In 2016, Researchers at Deepmind and University of Montreal published their paper "Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning". In it they described asynchronous variants of four standard reinforcement learning algorithms:
- One-Step SARSA
- One-Step Q-Learning
- N-Step Q-Learning
- Advantage Actor-Critic(A3C)
Online RL algorithms and Deep Neural Networks make an unstable combination because of the non-stationary and correlated nature of online updates. Although this is solved by Experience Replay, it has several drawbacks: it uses more memory and computation per real interaction; and it requires off-policy learning algorithms.
Asynchronous methods, instead of experience replay, asynchronously executes multiple agents in parallel, on multiple instances of the environment, which solves all the above problems.
Here, we demonstrate Asynchronous Learning methods in mlpack through the training of an async agent. Asynchronous learning involves training several agents simultaneously. Here, each of the agents are referred to as "workers". Currently mlpack has One-Step Q-Learning worker, N-Step Q-Learning worker and One-Step SARSA worker.
Let's examine the sample code in chunks.
Here we don't use experience replay, and instead of a single policy, we use three different policies, each corresponding to its worker. Number of workers created, depends on the number of policies given in the Aggregated Policy. The column vector contains the probability distribution for each child policy. We should make sure its size is same as the number of policies and the sum of its elements is equal to 1.
AggregatedPolicy<GreedyPolicy<CartPole>> policy({GreedyPolicy<CartPole>(0.7, 5000, 0.1),
GreedyPolicy<CartPole>(0.7, 5000, 0.01),
GreedyPolicy<CartPole>(0.7, 5000, 0.5)},
arma::colvec("0.4 0.3 0.3"));
Now, we will create the OneStepQLearning
agent. We could have used
or OneStepSarsa
here according to our requirement.
OneStepQLearning<CartPole, decltype(model), ens::AdamUpdate, decltype(policy)>
agent(std::move(config), std::move(model), std::move(policy));
Here, unlike the Q-Learning example, instead of the entire while loop, we use
the Train()
method of the Asynchronous Learning class inside a for loop. 100
training episodes will take around 50 seconds.
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
What is "measure" here? It is a lambda function which returns a boolean value (indicating the end of training) and accepts the episode return (total reward of a deterministic test episode) as parameter. So, let's create that.
arma::vec returns(20, arma::fill::zeros);
size_t position = 0;
size_t episode = 0;
auto measure = [&returns, &position, &episode](double episodeReturn)
if(episode > 10000) return true;
returns[position++] = episodeReturn;
position = position % returns.n_elem;
std::cout << "Episode No.: " << episode
<< "; Episode Return: " << episodeReturn
<< "; Average Return: " << arma::mean(returns) << std::endl;
return false;
This will train three different agents on three CPU threads asynchronously and use this data to update the action value estimate.
Voila, that's all there is to it.
Here is the full code to try this right away:
#include <mlpack.hpp>
using namespace mlpack;
int main()
// Set up the network.
FFN<MeanSquaredError, GaussianInitialization> model(MeanSquaredError(), GaussianInitialization(0, 0.001));
AggregatedPolicy<GreedyPolicy<CartPole>> policy({GreedyPolicy<CartPole>(0.7, 5000, 0.1),
GreedyPolicy<CartPole>(0.7, 5000, 0.01),
GreedyPolicy<CartPole>(0.7, 5000, 0.5)},
arma::colvec("0.4 0.3 0.3"));
TrainingConfig config;
config.StepSize() = 0.01;
config.Discount() = 0.9;
config.TargetNetworkSyncInterval() = 100;
config.ExplorationSteps() = 100;
config.DoubleQLearning() = false;
config.StepLimit() = 200;
OneStepQLearning<CartPole, decltype(model), ens::VanillaUpdate, decltype(policy)>
agent(std::move(config), std::move(model), std::move(policy));
arma::vec returns(20, arma::fill::zeros);
size_t position = 0;
size_t episode = 0;
auto measure = [&returns, &position, &episode](double episodeReturn)
if(episode > 10000) return true;
returns[position++] = episodeReturn;
position = position % returns.n_elem;
std::cout << "Episode No.: " << episode
<< "; Episode Return: " << episodeReturn
<< "; Average Return: " << arma::mean(returns) << std::endl;
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)