diff --git a/docs/tutorials/e2e/connect/deployComponents.md b/docs/tutorials/e2e/connect/deployComponents.md
index 1a64b4360e0..38f13e87d1f 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/e2e/connect/deployComponents.md
+++ b/docs/tutorials/e2e/connect/deployComponents.md
@@ -214,11 +214,12 @@ helm dependency update
:::note Command explanation
`helm install` is used to install a Helm chart.
- - `-f your-values.yaml` | `-f values-*.yaml` specifies the values file to use for configuration.
- - `umbrella` is the release name for the Helm chart.
- - `.` specifies the path to the chart directory.
- - `--namespace umbrella` specifies the namespace in which to install the chart.
- - `--create-namespace` create a namespace with the name `umbrella`.
+- `-f your-values.yaml` | `-f values-*.yaml` specifies the values file to use for configuration.
+- `umbrella` is the release name for the Helm chart.
+- `.` specifies the path to the chart directory.
+- `--namespace umbrella` specifies the namespace in which to install the chart.
+- `--create-namespace` create a namespace with the name `umbrella`.
@@ -342,29 +343,29 @@ If persistance for one or more components is enabled, the persistent volume clai
Currently enabled ingresses:
-- http://centralidp.tx.test/auth/
-- http://sharedidp.tx.test/auth/
-- http://portal-backend.tx.test
- - http://portal-backend.tx.test/api/administration/swagger/index.html
- - http://portal-backend.tx.test/api/registration/swagger/index.html
- - http://portal-backend.tx.test/api/apps/swagger/index.html
- - http://portal-backend.tx.test/api/services/swagger/index.html
- - http://portal-backend.tx.test/api/notification/swagger/index.html
-- http://portal.tx.test
-- http://semantics.tx.test/discoveryfinder/swagger-ui/index.html
-- http://ssi-credential-issuer.tx.test/api/issuer/swagger/index.html
-- http://dataconsumer-1-controlplane.tx.test
-- http://dataconsumer-1-dataplane.tx.test
-- http://dataprovider-dataplane.tx.test
-- http://dataconsumer-2-controlplane.tx.test
-- http://dataconsumer-2-dataplane.tx.test
-- http://business-partners.tx.test/pool
-- http://business-partners.tx.test/orchestrator
-- http://bdrs-server.tx.test
-- http://iatpmock.tx.test
-- http://pgadmin4.tx.test
-- http://ssi-dim-wallet-stub.tx.test
-- http://dataprovider-submodelserver.tx.test
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
### Database Access