Releases: eifinger/hass-foldingathomecontrol
Releases · eifinger/hass-foldingathomecontrol
Prepare for version 0.115
v2.0.3 Bump to 2.0.3
v2.0.2 - Update Polish Translation
Update pl.json Corrections and additions to the translation.
v2.0.1 - unit ppd is now points
- unit ppd is now points
v2.0.0 - More unit of measurements
- Time per Frame is now in seconds
- Points per day is now in "ppd"
- Creditestimate is now in "credits"
- Total Frames is now in "frames"
- Frames Done is now in "frames"
- Attempts is now in "attemps"
- Basecredit is now in "credits"
v1.1.0 - Remove % From Percentage Done State
Release v1.0.0 Use Devices and automatic reconnect
Please remove all entries for this integration, update and then readd them.
- Use Devices
- Split up attributes in own entities (This should save a lot of DB space)
- Don't store relative times in state machine (This should save a lot of DB space)
- Update Rate Configurable
- Read Timeout Configurable
- Automatic reconnect
v0.2.0 - Added Polish Translation and HA 0.109.0 compatibility
Create pl.json Polish translation added
v0.1.4 - bump PyFoldingAtHomeControl to 1.2.3
v0.1.4 - bump PyFoldingAtHomeControl to 1.2.3