to configuration options? | no |
Fix problems installing or upgrading to a previous version? | no |
Introduce features? | no |
Fix bugs? | yes |
Fix security vulnerabilities? | no |
- CiviContribute: Emails with monetary tokens sometimes fail to render (#29654)
- CiviMember: Some "Price Set" configurations involving checkboxes lead to PHP error (dev/core#5071: #29653)
- CiviSurvey: Error displaying results ("Return type declaration") (#29658)
This release was developed by the following authors and reviewers:
Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts; Agileware - Francis Whittle, Agileware Team
These release notes are edited by Tim Otten and Andie Hunt. If you'd like to
provide feedback on them, please login to and
contact @agh1