- recorder: Recreates the recorder when starting a record. (08b5fde6)
- record: state machine fixed (b45583ba)
- stop: stream.stop deprecated fix. (397ccf10)
- change version of recordrtc (03af1e5c)
- freeze version of recordrtc (7432f47d)
- progressBar: safe progress bar percent (4fb1c8fb)
- chengeState: ensuring state doesn't change if disabled (1207e09e)
- record: clean blob before recording (efba0216)
- progressBar:
- progress bar now follows the progress while playing (ecef6b8e)
- css transition removed (6f7be164)
- removeRecord: $emit msg when deleting the record (fed3f100)
- demo: fixed error on video recorder minified demo (8e52c732)
- timer: fixed bad time formatting (fa9d0ea2)