Releases: eclipse-ee4j/metro-wsit
Releases · eclipse-ee4j/metro-wsit
Changes from M1:
- updated Apache Santuario to version 2.1.5
- updated installers for GlassFish and Tomcat
- re-enabled tests
- uses JAXB RI 3.0.0-M3
- uses JAXWS-RI 3.0.0-M3
Get standalone binary distribution
- initial version based on
APIs - uses JAXB RI 3.0.0-M2
- uses SAAJ IMPL 2.0.0-M1
- uses JAXWS-RI 3.0.0-M2
- drops JAXR implementation
- drops JAX-RPC implementation
Bug fix release also accommodating first releases of APIs which went through the JESP.
- uses JAXB RI 2.3.3
- uses SAAJ IMPL 1.5.2
- uses JAXWS-RI 2.3.3
Metro 2.4.3
First release under Eclipse JakartaEE platform.
- Uptake Jakarta APIs and dependencies