Table of contents:
Code Structure:
- Organize code logically into packages, classes, and methods.
- Avoid large methods; break them into smaller, focused functions.(One function for the single method)
Variable Naming:
- Use meaningful and descriptive variable names.
- Follow a consistent naming convention (e.g., camelCase).
Code Reusability:
- Promote code reusability by creating utility classes or methods.
- Avoid duplicating code; favor modular and reusable components.
File Header Comments:
- Each file should begin with a comprehensive header comment block.
- Copyright information, license details, and a brief description of the purpose of the file.
- The SPDX-License-Identifier should specify the license type.
Package and Class Comments:
- Each Java package and class should have a descriptive comment.
- Clearly state the purpose and functionality of the package or class.
Annotations and Formatting:
- Use meaningful annotations for code clarity (e.g., @Entity, @Table).
- Follow a consistent indentation and formatting style to enhance code readability.
Method Comments and Documentation:
- Use descriptive method names.
- Avoid methods with more than one function.
Exception Handling:
- Implement appropriate exception handling where necessary.
- Clearly state exceptions thrown and their potential causes.
This work is licensed under the Apache-2.0.
- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022,2024 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG)
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022,2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
- Source URL: