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Freyja Design Specification


The Software-Defined Vehicle will need to connect to the cloud for scenarios such as data synchronization, command processing, and analytics. However, this is a hard problem when different vehicles with different digital twin models need to synchronize on a shared "canonical model" in the cloud. The Freyja project solves this problem by creating a flexible framework for digital twin synchronization in the vehicle.


At its core, Freyja consists of the following primary components: the cartographer, the emitter, the data adapter selector, the service discovery adapter selector, and the signal store. In addition to these core components, there are multiple interfaces with external components that define how Freyja interacts with the cloud and the rest of the Software Defined Vehicle. There are interfaces for the in-vehicle digital twin service (such as Ibeji), the mapping service (authored by users), the cloud digital twin provider (such as Azure or AWS), the digital twin providers (authored by users), and the service discovery system (such as Chariott). Each of these interfaces is fully customizable, and Freyja provides a set of standard interfaces suitable for testing, demos, and basic production scenarios.

The following is a high-level diagram of the Freyja components. This diagram assumes integration with Chariott and Ibeji, though note that everything outside of the box labelled "Freyja" can be exchanged for another component with a different implementation:

Component Diagram

In a typical life cycle, the Freyja application will start up, discover Ibeji via Chariott or a static configuration, then connect to the mapping service to obtain an entity map. This map will define which signals need to be synced with the cloud digital twin, how often they need to be synced, and how the data should be transformed or packaged. Once a mapping is obtained, Freyja will connect to the providers and begin emitting their data according to the mapping. In case of changes on either the device or vehicle side, the mapping is dynamic and can be updated as required to add, remove, or modify the signals that are being emitted.

The following is a more detailed diagram illustrating how the components interact and how a mapping results in signal data emissions:

Data Flow Sequence Diagram


The cartographer is the core component responsible for managing the entity map and tracking which signals should be synchronized to the cloud.

The cartographer interfaces with the mapping adapter to poll the mapping service for updates. If there is an update pending, the cartographer will download it and interface with the digital twin adapter to look up the corresponding entity information. Then, the cartographer will use this information to register data adapters with the data adapter selector. Finally, the cartographer will populate the signal store with the signals that should be tracked. If any part of this process fails for a given entity, the signal will not be tracked and the cartographer will retry again at a later time.

The following diagram illustrates the communication between the cartographer and the mapping service:

Sequence Diagram


The emitter is the core component responsible for actually emitting data. The emitter interfaces with the signal store to determine which signals should be emitted. Every signal present in the store will be emitted according to its mapping configuration.

The emitter supports intervals at a per-signal level to enable signals to have different requirements on how often they are synced with the cloud. Note that once a signal is added to the mapping and picked up by the cartographer, there can be a delay of up to min(I) before the signal is emitted, where I is the set of intervals for signals already being tracked.

Data Adapter Selector

The data adapter selector is the core component responsible for managing communication with data adapters. It behaves like a gateway service and allows callers to interact with the correct data adapter for a given entity.

The data adapter selector's main interface is the create_or_update_adapter function, which accepts an entity description as an argument. When calling this function, the data adapter selector will first use the entity's endpoint information to search for an existing adapter that can handle the requested entity. If no such adapter is found, the entity's protocol and operation are used to search for an adapter type that can handle that entity, and then an adapter is created. In either case, the new entity is registered with the adapter, which then interfaces with that entity's endpoint to obtain data.

The data adapter selector also supports "loopback" functionality. When registering an entity with an adapter, the adapter may return a request for a loopback with updated entity info. This indicates to the selector that the matched adapter cannot handle the originally requested entity directly, but has modified its contents to redirect it to another adapter. This enables scenarios such as managed subscribe to perform pre-processing on entities while recycling other data adapter implementations which are independent of managed subscriptions. For more information on the managed subscribe functionality, see the Eclipse Agemo project.

Below is a sequence diagram illustrating the data adapter selection process:

Data Adapter Selector Sequence

Service Discovery Adapter Selector

The service discovery adapter selector is the core component responsible for managing communication with service discovery adapters. Rather than supporting a single service discovery adapter type in Freyja, the selector allows for the use of multiple service discovery adapters in priority order. This allows different discovery methods to be used to find different services, or allows fallback to another service discovery method (such as static configuration) in case the primary methods are unavailable.

A shared instance of the service discovery adapter is passed to most adapter types so that they can leverage this functionality. The exception is the Data Adapters, which will have URIs that are already determined by the Digital Twin Adapter.

The data adapter selector's main interface is the get_service_uri function, which accepts a service ID as an argument. Since service IDs may be different across different implementations of service discovery systems, it's recommended to make these as consistent as possible to avoid configuration churn when exchanging service discovery adapters. At minimum, a given service should be addressable by the same ID for every service discovery adapter that's used together in a Freyja application.

Signal Store

The signal store is the core component responsible for managing signal values. The signal store is considered to be the source of truth for which signals should be emitted, how they should be emitted, and what the most up-to-date value is for each signal. Each other core component interfaces with the signal store in some way to track, read, and write signal values.

Note that the signal store is not intended to be a complete mirror of the vehicle signal state, but rather tracks only the signals of interest to Freyja.

External Interfaces

Freyja has the following interfaces for external components:

Component Interface Traits Description Examples
In-Vehicle Digital Twin DigitalTwinAdapter Communicates with the in-vehicle digital twin service to get entity information Ibeji Digital Twin Service
In-Vehicle Data Providers DataAdapter and DataAdapterFactory Communicates with the in-vehicle data providers to retrieve entity signal values Ibeji sample providers
Mapping Service MappingAdapter Communicates with the mapping service MockMappingService, other customer-provided implementations
Cloud Digital Twin CloudAdapter Communicates with the cloud digital twin provider Azure, AWS
Service Discovery System ServiceDiscoveryAdapter Communicates with the service discovery system to retrieve URIs for external services Chariott

All of these interfaces are defined as traits with async functions in the contracts/src folder.

In-Vehicle Digital Twin Interface

The digital twin adapter interfaces with a digital twin service to get entity information. The Eclipse Ibeji project is an example of such a service. This interface requires the following function implementations:

  • create_new: Serves as an integration point for the core Freyja components. This function will be called by the freyja_main function to create an instance of your adapter.
  • find_by_id: Queries the digital twin service for information about the requested entity. This information will later be used to set up a communication pipeline with that entity's provider.

Although this component is built with the same pluggable model as other external interfaces, it is being designed closely together with other SDV components. As a result, it is strongly suggested to use the provided SDV implementation of this interface, and this implementation should be sufficient for most production scenarios.

In-Vehicle Data Provider Interface

The data adapters interface with providers to retrieve data from entities, such as signal values. This data will ultimately be pushed to the cloud digital twin by the emitter and cloud adapter. There are two interfaces related to the data provider interface: DataAdapter and DataAdapterFactory.

The DataAdapter interface requires the following function implementations:

  • create_new: Serves as an integration point. This is typically used by the corresponding DataAdapterFactory implementation of create_adapter (see below).
  • start: Starts the data adapter. This function should not block indefinitely. Any required servers, listeners, and so on should be initialized as a separate thread or task.
  • send_request_to_provider: Sends a request to a provider to publish data immediately. In most use cases data is updated asynchronously with a publisher-subscriber model, but this function allows for a more traditional synchronous-like interface. Note that the adapter is still expected to update data in the signal store asynchronously, as the return type of the function does not contain any data.
  • register_entity: Registers an entity with this adapter.

The DataAdapterFactory interface requires the following function implementations:

  • create_new: Serves as an integration point for the core Freyja components. This function will be called by the freyja_main! macro to create an instance of your factory.
  • is_supported: Determines whether this factory can create an adapter that supports the requested entity. Typically this decision is made by inspecting the entity's endpoints to see if any of the protocols and operations are known to the corresponding data adapter type. If an entity is supported, this function should select and return one of the entity's endpoints that will be used when creating the adapter.
  • create_adapter: Creates a data adapter.

Mapping Adapter Interface

Freyja communicates with a mapping service via the MappingAdapter trait to get information about which signals to track and how to package data during emission. This trait defines the following functions:

  • create_new: Serves as an integration point for the core Freyja components. This function will be called by the freyja_main function to create an instance of your adapter.
  • check_for_work: Because mappings returned from the get_mapping API can potentially be large, this method is used to first poll for changes before calling that API. If the result is false, then the cartographer will not invoke the get_mapping API until it polls again.
  • get_mapping: Returns mapping information that will be used by Freyja's emitter

For more information about the mapping service and how this interface is used, see the Mapping Service section.

Cloud Digital Twin Interface

The cloud adapter interfaces with the cloud or a cloud connector to emit data to a remote data store, such as a digital twin. It's recommended to route communication through a cloud connector on the device to help manage authentication, batching, and other policies that may be useful for automotive scenarios which are not natively supported by Freyja. This interface requires the following function implementations:

  • create_new: Serves as an integration point for the core Freyja components. This function will be called by the freyja_main function to create an instance of your adapter.
  • send_to_cloud: Sends data to the cloud or cloud connector. The request includes a cloud_signal property which is a hash map of custom key-value arguments, and the signal value will be converted to a string.

Service Discovery Interface

The service discovery adapter interfaces with a service discovery system to retrieve URIs for external services. This interface requires the following function implementations:

  • create_new: Serves as an integration point for the core Freyja components. This function will be called by the freyja_main! macro to create an instance of your adapter.
  • get_adapter_name: Gets the name of the adapter. This is used to enhance log messages to determine which adapter is selected by the Service Discovery Adapter Selector.
  • get_service_uri: Retrieves the URI of the requested service.

Mapping Service

Freyja relies on an external mapping service to define how data should be synced to the cloud. The implementation of this service is intentionally left undefined as it's expected that it will vary on a per-user basis. Freyja only defines the interface and provides some mocks for testing.

At a high level, this component should be able to identify the vehicle making a request and either look up or compute a mapping for that vehicle. This could be done with a static vehicle-id-to-mapping database, or it might be more dynamic and linked to the cloud digital twin solution to compute mappings on the fly.

The reference architecture in this document specifies the mapping service as a cloud service with which Freyja communicates, though an alternative architecture may have Freyja communicating with another application on the vehicle which caches data from the cloud service. Yet another potential architecture may leverage the vehicle's OTA solution to update the mapping data on a local mapping service rather than having a dedicated cloud mapping service. Freyja supports a flexible and pluggable system to enable users to select the implementation that best meets their needs.

Future Work

Freyja currently only supports device-to-cloud (D2C) scenarios. Cloud-to-device (C2D) scenarios are planned for the future, though there are no current designs or timelines for this feature.