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Arn is an annotation-based command library inspired by Spring boot that helps Minecraft plugins with creating, handling and registering commands. This library uses Brigadier commands that Minecraft uses, so you can use most kinds of arguments you see in the commands of the original game. Plus, you can turn any enumerator to a custom argument, all it takes is two annotations.


Add this repository if you don't have it in your <repositories> or repositories.

maven { url '' }
Artifact Platform Latest Version
arn-paper PaperMC 0.4
arn-spigot SpigotMC 0.4

Add this dependency. Check the table above to make sure you use the latest version and the correct dependency.

implementation 'dev.efekos.arn:arn-paper:0.4'


Arn uses Java Reflection API to scan through your plugin, detect needed classes and use them. Because of this, you have to add a Container annotation to every class that must be scanned by Arn.

Creating commands

Let's create a new class using the knowledge we know so far.

import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.Container;

public class CommandClass {


Normally, you need to either handle your command through events or create a Command class for it. But in Arn, all you have to do is add a method with such annotations.

import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;

@Command("ping") // command name
public int helloWorld(CommandSender sender /*get the sender*/) {
    return 0;

When scanned and registered, this method will be equivalent of command /helloworld, that takes no arguments and says "Pong!" back to the sender. Now you might be thinking about arguments. That is pretty easy.

import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.Command;
import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.CommandArgument;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;

public int helloWorld(CommandSender sender, @CommandArgument String name /*string argument*/) {
    sender.sendMessage("Hello "+name+"!");
    return 0;

All we have to do is add a parameter with CommandArgument annotation. This method is now the equivalent of /helloworld <name>, <name> being a String that can have whitespaces using quoted strings. You can use following combinations of annotations and types by default (all of them requires CommandArgument.):

These don't require a CommandArgument annotation.

By default, name of an argument is same with name of the parameter. If you want, you can explicitly specify argument names like this.

public int method(@CommandArgument("name") String s);

Using parameter names as argument names

If you don't specify argument names and let Arn use parameter names instead, you'll probably face a problem. Maven does not compile applications with parameter names. In order to solve this problem, you can add small configuration to your maven-compiler-plugin. It is something like this:

    <!-- ... -->

I use Maven, so I don't know a solution for Gradle. It is probably something easy like it is in Maven, so you can fix it with a bit of research.

Advanced literals

I only showed you how to make base commands. There is more than base commands in Arn. If you want to use two or more literals, you can simply separate them with . in your CommandArgument annotation. But in this way, arguments will be placed after all the literals. If you want to place literals between arguments, you can follow this syntax: [ab]:[0-9]+:[a-z]+. First group of a letter determines will this literal be placed before or after the argument with the given index. Second group of a number is the index of an argument. Finally, last group of a lowercase word is the actual literal. Let me explain how it works more with this graph:

Advanced literal placement explained

As you can see, the last literal 'makefloor' is placed after 0th argument. This is because the first letter is 'a' and the index is 0. If the letter was 'b', the literal would be placed after second literal 'stuff'. If the index was 1, the literal would be placed after the 1st argument.

Custom arguments

If you want to make a custom argument, you can, using Enum classes! All you have to do is annotate an enum class with both Container and CustomArgument, and you'll be able to use that enum class as a command argument.


import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.Command;
import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.CommandArgument;
import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.Container;
import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.CustomArgument;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;

public enum Rating {


public class Commands {

    public int rate(@CommandArgument Rating rating, @CommandArgument String message, Player sender) {
        player.sendMessage("Thanks for your rating!");
        return 0;

Blocking access

You can block access by using a permission or annotations. All you have to do is add the permission node to the Command like this:

import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.Command;
import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.block.BlockCommandBlock;
import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.block.BlockConsole;
import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.block.BlockPlayer;

@Command(value = "", permission = "methods.cmd.method")
@BlockPlayer // Blocks access to players
@BlockCommandBlock // Blocks access to command blocks
@BlockConsole // Blocks access to the console
public int method(/*...*/);


You can apply NumberLimitations to any command argument with a number type.

import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.Command;
import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.CommandArgument;
import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.block.BlockCommandBlock;
import dev.efekos.arn.common.annotation.modifier.NumberLimitations;

public int setTimeout(@CommandArgument @NumberLimitations(min = 0,max = 30) Integer argument);


If you want to go even more crazy, you can implement your own command parameter types. You have to make an implementation of CommandHandlerMethodArgumentResolver first. If you want to add an argument to the command structure to resolver a parameter, you might also need to make an implementation of a CommandArgumentResolver. After that, simply make a Container that implements ArnConfigurer, and add your resolvers using that configurer.


After all of your command and configurations are done, call Arn#run from your plugin.

import dev.efekos.arn.common.Arn;
import dev.efekos.arn.common.base.ArnInstance;

public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {

  public void onEnable() {
        ArnInstance arn = Arn.getInstance();,this);


Quick access to sender properties

There is an annotation called FromSender that lets you access properties of the command sender (such as name) without having to get it yourself. As of 0.2, these are the valid parameters you can use. Keep in mind that they all also need @FromSender.

Available Sender Types Argument Description Notes
Location Returns location of the sender.
@Name String Returns name of the sender. Console sender will return "CONSOLE" and command blocks will return a string containing its locations, "[@:24:62:-113]" for example. If the parameter name ends with "name" (ignoring case), @Name isn't required.
ItemStack Returns the item player has in their main-hand slot.
@OffHand ItemStack Returns the item player has in their off-hand slot.
@Helmet ItemStack Returns the item player has in their helmet slot.
@Chestplate ItemStack Returns the item player has in their chestplate slot.
@Leggings ItemStack Returns the item player has in their leggings slot.
@Boots ItemStack Returns the item player has in their boots slot.
@ExpLevel Integer Returns player's experience level. Can be any of Double/Integer/Float, it will be casted accordingly.
@FoodLevel Integer Returns player's food level. Can be any of Double/Integer/Float, it will be casted accordingly.
@Health Double Returns player's health. Can be any of Double/Integer/Float, it will be casted accordingly.
@MaxHealth Double Returns player's maximum health. Can be any of Double/Integer/Float, it will be casted accordingly.
@Experience Float Returns player's experience points. Can be any of Double/Integer/Float, it will be casted accordingly.
UUID Returns UUID of the player.
Inventory Returns inventory of the player.

If a @FromSendered argument is not available for the sender, it will return null instead.

Annotation exceptions

When you make custom argument resolvers, your resolvers might have conflicts with some other resolvers. In order to prevent this, you can use annotation exceptions. When you add an annotation exception to a resolver, that resolver can't work on parameters with that annotation, for example:

import dev.efekos.arn.common.exception.ExceptionMap;
import dev.efekos.arn.paper.face.PaperArnConfig;
import dev.efekos.arn.paper.face.PaperCmdResolver;
import dev.efekos.arn.paper.face.PaperHndResolver;

import java.util.List;

public class GreatConfig implements PaperArnConfig {

  public void addHandlerMethodArgumentResolvers(List<PaperHndResolver> resolvers) {


  public void addArgumentResolvers(List<PaperCmdResolver> resolvers) {


  public void putArgumentResolverExceptions(ExceptionMap<CommandArgumentResolver> map) {
    map.put(CmdStringArg.class, Greater.class); // now CmdStringArg won't be applicable for parameters with @Greater

  public void putHandlerMethodArgumentResolverExceptions(ExceptionMap<CommandHandlerMethodArgumentResolver> map) {
    map.put(HndStringArg.class, Greater.class); // This blocks HndStringArg the same way


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