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mlpack has support for a number of different distributions, each supporting the same API. These can be used with, for instance, the HMM class.


DiscreteDistribution represents a multidimensional categorical distribution (or generalized Bernoulli distribution) where integer-valued vectors (e.g. [0, 3, 4]) are associated with specific probabilities in each dimension.

Example: a 3-dimensional DiscreteDistribution will have a specific probability value associated with each integer value in each dimension. So, for the vector [0, 3, 4], P(0) in dimension 0 could be, e.g., 0.3, P(3) in dimension 1 could be, e.g., 0.4, and P(4) in dimension 2 could be, e.g., 0.6. Then, P([0, 3, 4]) would be 0.3 * 0.4 * 0.6 = 0.072.


  • d = DiscreteDistribution(numObservations)

    • Create a one-dimensional discrete distribution with numObservations different observations in the one and only dimension. numObservations is of type size_t.
  • d = DiscreteDistribution(numObservationsVec)

    • Create a multidimensional discrete distribution with numObservationsVec.n_elem dimensions and numObservationsVec[i] different observations in dimension i.
    • numObservationsVec is of type arma::Col<size_t>.
  • d = DiscreteDistribution(probabilities)

    • Create a multidimensional discrete distribution with the given probabilities.
    • probabilities should have type std::vector<arma::vec>, and probabilities.size() should be equal to the dimensionality of the distribution.
    • probabilities[i] is a vector such that probabilities[i][j] contains the probability of j in dimension i.

Access and modify properties of distribution

  • d.Dimensionality() returns a size_t indicating the number of dimensions in the multidimensional discrete distribution.

  • d.Probabilities(i) returns an arma::vec& containing the probabilities of each observation in dimension i.

    • d.Probabilities(i)[j] is the probability of j in dimension i.
    • This can be used to modify probabilities: d.Probabilities(0)[1] = 0.7 sets the probability of observing the value 1 in dimension 0 to 0.7.
    • Note: when setting probabilities manually, be sure that the sum of probabilities in a dimension is 1!
  • A DiscreteDistribution can be serialized with data::Save() and data::Load().

Compute probabilities of points

  • d.Probability(observation) returns the probability of the given observation as a double.

    • observation should be an arma::vec of size d.Dimensionality().
    • observation[i] should take integer values between 0 and d.Probabilities(i).n_elem - 1.
  • d.Probability(observations, probabilities) computes the probabilities of many observations.

    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to d.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
    • probabilities will be set to size observations.n_cols.
    • probabilities[i] will be set to d.Probability(observations.col(i)).
  • d.LogProbability(observation) returns the log-probability of the given observation as a double.

  • d.LogProbability(observations, probabilities) computes the log-probabilities of many observations.

Sample from the distribution

  • d.Random() returns an arma::vec with a random sample from the multidimensional discrete distribution.

Fit the distribution to observations

  • d.Train(observations)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations.
    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to d.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
    • observations(j, i) should be an integer value between 0 and the number of observations for dimension i.
  • d.Train(observations, observationProbabilities)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations, as above, but also provide probabilities that each observation is from this distribution.
    • observationProbabilities should be an arma::vec of length observations.n_cols.
    • observationProbabilities[i] should be equal to the probability that observations.col(i) is from d.

Example usage

// Create a single-dimension Bernoulli distribution: P([0]) = 0.3, P([1]) = 0.7.
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution bernoulli(2);
bernoulli.Probabilities(0)[0] = 0.3;
bernoulli.Probabilities(0)[1] = 0.7;

const double p1 = bernoulli.Probability(arma::vec("0")); // p1 = 0.3.
const double p2 = bernoulli.Probability(arma::vec("1")); // p2 = 0.7.

// Create a 3-dimensional discrete distribution by specifying the probabilities
// manually.
arma::vec probDim0 = arma::vec("0.1 0.3 0.5 0.1"); // 4 possible values.
arma::vec probDim1 = arma::vec("0.7 0.3");         // 2 possible values.
arma::vec probDim2 = arma::vec("0.4 0.4 0.2");     // 3 possible values.
std::vector<arma::vec> probs { probDim0, probDim1, probDim2 };
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution d(probs);

arma::vec obs("2 0 1");
const double p3 = d.Probability(obs); // p3 = 0.5 * 0.7 * 0.4 = 0.14.

// Estimate a 10-dimensional discrete distribution.
// Each dimension takes values between 0 and 9.
arma::mat observations = arma::randi<arma::mat>(10, 1000,
    arma::distr_param(0, 9));

// Create a distribution with 10 observations in each of the 10 dimensions.
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution d2(
    arma::Col<size_t>("10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10"));

// Compute the probabilities of each point.
arma::vec probabilities;
d2.Probability(observations, probabilities);
std::cout << "Average probability: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;

Using different element types

The DiscreteDistribution class takes two template parameters:

DiscreteDistribution<MatType, ObsMatType>
  • MatType represents the matrix type used to represent internal parameters (e.g. probabilities of each observation).

  • ObsMatType represents the matrix type used to represent observations.

  • By default:

    • MatType is arma::mat, but any dense matrix type matching the Armadillo API that holds floating-point numbers can be used (e.g. arma::fmat).
    • ObsMatType is MatType, but any matrix type matching the Armadillo API can be used (e.g. arma::fmat, arma::imat, etc.).
  • When using custom MatType and ObsMatType parameters, several method signatures will change:

    • DiscreteDistributions(probabilities) will expect probabilities to be std::vector, where VecTypeis the column vector type associated withMatType(e.g.arma::fvecforarma::fmat`).

    • Probability(observation) and LogProbability(observation) will expect observation to be an ObsVecType, where ObsVecType is the column vector type associated with ObsMatType, and will return a probability with type equivalent to the element type of MatType.

    • Probability(observations, probabilities) and LogProbability(observations, probabilities) will expect observations to be of type ObsMatType and probabilities to be of type VecType.

    • Random() will return an ObsVecType.

    • Train(observations) and Train(observations, probabilities) will expect observations to be of type ObsMatType and probabilities to be of type VecType.

    • Probabilities(dim) will return a VecType.

The code below uses a DiscreteDistribution built on 32-bit floating point numbers.

// Create a distribution with 10 observations in each of 3 dimensions.
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution<arma::fmat> d(arma::Col<size_t>("10 10 10"));

// Train the distribution on random data.
arma::fmat observations =
    arma::randi<arma::fmat>(3, 100, arma::distr_param(0, 9));

// Compute and print the probability of [8, 6, 7].
const float p = d.Probability(arma::fvec("8 6 7"));
std::cout << "Probability of [8, 6, 7]: " << p << "." << std::endl;

The code below uses a DiscreteDistribution that internally uses float to hold probabilities, but accepts unsigned ints as observations.

// Create a distribution with 10 observations in each of 3 dimensions.
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution<arma::fmat, arma::umat> d(
    arma::Col<size_t>("10 10 10"));

// Train the distribution on random data.  Note that the observation type is a
// matrix of unsigned ints (arma::umat).
arma::umat observations =
    arma::randi<arma::umat>(3, 100, arma::distr_param(0, 9));

// Compute and print the probability of [8, 6, 7].  Note that the input vector
// is a vector of unsigned ints (arma::uvec), but the returned probability is a
// float because MatType is set to arma::fmat.
const float p = d.Probability(arma::uvec("8 6 7"));
std::cout << "Probability of [8, 6, 7]: " << p << "." << std::endl;

// Print the probability vector for dimension 0.
std::cout << "Probabilities for observations in dimension 0: "
    << d.Probabilities(0).t() << std::endl;


GaussianDistribution is a standard multivariate Gaussian distribution with parameterized mean and covariance. (For a Gaussian distribution with a diagonal covariance, see DiagonalGaussianDistribution.)


  • g = GaussianDistribution(dimensionality)

    • Create the distribution with the given dimensionality.
    • The distribution will have a zero mean and unit diagonal covariance matrix.
  • g = GaussianDistribution(mean, covariance)

    • Create the distribution with the given mean and covariance.
    • mean is of type arma::vec and should have length equal to the dimensionality of the distribution.
    • covariance is of type arma::mat, and should be symmetric and square, with rows and columns equal to the dimensionality of the distribution.

Access and modify properties of distribution

  • g.Dimensionality() returns the dimensionality of the distribution as a size_t.

  • g.Mean() returns an arma::vec& holding the mean of the distribution. This can be modified.

  • g.Covariance() returns a const arma::mat& holding the covariance of the distribution. To set a new covariance, use g.Covariance(newCov) or g.Covariance(std::move(newCov)).

  • g.InvCov() returns a const arma::mat& holding the precomputed inverse of the covariance.

  • g.LogDetCov() returns a double holding the log-determinant of the covariance.

  • A GaussianDistribution can be serialized with data::Save() and data::Load().

Compute probabilities of points

  • g.Probability(observation) returns the probability of the given observation as a double.

    • observation should be an arma::vec of size g.Dimensionality().
  • g.Probability(observations, probabilities) computes the probabilities of many observations.

    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to d.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
    • probabilities will be set to size observations.n_cols.
    • probabilities[i] will be set to g.Probability(observations.col(i)).
  • g.LogProbability(observation) returns the log-probability of the given observation as a double.

  • g.LogProbability(observations, probabilities) computes the log-probabilities of many observations.

Sample from the distribution

  • g.Random() returns an arma::vec with a random sample from the multidimensional Gaussian distribution.

Fit the distribution to observations

  • g.Train(observations)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations.
    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to g.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
  • g.Train(observations, observationProbabilities)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations, as above, but also provide probabilities that each observation is from this distribution.
    • observationProbabilities should be an arma::vec of length observations.n_cols.
    • observationProbabilities[i] should be equal to the probability that observations.col(i) is from g.

Example usage

// Create a Gaussian distribution in 3 dimensions with zero mean and unit
// covariance.
mlpack::GaussianDistribution g(3);

// Compute the probability of the point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p = g.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

// Modify the mean in dimension 0.
g.Mean()[0] = 0.5;

// Set a random covariance.
arma::mat newCov(3, 3, arma::fill::randu);
newCov *= newCov.t(); // Ensure covariance is positive semidefinite.
g.Covariance(std::move(newCov)); // Set new covariance.

// Compute the probability of the same point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p2 = g.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

// Create a Gaussian distribution that is estimated from random samples in 50
// dimensions.
arma::mat samples(50, 10000, arma::fill::randn); // Normally distributed.

mlpack::GaussianDistribution g2(50);

// Compute the probability of all of the samples.
arma::vec probabilities;
g2.Probability(samples, probabilities);

std::cout << "Average probability is: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;

Using different element types

The GaussianDistribution class takes one template parameter:

  • MatType represents the matrix type used to represent observations.
  • By default, MatType is arma::mat, but any matrix type matching the Armadillo API can be used (e.g. arma::fmat).
  • When MatType is set to anything other than arma::mat, all arguments are adapted accordingly:
    • arma::mat arguments will instead be MatType.
    • arma::vec arguments will instead be the corresponding column vector type associated with MatType.
    • double arguments will instead be the element type of MatType.

The code below uses a Gaussian distribution to make predictions with 32-bit floating point numbers.

// Create a 3-dimensional 32-bit floating point Gaussian distribution with
// random mean and unit covariance.
mlpack::GaussianDistribution<arma::fmat> g(3);

// Compute the probability of the point [0.2, 0.3, 0.4].
const float p = g.Probability(arma::fvec("0.2 0.3 0.4"));

std::cout << "Probability of (0.2, 0.3, 0.4): " << p << "." << std::endl;


DiagonalGaussianDistribution is a standard multiviate Gaussian distribution with parameterized mean and diagonal covariance. (For a full-covariance Gaussian distribution, see GaussianDistribution.)


  • d = DiagonalGaussianDistribution(dimensionality)

    • Create the distribution with the given dimensionality.
    • The distribution will have a zero mean and unit diagonal covariance matrix.
  • d = DiagonalGaussianDistribution(mean, covariance)

    • Create the distribution with the given mean and covariance.
    • mean is of type arma::vec and should have length equal to the dimensionality of the distribution.
    • covariance is of type arma::vec, and should have length equal to the dimensionality of the distribution. Its elements represent the diagonal of the covariance matrix.

Access and modify properties of distribution

  • d.Dimensionality() returns the dimensionality of the distribution as a size_t.

  • d.Mean() returns an arma::vec& holding the mean of the distribution. This can be modified.

  • d.Covariance() returns a const arma::vec& holding the covariance of the distribution. To set a new covariance, use d.Covariance(newCov) or d.Covariance(std::move(newCov)), where newCov is the new diagonal of the covariance matrix.

  • A DiagonalGaussianDistribution can be serialized with data::Save() and data::Load().

Compute probabilities of points

  • d.Probability(observation) returns the probability of the given observation as a double.

    • observation should be an arma::vec of size d.Dimensionality().
  • d.Probability(observations, probabilities) computes the probabilities of many observations.

    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to d.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
    • probabilities will be set to size observations.n_cols.
    • probabilities[i] will be set to d.Probability(observations.col(i)).
  • d.LogProbability(observation) returns the log-probability of the given observation as a double.

  • d.LogProbability(observations, probabilities) computes the log-probabilities of many observations.

Sample from the distribution

  • d.Random() returns an arma::vec with a random sample from the multidimensional diagonal Gaussian distribution.

Fit the distribution to observations

  • d.Train(observations)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations.
    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to d.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
  • g.Train(observations, observationProbabilities)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations, as above, but also provide probabilities that each observation is from this distribution.
    • observationProbabilities should be an arma::vec of length observations.n_cols.
    • observationProbabilities[i] should be equal to the probability that observations.col(i) is from d.

Example usage

// Create a diagonal Gaussian distribution in 3 dimensions with zero mean and
// unit covariance.
mlpack::DiagonalGaussianDistribution d(3);

// Compute the probability of the point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p = d.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

// Modify the mean in dimension 0.
d.Mean()[0] = 0.5;

// Set the covariance to a random diagonal.
arma::vec newCovDiag(3, arma::fill::randu);
d.Covariance(std::move(newCovDiag)); // Set new covariance.

// Compute the probability of the same point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p2 = d.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

// Create a diagonal Gaussian distribution that is estimated from random samples
// in 50 dimensions.
arma::mat samples(50, 10000, arma::fill::randn); // Normally distributed.

mlpack::DiagonalGaussianDistribution d2(50);

// Compute the probability of all of the samples.
arma::vec probabilities;
d2.Probability(samples, probabilities);

std::cout << "Average probability is: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;

Using different element types

The DiagonalGaussianDistribution class takes one template parameter:

  • MatType represents the matrix type used to represent observations.
  • By default, MatType is arma::mat, but any matrix type matching the Armadillo API can be used (e.g. arma::fmat).
  • When MatType is set to anything other than arma::mat, all arguments are adapted accordingly:
    • arma::mat arguments will instead be MatType.
    • arma::vec arguments will instead be the corresponding column vector type associated with MatType.
    • double arguments will instead be the element type of MatType.

The code below uses a Gaussian distribution to make predictions with 32-bit floating point numbers.

// Create a 3-dimensional 32-bit floating point Gaussian distribution with
// random mean and covariance.
mlpack::DiagonalGaussianDistribution<arma::fmat> g(
        arma::randu<arma::fvec>(3), arma::randu<arma::fvec>(3));

// Compute the probability of the point [0.2, 0.3, 0.4].
const float p = g.Probability(arma::fvec("0.2 0.3 0.4"));

std::cout << "Probability of (0.2, 0.3, 0.4): " << p << "." << std::endl;


GammaDistribution is a multivariate Gamma distribution with two parameters for shape (alpha) and inverse scale (beta). Certain settings of these parameters yield the exponential distribution, Chi-squared distribution, and Erlang distribution. This family of distributions is commonly used in Bayesian statistics. See more on Wikipedia.


  • g = GammaDistribution(dimensionality)

    • Create the distribution with the given dimensionality.
    • The distribution will have alpha and beta parameters in each dimension set to 0.
  • g = GammaDistribution(alphas, betas)

    • Create the distribution with the given parameters.
    • alphas and betas are of type arma::vec and should have length equal to the dimensionality of the distribution.
    • alphas should hold the desired shape parameters in each dimension.
    • betas should hold the desired inverse scale parameters in each dimension.
  • g = GammaDistribution(data, tol=1e-8)

    • Create the distribution by fitting to the given data.
    • tol specifies the convergence tolerance for the fitting procedure.
    • Using this constructor is equivalent to calling g.Train(data, tol) after initializing a GammaDistribution.

Access and modify properties of distribution

  • g.Dimensionality() returns the dimensionality of the distribution.

  • g.Alpha(i) returns a double representing the shape parameter for dimension i. g.Alpha(i) = a will set the i'th dimension's shape parameter to a.

  • g.Beta(i) returns a double representing the inverse scale parameter for dimension i. g.Beta(i) = b will set the i'th dimension's inverse scale parameter to b.

  • A GammaDistribution can be serialized with data::Save() and data::Load().

Compute probabilities of points

  • g.Probability(observation) returns the probability of the given observation as a double.

    • observation should be an arma::vec of size g.Dimensionality().
  • g.Probability(observations, probabilities) computes the probabilities of many observations.

    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to g.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
    • probabilities will be set to size observations.n_cols.
    • probabilities[i] will be set to g.Probability(observations.col(i)).
  • g.LogProbability(observation) returns the log-probability of the given observation as a double.

  • g.LogProbability(observations, probabilities) computes the log-probabilities of many observations.

Sample points from the distribution

  • g.Random() returns an arma::vec with a random sample from the Gamma distribution.

Fit the distribution to observations

  • g.Train(observations)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations.
    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to g.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
  • g.Train(observations, observationProbabilities)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations, as above, but also provide probabilities that each observation is from this distribution.
    • observationProbabilities should be an arma::vec of length observations.n_cols.
    • observationProbabilities[i] should be equal to the probability that observations.col(i) is from g.
  • The algorithm used for fitting the distribution is described in the paper Estimating a Gamma Distribution.

Example usage

// Create a Gamma distribution in 3 dimensions with ones for the alpha (shape)
// parameters and random beta (inverse scale) parameters.
mlpack::GammaDistribution g(arma::ones<arma::vec>(3) /* shape */,
                            arma::randu<arma::vec>(3) /* scale */);

// Compute the probability and log-probability of the point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p = g.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));
const double lp = g.LogProbability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

std::cout << "Probability of [0 0.5 0.25]:     " << p << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log-probability of [0 0.5 0.25]: " << lp << "." << std::endl;

// Modify the scale and inverse shape parameters in dimension 0.
g.Alpha(0) = 0.5;
g.Beta(0) = 3.0;

// Compute the probability of the same point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p2 = g.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));
const double lp2 = g.LogProbability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

std::cout << "After parameter changes:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Probability of [0 0.5 0.25]:     " << p << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log-probability of [0 0.5 0.25]: " << lp << "." << std::endl;

// Create a Gamma distribution that is estimated from random samples in 5
// dimensions.  Note that the samples here are uniformly distributed---so a
// Gamma distribution fit will not be a good one!
arma::mat samples(5, 1000, arma::fill::randu);
samples += 2.0; // Shift samples away from zero.

mlpack::GammaDistribution g2(samples, 1e-3 /* tolerance for fitting */);

// Compute the probability of all of the samples.
arma::vec probabilities;
g2.Probability(samples, probabilities);

std::cout << "Average probability is: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;

Using different element types

The GammaDistribution class takes one template parameter:

  • MatType represents the matrix type used to represent observations.
  • By default, MatType is arma::mat, but any matrix type matching the Armadillo API can be used (e.g. arma::fmat).
  • When MatType is set to anything other than arma::mat, all arguments are adapted accordingly:
    • arma::mat arguments will instead be MatType
    • arma::vec arguments will instead be the corresponding column vector type associated with MatType
    • double arguments will instead be the element type of MatType
    • If the element type is float, the default tolerance (tol) for Train() is 1e-4

The code below uses a Gamma distribution to make predictions with 32-bit floating point numbers.

// Create a 3-dimensional 32-bit floating point Laplace distribution with
// ones for the shape parameter and random scale parameters.
mlpack::GammaDistribution<arma::fmat> g(arma::ones<arma::fvec>(3) /* shape */,
                                        arma::randu<arma::fvec>(3) /* scale */);

// Compute the probability of the point [0.2, 0.3, 0.4].
const float p = g.Probability(arma::fvec("0.2 0.3 0.4"));

std::cout << "Probability of (0.2, 0.3, 0.4): " << p << "." << std::endl;


LaplaceDistribution is a multivariate Laplace distribution parameterized by a mean vector and a single scale value. The Laplace distribution is sometimes also called the double exponential distribution. See more on Wikipedia.


  • l = LaplaceDistribution(dimensionality, scale=1.0)

    • Create the distribution with the given dimensionality.
    • The distribution will have mean zero and the given scale.
    • scale must be greater than 0.
  • l = LaplaceDistribution(mean, scale)

    • Create the distribution with the given parameters.
    • mean is of type arma::vec and should have length equal to the dimensionality of the distribution.
    • scale must be greater than 0.

Access and modify properties of distribution

  • l.Dimensionality() returns the dimensionality of the distribution.

  • l.Mean() returns an arma::vec& holding the mean of the distribution. This can be modified.

  • l.Scale() returns a double representing the distribution's scale parameter. l.Scale() = s will set the scale parameter to s.

  • A LaplaceDistribution can be serialized with data::Save() and data::Load().

Compute probabilities of points

  • l.Probability(observation) returns the probability of the given observation as a double.

    • observation should be an arma::vec of size l.Dimensionality().
  • l.Probability(observations, probabilities) computes the probabilities of many observations.

    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to l.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
    • probabilities will be set to size observations.n_cols.
    • probabilities[i] will be set to l.Probability(observations.col(i)).
  • l.LogProbability(observation) returns the log-probability of the given observation as a double.

  • l.LogProbability(observations, probabilities) computes the log-probabilities of many observations.

Sample points from the distribution

  • l.Random() returns an arma::vec with a random sample from the Laplace distribution.

Fit the distribution to observations

  • l.Train(observations)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations.
    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to l.Dimensionality(); observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
  • l.Train(observations, observationProbabilities)

    • Fit the distribution to the given observations, as above, but also provide probabilities that each observation is from this distribution.
    • observationProbabilities should be an arma::vec of length observations.n_cols.
    • observationProbabilities[i] should be equal to the probability that observations.col(i) is from l.

Example usage

// Create a Laplace distribution in 3 dimensions with uniform random mean and
// scale parameter 1.
mlpack::LaplaceDistribution l(arma::randu<arma::vec>(3) /* mean */,
                              1.0 /* scale */);

// Compute the probability and log-probability of the point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p = l.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));
const double lp = l.LogProbability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

std::cout << "Probability of [0 0.5 0.25]:     " << p << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log-probability of [0 0.5 0.25]: " << lp << "." << std::endl;

// Modify the scale, and the mean in dimension 1.
l.Scale() = 2.0;
l.Mean()[1] = 1.5;

// Compute the probability of the same point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p2 = l.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));
const double lp2 = l.LogProbability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

std::cout << "After parameter changes:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Probability of [0 0.5 0.25]:     " << p << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log-probability of [0 0.5 0.25]: " << lp << "." << std::endl;

// Create a Laplace distribution that is estimated from random samples in 50
// dimensions.  Note that the samples here are normally distributed---so a Gamma
// distribution fit will not be a good one!
arma::mat samples(50, 10000, arma::fill::randn);

mlpack::LaplaceDistribution l2;

// Compute the probability of all of the samples.
arma::vec probabilities;
l2.Probability(samples, probabilities);

std::cout << "Average probability is: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;

Using different element types

The LaplaceDistribution class takes one template parameter:

  • MatType represents the matrix type used to represent observations.
  • By default, MatType is arma::mat, but any matrix type matching the Armadillo API can be used (e.g. arma::fmat).
  • When MatType is set to anything other than arma::mat, all arguments are adapted accordingly:
    • arma::mat arguments will instead be MatType.
    • arma::vec arguments will instead be the corresponding column vector type associated with MatType.
    • double arguments will instead be the element type of MatType.

The code below uses a Laplace distribution to make predictions with 32-bit floating point numbers.

// Create a 3-dimensional 32-bit floating point Laplace distribution with
// random mean and scale of 2.0.
mlpack::LaplaceDistribution<arma::fmat> g(arma::randu<arma::fvec>(3), 2.0);

// Compute the probability of the point [0.2, 0.3, 0.4].
const float p = g.Probability(arma::fvec("0.2 0.3 0.4"));

std::cout << "Probability of (0.2, 0.3, 0.4): " << p << "." << std::endl;


The RegressionDistribution is a Gaussian distribution fitted on the errors of a linear regression model. Given a point x with response y, the probability of (y, x) is computed using a univariate Gaussian distribution on the scalar residual y - y', where y' is the linear regression model's prediction on x.

This class is meant to be used with mlpack's HMM class for the task of HMM regression (pdf).


  • r = RegressionDistribution()

    • Create an empty RegressionDistribution.
    • The distribution will not provide useful predictions; call Train() before doing anything else with the object!
  • r = RegressionDistribution(predictors, responses)

    • Create the RegressionDistribution by estimating the parameters with the given labeled regression data predictors and responses.
    • predictors should be a column-major arma::mat representing the data the distribution should be trained on.
    • responses should be an arma::rowvec representing the responses for each data point.
    • The number of elements in responses (e.g. responses.n_elem) should be the same as the number of columns in predictors (e.g. predictors.n_cols).

Access and modify properties of distribution

  • r.Dimensionality() returns the dimensionality of the distribution.

    • Note: this is not the same as the number of elements in a vector passed to Probability()!
  • r.Rf() returns the LinearRegression& model. This can be modified.

  • r.Parameters() returns an const arma::vec& with length r.Dimensionality() + 1 representing the parameters of the linear regression model. The first element is the bias; subsequent elements are the weights for each dimension.

  • r.Err() returns a GaussianDistribution& object representing the univariate distribution trained on the model's residuals. This can be modified.

  • A RegressionDistribution can be serialized with data::Save() and data::Load().

Compute probabilities of points

  • r.Probability(observation) returns the probability of the given labeled observation as a double.

    • observation should be an arma::vec of size r.Dimensionality() + 1, containing both the data point and its scalar response.
    • The first element of observation should be the response; subsequent elements should be the data point.
  • r.Probability(observations, probabilities) computes the probabilities of many labeled observations.

    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to r.Dimensionality() + 1; observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
    • The first row of observations should correspond to the responses for each data point.
    • probabilities will be set to size observations.n_cols.
    • probabilities[i] will be set to r.Probability(observations.col(i)).
  • r.LogProbability(observation) returns the log-probability of the given labeled observation as a double.

  • r.LogProbability(observations, probabilities) computes the log-probabilities of many labeled observations.

Fit the distribution to observations

Training a RegressionDistribution on a given set of labeled observations is done by first training a LinearRegression model on the dataset, and then subsequently training a univariate GaussianDistribution on the residual error of each data point.

In the Train() overloads, the observations matrix is expected to contain both the responses and the data points (predictors).

  • r.Train(observations)

    • Fit the distribution to the given labeled observations.
    • observations should be an arma::mat with number of rows equal to the dimensionality of the data plus one; observations.n_cols is the number of observations.
    • The first row of observations should correspond to the responses of the data; subsequent rows correspond to the data itself.
  • r.Train(observations, observationProbabilities)

    • Fit the distribution to the given labeled observations, as above, but also provide probabilities that each observation is from this distribution.
    • observationProbabilities should be an arma::rowvec of length observations.n_cols.
    • observationProbabilities[i] should be equal to the probability that the i'th observation is from r.

Note: if the linear regression model is able to exactly fit the observations, then the resulting Gaussian distribution will have zero-valued standard deviation, and Probability() will return 1 for points that are perfectly fit and 0 otherwise.

Example usage

// Create an example dataset that arises from a noisy random linear model:
//   y = bx + noise
// Noise is added from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance.
// Data is 10-dimensional, and we will generate 1000 points.
arma::vec b(10, arma::fill::randu);
arma::mat x(10, 1000, arma::fill::randu);

arma::rowvec y = b.t() * x + arma::randn<arma::rowvec>(1000);

// Now fit a RegressionDistribution to the data.
mlpack::RegressionDistribution r(x, y);

// Print information about the distribution.
std::cout << "RegressionDistribution model parameters:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " - " << r.Parameters().subvec(1, r.Parameters().n_elem - 1).t();
std::cout << " - Bias: " << r.Parameters()[0] << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "True model parameters:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " - " << b.t();
std::cout << "Error Gaussian mean is " << r.Err().Mean()[0] << ", with "
    << "variance " << r.Err().Covariance()[0] << "." << std::endl << std::endl;

// Compute the probability of a point in the training set.  We must assemble the
// points into a single vector.
arma::vec p1(11); // p1 will be point 5 from (x, y).
p1[0] = y[5];
p1.subvec(1, p1.n_elem - 1) = x.col(5);
std::cout << "Probability of point 5:      " << r.Probability(p1) << "."
    << std::endl;

arma::vec p2(11, arma::fill::randu);
std::cout << "Probability of random point: " << r.Probability(p2) << "."
    << std::endl;

// Print log-probabilities too.
std::cout << "Log-probability of point 5:      " << r.LogProbability(p1) << "."
    << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log-probability of random point: " << r.LogProbability(p2) << "."
    << std::endl << std::endl;

// Change the error distribution.
y = b.t() * x + (1.5 * arma::randn<arma::rowvec>(1000));

// Combine x and y to build the observations matrix for Train().
arma::mat observations(x.n_rows + 1, x.n_cols);
observations.row(0) = y;
observations.rows(1, observations.n_rows - 1) = x;

// Assign a random probability for each point.
arma::rowvec observationProbabilities(observations.n_cols, arma::fill::randu);

// Refit the distribution to the new data.
r.Train(observations, observationProbabilities);

// Print new error distribution information.
std::cout << "Updated error Gaussian mean is " << r.Err().Mean()[0] << ", with "
    << "variance " << r.Err().Covariance()[0] << "." << std::endl << std::endl;

// Compute average probability of points in the dataset.
arma::vec probabilities;
r.Probability(observations, probabilities);
std::cout << "Average probability of points in `observations`: "
    << arma::mean(probabilities) << "." << std::endl;

Using different element types

The RegressionDistribution class takes one template parameter:

  • MatType represents the matrix type used to represent observations.
  • By default, MatType is arma::mat, but any matrix type matching the Armadillo API can be used (e.g. arma::fmat).
  • When MatType is set to anything other than arma::mat, all arguments are adapted accordingly:
    • arma::mat arguments will instead be MatType.
    • arma::vec arguments will instead be the corresponding column vector type associated with MatType.
    • double arguments will instead be the element type of MatType.

The code below uses a regression distribution trained on 32-bit floating point data.

// Create an example dataset that arises from a noisy random linear model:
//   y = bx + noise
// Noise is added from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance.
// Data is 3-dimensional, and we will generate 1000 points.
arma::fvec b(3, arma::fill::randu);
arma::fmat x(3, 1000, arma::fill::randu);

arma::frowvec y = b.t() * x + arma::randn<arma::frowvec>(1000);

// Now fit a RegressionDistribution to the data.
mlpack::RegressionDistribution<arma::fmat> r(x, y);

// Compute the probability of the point [0.5, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4].
// (Here 0.5 is the response, and [0.2, 0.3, 0.4] is the point.)
const float p = r.Probability(arma::fvec("0.5 0.2 0.3 0.4"));
std::cout << "Probability of (0.5, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4): " << p << "." << std::endl;