Python 3 interface to decode and encode GRIB and BUFR files via the ECMWF ecCodes library.
- reads and writes GRIB 1 and 2 files,
- reads and writes BUFR 3 and 4 files,
- supports all modern versions of Python and PyPy3,
- works on most Linux distributions and MacOS, the ecCodes C-library is the only system dependency,
- PyPI package can be installed without compiling, at the cost of being twice as slow as the original ecCodes module,
- an optional compile step makes the code as fast as the original module but it needs the recommended (the most up-to-date) version of ecCodes.
- Microsoft Windows support is untested.
From version 2.37.0, the ecCodes Python bindings additionally provide the ecCodes binary library, and will follow the version numbering of the ecCodes binary library. See below for details.
The package can be installed from PyPI with:
$ pip install eccodes
This installation will, by default, include the ecCodes binary library (as of version 2.37.0), meaning that no external ecCodes binary library is required. If you have an external ecCodes binary library that you wish to use, set the following environment variable before you import eccodes:
If this is set, the ecCodes' Python bindings will use the findlibs package to locate the binary library (findlibs was the only mechanism used before version 2.37.0).
In order to gain insights into the search for the binary library, set the following environment variable before importing eccodes:
You may also install a version of ecCodes' Python interface that does not include a binary library at all, in which case the findlibs mechanism will be used as before:
$ pip install eccodes --no-binary eccodes
The Python module depends on the ECMWF ecCodes library. From version 2.37.0, this is supplied with the Python module. If you wish to install and use a separate binary library (see above), it must be installed on the system and accessible as a shared library.
On a MacOS with HomeBrew use:
$ brew install eccodes
Or if you manage binary packages with Conda use:
$ conda install -c conda-forge eccodes
As an alternative you may install the official source distribution by following the instructions at
You may run a simple selfcheck command to ensure that your system is set up correctly:
$ python -m eccodes selfcheck Found: ecCodes v2.39.0. Your system is ready.
Refer to the ecCodes documentation pages for usage.
To test the much faster CFFI API level, out-of-line mode you need the
ecCodes header files.
Then you need to clone the repo in the same folder as your ecCodes
source tree, make a pip
development install and custom compile
the binary bindings:
$ git clone $ cd eccodes-python $ pip install -e . $ python
To revert back to ABI level, in-line mode just remove the compiled bindings:
$ rm gribapi/_bindings.*
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The main repository is hosted on GitHub, testing, bug reports and contributions are highly welcomed and appreciated:
Please see the CONTRIBUTING.rst document for the best way to help.
See also the list of other contributors who participated in this project.
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This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 which can be obtained at
In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.