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Not respecting and format in the eclipse configurations. #348

alirana01 opened this issue Jun 13, 2024 · 15 comments

Not respecting and format in the eclipse configurations. #348

alirana01 opened this issue Jun 13, 2024 · 15 comments


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Which ever format I try to select from the preferences in eclipse
C/C++ -> Code Style -> Formatter

I see that the editor is always going back to some default formatter like K&R.

It would be helpful if you can provide someway to make that work. Maybe I am missing something. Also let me know if there are some changes required in the implementation or point me to the particular file you are using for the formatting and I can see if in our integration we can change it in a way to utalize the code style from eclipse

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The formatting in the new LSP based editor relies on a .clang-format file in the source file folder or its parents (e.g. a .clang-format file in the project root will be used for all source files in the project)

Here is a little documentation how its works.

The format info comes from the clangd language server. The formatting defined in the .clang-format will also be applied via the Ctrl+Shift+F shortcut or via the context menu in the editor:

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@ghentschke thanks for the quick response can you please also let me know why the color formatting is not working in the eclipse as well?

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Which editor are u using? In the old editor you can run the formatter via context menu:
Or you can tell Eclipse to format your file on file save:

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emaayan commented Jan 19, 2025

The formatting in the new LSP based editor relies on a .clang-format file in the source file folder or its parents (e.g. a .clang-format file in the project root will be used for all source files in the project)

Here is a little documentation how its works.

The format info comes from the clangd language server. The formatting defined in the .clang-format will also be applied via the Ctrl+Shift+F shortcut or via the context menu in the editor:

it's still doesn't respect line length wrapping.

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it's still doesn't respect line length wrapping.

Can you please post your .clang-format configuration?

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emaayan commented Jan 19, 2025

BasedOnStyle: LLVM
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AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
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IncludeIsMainRegex: (Test)?$
IncludeIsMainSourceRegex: ""
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LambdaBodyIndentation: Signature
Language: Cpp
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MacroBlockEnd: ""
MainIncludeChar: Quote
MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
NamespaceIndentation: None
ObjCBinPackProtocolList: Auto
ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2
ObjCBreakBeforeNestedBlockParam: true
ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false
ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true
PPIndentWidth: -1
PackConstructorInitializers: NextLineOnly
PenaltyBreakAssignment: 2
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SpaceInEmptyBlock: false
SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
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SpacesInSquareBrackets: false
Standard: Latest
  - Q_EMIT
TabWidth: 4
TableGenBreakInsideDAGArg: DontBreak
UseTab: Always
VerilogBreakBetweenInstancePorts: true

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As I can see from your settings is that the lines are wrapped after 200 characters (ColumnLimit: 200)
This does not work?

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emaayan commented Jan 19, 2025

trying to do format source on this:

still gets me this:


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You can check if your .clang-format is valid via the --dry-run option:

C:\temp>clang-format --dry-run functions_file.c
C:/temp/.clang-format:43:1: error: unknown key 'AllowShortCaseExpressionOnASingleLine'
AllowShortCaseExpressionOnASingleLine: true
Error reading C:/temp/.clang-format: Invalid argument

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emaayan commented Jan 20, 2025

You can check if your .clang-format is valid via the --dry-run option:

C:\temp>clang-format --dry-run functions_file.c
C:/temp/.clang-format:43:1: error: unknown key 'AllowShortCaseExpressionOnASingleLine'
AllowShortCaseExpressionOnASingleLine: true
Error reading C:/temp/.clang-format: Invalid argument

yea, even my minimal file had issue, but that's something eclipse should warn me about, because that means you can easily work without formatting and spend hours trying to figure out why if you don't know how it works, i mean from my POV if you can trigger an event of on save, or when the file is first created to do this validation, that would be something.

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yea, even my minimal file had issue, but that's something eclipse should warn me about

You're right I`ll try to fix this soon. When there's more that bothers you, feel free to open new issues.

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emaayan commented Jan 20, 2025

yea, even my minimal file had issue, but that's something eclipse should warn me about

You're right I`ll try to fix this soon. When there's more that bothers you, feel free to open new issues.

i'll hold you to that, as espressif-ide becomes my main tool for ESP dev, i'll probably encounter a lot one issue i haven't gotten to the buttom of it, is this super annoying delay and dispcrepency between code editor and problems view when making comments
like for example i'll int i=0;
then i'll
do //int i=0; and i'l have a compile error, i'll do some space keys or some change and i'll have no compile error.
i'll have a lot of issues with macro interpolation, that don't show up on editor, but i'm not sure if this is espressif part or yours.

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I think this post meant to be here: #392 (comment)

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emaayan commented Jan 22, 2025

yea, even my minimal file had issue, but that's something eclipse should warn me about

You're right I`ll try to fix this soon. When there's more that bothers you, feel free to open new issues.

before i forget clanf-format is a yaml file so i would think it should also use a yaml editor and validator at least.

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