diff --git a/docs/templates/dnd5e/QuteDeck.md b/docs/templates/dnd5e/QuteDeck.md deleted file mode 100644 index 121278e6c..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/dnd5e/QuteDeck.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -# QuteDeck - -5eTools deck attributes (`deck2md.txt`) - -Extension of [Tools5eQuteBase](Tools5eQuteBase.md). - -## Attributes - -[cardBack](#cardback), [cards](#cards), [hasSections](#hassections), [labeledSource](#labeledsource), [name](#name), [source](#source), [sourceAndPage](#sourceandpage), [tags](#tags), [text](#text), [vaultPath](#vaultpath) - - -### cardBack - -Image from the back of the card as [ImageRef](../ImageRef.md) (optional) - -### cards - -List of cards in the deck - -### hasSections - -True if the content (text) contains sections - -### labeledSource - -Formatted string describing the content's source(s): `_Source: _` - -### name - -Note name - -### source - -String describing the content's source(s) - -### sourceAndPage - -Book sources as list of [SourceAndPage](../SourceAndPage.md) - -### tags - -Collected tags for inclusion in frontmatter - -### text - -Formatted text. For most templates, this is the bulk of the content. - -### vaultPath - -Path to this note in the vault diff --git a/docs/templates/dnd5e/QuteItem.md b/docs/templates/dnd5e/QuteItem.md deleted file mode 100644 index cd7e780ac..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/dnd5e/QuteItem.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,102 +0,0 @@ -# QuteItem - -5eTools item attributes (`item2md.txt`) - -Extension of [Tools5eQuteBase](Tools5eQuteBase.md). - -## Attributes - -[armorClass](#armorclass), [cost](#cost), [damage](#damage), [damage2h](#damage2h), [detail](#detail), [fluffImages](#fluffimages), [hasSections](#hassections), [labeledSource](#labeledsource), [name](#name), [prerequisite](#prerequisite), [properties](#properties), [range](#range), [source](#source), [sourceAndPage](#sourceandpage), [stealthPenalty](#stealthpenalty), [strengthRequirement](#strengthrequirement), [tags](#tags), [text](#text), [variantAliases](#variantaliases), [variantSectionLinks](#variantsectionlinks), [variants](#variants), [vaultPath](#vaultpath), [weight](#weight) - - -### armorClass - -Changes to armor class provided by the item, if applicable - -### cost - -Cost of the item (gp, sp, cp). Usually missing for magic items. - -### damage - -One-handed Damage string, if applicable. Contains dice formula and damage type - -### damage2h - -Two-handed Damage string, if applicable. Contains dice formula and damage type - -### detail - -Item details: tier, rarity, category, attunement - -### fluffImages - -List of images for this item (as [ImageRef](../ImageRef.md)) - -### hasSections - -True if the content (text) contains sections - -### labeledSource - -Formatted string describing the content's source(s): `_Source: _` - -### name - -Note name - -### prerequisite - -Formatted text listing other prerequisite conditions (optional) - -### properties - -List of item's properties (with links to rules if the source is present) - -### range - -Item's range, if applicable - -### source - -String describing the content's source(s) - -### sourceAndPage - -Book sources as list of [SourceAndPage](../SourceAndPage.md) - -### stealthPenalty - -True if the item imposes a stealth penalty, if applicable - -### strengthRequirement - -Strength requirement as a numerical value, if applicable - -### tags - -Collected tags for inclusion in frontmatter - -### text - -Formatted text. For most templates, this is the bulk of the content. - -### variantAliases - -String: list (`- "alias"`) of aliases for variants. Use in YAML frontmatter with `aliases:`. Will return an empty string if there are no variants - -### variantSectionLinks - -String: list (`- [name](#anchor)`) of links to variant sections. Will return an empty string if there are no variants. - -### variants - -List of magic item variants (as [Variant](QuteItem/Variant.md), optional) - -### vaultPath - -Path to this note in the vault - -### weight - -Weight of the item (pounds) as a decimal value diff --git a/docs/templates/dnd5e/QuteMonster.md b/docs/templates/dnd5e/QuteMonster.md deleted file mode 100644 index cc2a9dcca..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/dnd5e/QuteMonster.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,210 +0,0 @@ -# QuteMonster - -5eTools creature attributes (`monster2md.txt`) - -Extension of [Tools5eQuteBase](Tools5eQuteBase.md). - -## Attributes - -[5eInitiativeYaml](#5einitiativeyaml), [5eStatblockYaml](#5estatblockyaml), [ac](#ac), [acHp](#achp), [acText](#actext), [action](#action), [alignment](#alignment), [bonusAction](#bonusaction), [books](#books), [conditionImmune](#conditionimmune), [cr](#cr), [description](#description), [environment](#environment), [fluffImages](#fluffimages), [fullType](#fulltype), [hasSections](#hassections), [hitDice](#hitdice), [hp](#hp), [hpText](#hptext), [immune](#immune), [immuneResist](#immuneresist), [isNpc](#isnpc), [labeledSource](#labeledsource), [languages](#languages), [legendary](#legendary), [legendaryGroup](#legendarygroup), [legendaryGroupLink](#legendarygrouplink), [name](#name), [passive](#passive), [pb](#pb), [reaction](#reaction), [resist](#resist), [savesSkills](#savesskills), [savingThrows](#savingthrows), [scores](#scores), [senses](#senses), [size](#size), [skills](#skills), [source](#source), [sourceAndPage](#sourceandpage), [speed](#speed), [spellcasting](#spellcasting), [subtype](#subtype), [tags](#tags), [text](#text), [token](#token), [trait](#trait), [type](#type), [vaultPath](#vaultpath), [vulnerable](#vulnerable) - - -### 5eInitiativeYaml - -A minimal YAML snippet containing monster attributes required by the Initiative Tracker plugin. Use this in frontmatter. - -### 5eStatblockYaml - -Complete monster attributes in the format required by the Fantasy statblock plugin. Uses double-quoted syntax to deal with a variety of characters occuring in trait descriptions. Usable in frontmatter or Fantasy Statblock code blocks. - -### ac - -See [AcHp#ac](AcHp.md#ac) - -### acHp - -Creature AC and HP as [AcHp](AcHp.md) - -### acText - -See [AcHp#acText](AcHp.md#acText) - -### action - -Creature actions as a list of [NamedText](../NamedText.md) - -### alignment - -Creature alignment - -### bonusAction - -Creature bonus actions as a list of [NamedText](../NamedText.md) - -### books - -List of source books (abbreviated name). Fantasy statblock uses this list. - -### conditionImmune - -See [ImmuneResist#conditionImmune](ImmuneResist.md#conditionImmune) - -### cr - -Challenge rating - -### description - -Formatted text containing the creature description. Same as `{resource.text}` - -### environment - -Formatted text describing the creature's environment. Usually a single word. - -### fluffImages - -List of [ImageRef](../ImageRef.md) related to the creature - -### fullType - -Creature type (lowercase) and subtype if present: `{resource.type} ({resource.subtype})` - -### hasSections - -True if the content (text) contains sections - -### hitDice - -See [AcHp#hitDice](AcHp.md#hitDice) - -### hp - -See [AcHp#hp](AcHp.md#hp) - -### hpText - -See [AcHp#hpText](AcHp.md#hpText) - -### immune - -See [ImmuneResist#immune](ImmuneResist.md#immune) - -### immuneResist - -Creature immunities and resistances as [ImmuneResist](ImmuneResist.md) - -### isNpc - -True if this is an NPC - -### labeledSource - -Formatted string describing the content's source(s): `_Source: _` - -### languages - -Comma-separated string of languages the creature understands. - -### legendary - -Creature legendary traits as a list of [NamedText](../NamedText.md) - -### legendaryGroup - -Map of grouped legendary traits (Lair Actions, Regional Effects, etc.). The key the group name, and the value is a list of [NamedText](../NamedText.md). - -### legendaryGroupLink - -Markdown link to legendary group (can be embedded). - -### name - -Note name - -### passive - -Passive perception as a numerical value - -### pb - -Proficiency bonus (modifier) - -### reaction - -Creature reactions as a list of [NamedText](../NamedText.md) - -### resist - -See [ImmuneResist#resist](ImmuneResist.md#resist) - -### savesSkills - -Creature saving throws and skill modifiers as [SavesAndSkills](SavesAndSkills.md) - -### savingThrows - -String representation of saving throws. Equivalent to `{resource.savesSkills.saves}` - -### scores - -Creature ability scores as [AbilityScores](AbilityScores.md) - -### senses - -Comma-separated string of creature senses (if present). - -### size - -Creature size (capitalized) - -### skills - -String representation of saving throws. Equivalent to `{resource.savesSkills.skills}` - -### source - -String describing the content's source(s) - -### sourceAndPage - -Book sources as list of [SourceAndPage](../SourceAndPage.md) - -### speed - -Creature speed as a comma-separated list - -### spellcasting - -Creature abilities as a list of [Spellcasting](Spellcasting.md) attributes - -### subtype - -Creature subtype (lowercase) - -### tags - -Collected tags for inclusion in frontmatter - -### text - -Formatted text. For most templates, this is the bulk of the content. - -### token - -Token image as [ImageRef](../ImageRef.md) - -### trait - -Creature traits as a list of [NamedText](../NamedText.md) - -### type - -Creature type (lowercase) - -### vaultPath - -Path to this note in the vault - -### vulnerable - -See [ImmuneResist#vulnerable](ImmuneResist.md#vulnerable) diff --git a/docs/templates/dnd5e/QuteVehicle.md b/docs/templates/dnd5e/QuteVehicle.md deleted file mode 100644 index efc23cdf6..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/dnd5e/QuteVehicle.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -# QuteVehicle - -5eTools vehicle attributes (`vehicle2md.txt`) - -Several different types of vehicle use this template, including: Ship, spelljammer, infernal war manchie, objects and creatures. They can have very different properties. Treat most as optional. - -Extension of [Tools5eQuteBase](Tools5eQuteBase.md). - -## Attributes - -[action](#action), [fluffImages](#fluffimages), [hasSections](#hassections), [immuneResist](#immuneresist), [isCreature](#iscreature), [isObject](#isobject), [isShip](#isship), [isSpelljammer](#isspelljammer), [isWarMachine](#iswarmachine), [labeledSource](#labeledsource), [name](#name), [scores](#scores), [shipCrewCargoPace](#shipcrewcargopace), [shipSections](#shipsections), [sizeDimension](#sizedimension), [source](#source), [sourceAndPage](#sourceandpage), [tags](#tags), [terrain](#terrain), [text](#text), [token](#token), [vaultPath](#vaultpath), [vehicleType](#vehicletype) - - -### action - -List of vehicle actions as a collection of [NamedText](../NamedText.md) - -### fluffImages - -List of [ImageRef](../ImageRef.md) related to the creature - -### hasSections - -True if the content (text) contains sections - -### immuneResist - -Vehicle immunities and resistances as [ImmuneResist](ImmuneResist.md) - -### isCreature - -True if this vehicle is a Creature - -### isObject - -True if this vehicle is an Object - -### isShip - -True if this vehicle is a Ship - -### isSpelljammer - -True if this vehicle is a Spelljammer - -### isWarMachine - -True if this vehicle is an Infernal War Machine - -### labeledSource - -Formatted string describing the content's source(s): `_Source: _` - -### name - -Note name - -### scores - -Object ability scores as [AbilityScores](AbilityScores.md) Used by Ship, Infernal War Machine, Creature, Object - -### shipCrewCargoPace - -Ship capacity and pace attributes as [ShipCrewCargoPace](QuteVehicle/ShipCrewCargoPace.md). - -### shipSections - -Ship sections and traits as [ShipAcHp](QuteVehicle/ShipAcHp.md) (hull, sails, oars, .. ) - -### sizeDimension - -Ship size and dimensions. Used by Ship, Infernal War Machine - -### source - -String describing the content's source(s) - -### sourceAndPage - -Book sources as list of [SourceAndPage](../SourceAndPage.md) - -### tags - -Collected tags for inclusion in frontmatter - -### terrain - -Vehicle terrain as a comma-separated list (all) - -### text - -Formatted text. For most templates, this is the bulk of the content. - -### token - -Token image as [ImageRef](../ImageRef.md) - -### vaultPath - -Path to this note in the vault - -### vehicleType - -Vehicle type: Ship, Spelljammer, Infernal War Machine, Creature, Object diff --git a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteAction.md b/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteAction.md deleted file mode 100644 index f8a2dba6c..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteAction.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -# QuteAction - -Pf2eTools Action attributes (`action2md.txt`) - -Extension of [Pf2eQuteBase](Pf2eQuteBase.md) - -## Attributes - -[actionType](#actiontype), [activity](#activity), [aliases](#aliases), [basic](#basic), [cost](#cost), [frequency](#frequency), [hasSections](#hassections), [item](#item), [labeledSource](#labeledsource), [name](#name), [prerequisites](#prerequisites), [requirements](#requirements), [source](#source), [sourceAndPage](#sourceandpage), [tags](#tags), [text](#text), [traits](#traits), [trigger](#trigger), [vaultPath](#vaultpath) - - -### actionType - -Type of action (as [ActionType](QuteAction/ActionType.md)) - -### activity - -Activity/Activation cost (as [QuteDataActivity](QuteDataActivity.md)) - -### aliases - -Aliases for this note - -### basic - -True if this is a basic action. Same as `{resource.actionType.basic}`. - -### cost - -The cost of using this action - -### frequency - -How often this action can be used - -### hasSections - -True if the content (text) contains sections - -### item - -True if this action is an item action. Same as `{resource.actionType.item}`. - -### labeledSource - -Formatted string describing the content's source(s): `_Source: _` - -### name - -Note name - -### prerequisites - -Prerequisite trait or characteristic for performing this action - -### requirements - -Situational requirements for performing this action - -### source - -String describing the content's source(s) - -### sourceAndPage - -Book sources as list of [SourceAndPage](../SourceAndPage.md) - -### tags - -Collected tags for inclusion in frontmatter - -### text - -Formatted text. For most templates, this is the bulk of the content. - -### traits - -Collection of traits (decorated links) - -### trigger - -Trigger for this action - -### vaultPath - -Path to this note in the vault diff --git a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteBook.md b/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteBook.md deleted file mode 100644 index c5d1a7356..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteBook.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -# QuteBook - -Pf2eTools Book attributes (`book2md.txt`) - -Extension of [Pf2eQuteNote](Pf2eQuteNote.md) - -## Attributes - -[aliases](#aliases), [bookInfo](#bookinfo), [hasSections](#hassections), [labeledSource](#labeledsource), [name](#name), [source](#source), [sourceAndPage](#sourceandpage), [tags](#tags), [text](#text), [vaultPath](#vaultpath) - - -### aliases - -Aliases for this note - -### bookInfo - -Information about the book as `dev.ebullient.convert.tools.pf2e.qute.QuteBook.BookInfo` - -### hasSections - -True if the content (text) contains sections - -### labeledSource - -Formatted string describing the content's source(s): `_Source: _` - -### name - -Note name - -### source - -String describing the content's source(s) - -### sourceAndPage - -Book sources as list of [SourceAndPage](../SourceAndPage.md) - -### tags - -Collected tags for inclusion in frontmatter - -### text - -Formatted text. For most templates, this is the bulk of the content. - -### vaultPath - -Path to this note in the vault diff --git a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteDataDefenses.md b/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteDataDefenses.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2fa4b69d8..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteDataDefenses.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -# QuteDataDefenses - -Pf2eTools Armor class, Saving Throws, and other attributes describing defenses - -## Attributes - -[ac](#ac), [hpHardness](#hphardness), [immunities](#immunities), [resistances](#resistances), [savingThrows](#savingthrows), [weaknesses](#weaknesses) - - -### ac - - -### hpHardness - - -### immunities - - -### resistances - - -### savingThrows - - -### weaknesses diff --git a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteDeity.md b/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteDeity.md deleted file mode 100644 index 3b8429f02..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteDeity.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -# QuteDeity - -Pf2eTools Deity attributes (`deity2md.txt`) - -Deities are rendered both standalone and inline (as an admonition block). The default template can render both. It contains some special syntax to handle the inline case. - -Use `%%--` to mark the end of the preamble (frontmatter and other leading content only appropriate to the standalone case). - -Extension of [Pf2eQuteBase](Pf2eQuteBase.md) - -## Attributes - -[aliases](#aliases), [alignment](#alignment), [anathema](#anathema), [areasOfConcern](#areasofconcern), [avatar](#avatar), [category](#category), [cleric](#cleric), [edicts](#edicts), [followerAlignment](#followeralignment), [hasSections](#hassections), [intercession](#intercession), [labeledSource](#labeledsource), [name](#name), [pantheon](#pantheon), [source](#source), [sourceAndPage](#sourceandpage), [tags](#tags), [text](#text), [vaultPath](#vaultpath) - - -### aliases - -Aliases for this note - -### alignment - - -### anathema - - -### areasOfConcern - - -### avatar - - -### category - - -### cleric - - -### edicts - - -### followerAlignment - - -### hasSections - -True if the content (text) contains sections - -### intercession - - -### labeledSource - -Formatted string describing the content's source(s): `_Source: _` - -### name - -Note name - -### pantheon - - -### source - -String describing the content's source(s) - -### sourceAndPage - -Book sources as list of [SourceAndPage](../SourceAndPage.md) - -### tags - -Collected tags for inclusion in frontmatter - -### text - -Formatted text. For most templates, this is the bulk of the content. - -### vaultPath - -Path to this note in the vault diff --git a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteHazard.md b/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteHazard.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4f30e5d49..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteHazard.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -# QuteHazard - -Pf2eTools Hazard attributes (`hazard2md.txt`) - -Hazards are rendered both standalone and inline (as an admonition block). The default template can render both. It contains some special syntax to handle the inline case. - -Use `%%--` to mark the end of the preamble (frontmatter and other leading content only appropriate to the standalone case). - -Extension of [Pf2eQuteBase](Pf2eQuteBase.md) - -## Attributes - -[abilities](#abilities), [actions](#actions), [complexity](#complexity), [defenses](#defenses), [disable](#disable), [hasSections](#hassections), [labeledSource](#labeledsource), [level](#level), [name](#name), [perception](#perception), [reset](#reset), [routine](#routine), [routineAdmonition](#routineadmonition), [source](#source), [sourceAndPage](#sourceandpage), [stealth](#stealth), [tags](#tags), [text](#text), [traits](#traits), [vaultPath](#vaultpath) - - -### abilities - - -### actions - - -### complexity - - -### defenses - - -### disable - - -### hasSections - -True if the content (text) contains sections - -### labeledSource - -Formatted string describing the content's source(s): `_Source: _` - -### level - - -### name - -Note name - -### perception - - -### reset - - -### routine - - -### routineAdmonition - - -### source - -String describing the content's source(s) - -### sourceAndPage - -Book sources as list of [SourceAndPage](../SourceAndPage.md) - -### stealth - - -### tags - -Collected tags for inclusion in frontmatter - -### text - -Formatted text. For most templates, this is the bulk of the content. - -### traits - -Collection of traits (decorated links) - -### vaultPath - -Path to this note in the vault diff --git a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteInlineAffliction.md b/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteInlineAffliction.md deleted file mode 100644 index 228d5aabd..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteInlineAffliction.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -# QuteInlineAffliction - -Pf2eTools Affliction attributes (inline/embedded, `inline-affliction2md.txt`) - -Extension of [Pf2eQuteNote](Pf2eQuteNote.md) - -## Attributes - -[effect](#effect), [hasSections](#hassections), [labeledSource](#labeledsource), [level](#level), [maxDuration](#maxduration), [name](#name), [onset](#onset), [savingThrow](#savingthrow), [source](#source), [sourceAndPage](#sourceandpage), [stages](#stages), [tags](#tags), [text](#text), [traits](#traits), [vaultPath](#vaultpath) - - -### effect - -Formatted text. Affliction effect - -### hasSections - -True if the content (text) contains sections - -### labeledSource - -Formatted string describing the content's source(s): `_Source: _` - -### level - -Overall power, from 1 to 10. - -### maxDuration - -Formatted text. Maximum duration of the infliction. - -### name - -Note name - -### onset - -Formatted text. Maximum duration of the infliction. - -### savingThrow - -Formatted text. Savint throws. - -### source - -String describing the content's source(s) - -### sourceAndPage - -Book sources as list of [SourceAndPage](../SourceAndPage.md) - -### stages - -Affliction stages: map of name to stage data as [QuteAfflictionStage](QuteInlineAffliction/QuteAfflictionStage.md) - -### tags - -Collected tags for inclusion in frontmatter - -### text - -Formatted text. For most templates, this is the bulk of the content. - -### traits - -Collection of traits (decorated links) - -### vaultPath - -Path to this note in the vault diff --git a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteItem.md b/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteItem.md deleted file mode 100644 index 475afd9a9..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteItem.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -# QuteItem - -Pf2eTools Item attributes - -Extension of [Pf2eQuteBase](Pf2eQuteBase.md) - -## Attributes - -[access](#access), [activate](#activate), [aliases](#aliases), [ammunition](#ammunition), [armor](#armor), [category](#category), [contract](#contract), [craftReq](#craftreq), [duration](#duration), [group](#group), [hands](#hands), [hasSections](#hassections), [labeledSource](#labeledsource), [level](#level), [name](#name), [onset](#onset), [price](#price), [shield](#shield), [source](#source), [sourceAndPage](#sourceandpage), [tags](#tags), [text](#text), [traits](#traits), [usage](#usage), [variants](#variants), [vaultPath](#vaultpath), [weapons](#weapons) - - -### access - -Formatted string. Item access attributes - -### activate - -Item activation attributes as [QuteItemActivate](QuteItem/QuteItemActivate.md) - -### aliases - -Aliases for this note - -### ammunition - -Formatted string. Ammunition required - -### armor - -Item armor attributes as [QuteItemArmorData](QuteItem/QuteItemArmorData.md) - -### category - -Formatted string. Item category - -### contract - -Item contract attributes as a list of [NamedText](../NamedText.md) - -### craftReq - -Formatted string. Crafting requirements - -### duration - -Formatted string. How long will the item remain active - -### group - -Formatted string. Item group - -### hands - -Formatted string. How many hands does this item require to use - -### hasSections - -True if the content (text) contains sections - -### labeledSource - -Formatted string describing the content's source(s): `_Source: _` - -### level - -Formatted string. Item power level - -### name - -Note name - -### onset - -Formatted string. Onset attributes - -### price - -Formatted string. Item price (pp, gp, sp, cp) - -### shield - -Item shield attributes as [QuteItemShieldData](QuteItem/QuteItemShieldData.md) - -### source - -String describing the content's source(s) - -### sourceAndPage - -Book sources as list of [SourceAndPage](../SourceAndPage.md) - -### tags - -Collected tags for inclusion in frontmatter - -### text - -Formatted text. For most templates, this is the bulk of the content. - -### traits - -Collection of traits (decorated links) - -### usage - -Item use attributes as a list of [NamedText](../NamedText.md) - -### variants - -Item variants as list of [QuteItemVariant](QuteItem/QuteItemVariant.md) - -### vaultPath - -Path to this note in the vault - -### weapons - -Item weapon attributes as list of [QuteItemWeaponData](QuteItem/QuteItemWeaponData.md) diff --git a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteRitual.md b/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteRitual.md deleted file mode 100644 index 918f97e8b..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteRitual.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -# QuteRitual - -Pf2eTools Ritual attributes (`ritual2md.txt`) - -Extension of [Pf2eQuteBase](Pf2eQuteBase.md) - -## Attributes - -[aliases](#aliases), [casting](#casting), [checks](#checks), [duration](#duration), [hasSections](#hassections), [heightened](#heightened), [labeledSource](#labeledsource), [level](#level), [name](#name), [requirements](#requirements), [ritualType](#ritualtype), [source](#source), [sourceAndPage](#sourceandpage), [tags](#tags), [targeting](#targeting), [text](#text), [traits](#traits), [vaultPath](#vaultpath) - - -### aliases - -Aliases for this note - -### casting - -Casting attributes as [QuteRitualCasting](QuteRitual/QuteRitualCasting.md) - -### checks - -Casting attributes as [QuteRitualChecks](QuteRitual/QuteRitualChecks.md) - -### duration - -Formated text. Ritual duration - -### hasSections - -True if the content (text) contains sections - -### heightened - -Heightened spell effects as a list of [Traits](../NamedText.md) - -### labeledSource - -Formatted string describing the content's source(s): `_Source: _` - -### level - -A spell’s overall power, from 1 to 10. - -### name - -Note name - -### requirements - -Formatted text. Ritual requirements - -### ritualType - -Type: Ritual (usually) - -### source - -String describing the content's source(s) - -### sourceAndPage - -Book sources as list of [SourceAndPage](../SourceAndPage.md) - -### tags - -Collected tags for inclusion in frontmatter - -### targeting - -Casting attributes as [QuteSpellTarget](QuteSpell/QuteSpellTarget.md) - -### text - -Formatted text. For most templates, this is the bulk of the content. - -### traits - -Collection of traits (decorated links) - -### vaultPath - -Path to this note in the vault diff --git a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteSpell.md b/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteSpell.md deleted file mode 100644 index 57bfa29fb..000000000 --- a/docs/templates/pf2e/QuteSpell.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -# QuteSpell - -Pf2eTools Spell attributes (`spell2md.txt`) - -Extension of [Pf2eQuteBase](Pf2eQuteBase.md) - -## Attributes - -[aliases](#aliases), [amp](#amp), [casting](#casting), [domains](#domains), [hasSections](#hassections), [heightened](#heightened), [labeledSource](#labeledsource), [level](#level), [name](#name), [saveDuration](#saveduration), [source](#source), [sourceAndPage](#sourceandpage), [spellLists](#spelllists), [spellType](#spelltype), [subclass](#subclass), [tags](#tags), [targeting](#targeting), [text](#text), [traditions](#traditions), [traits](#traits), [vaultPath](#vaultpath) - - -### aliases - -Aliases for this note - -### amp - -Psi amp behavior as [QuteSpellAmp](QuteSpell/QuteSpellAmp.md) - -### casting - -Spell casting attributes (trigger, duration, etc.) as [QuteSpellCasting](QuteSpell/QuteSpellCasting.md) - -### domains - -List of spell domains (links) - -### hasSections - -True if the content (text) contains sections - -### heightened - -Heightened spell effects as a list of [NamedText](../NamedText.md) - -### labeledSource - -Formatted string describing the content's source(s): `_Source: _` - -### level - -A spell’s overall power, from 1 to 10. - -### name - -Note name - -### saveDuration - -Spell save and duration attributes as [QuteSpellSaveDuration](QuteSpell/QuteSpellSaveDuration.md) - -### source - -String describing the content's source(s) - -### sourceAndPage - -Book sources as list of [SourceAndPage](../SourceAndPage.md) - -### spellLists - -Spell lists containing this spell - -### spellType - -Type: spell, cantrip, or focus - -### subclass - -List of category (Bloodline or Mystery) to Subclass (Sorcerer or Oracle). Link to class (if present) as a list of [NamedText](../NamedText.md). - -### tags - -Collected tags for inclusion in frontmatter - -### targeting - -Spell target attributes as [QuteSpellTarget](QuteSpell/QuteSpellTarget.md) - -### text - -Formatted text. For most templates, this is the bulk of the content. - -### traditions - -List of spell traditions (trait links) - -### traits - -Collection of traits (decorated links) - -### vaultPath - -Path to this note in the vault diff --git a/src/main/java/dev/ebullient/convert/io/MarkdownDoclet.java b/src/main/java/dev/ebullient/convert/io/MarkdownDoclet.java index 516a7a784..570471a6b 100644 --- a/src/main/java/dev/ebullient/convert/io/MarkdownDoclet.java +++ b/src/main/java/dev/ebullient/convert/io/MarkdownDoclet.java @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; +import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; @@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier; +import javax.lang.model.element.NestingKind; import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement; import javax.lang.model.element.QualifiedNameable; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; @@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ public class MarkdownDoclet implements Doclet { DocletEnvironment environment; Path outputDirectory; Path currentResource; + Map classNameMapping = new HashMap<>(); MarkdownOption targetDir = new MarkdownOption() { String value; @@ -140,6 +143,17 @@ protected void processFiles(DocletEnvironment environment) throws IOException { writeReadmeFile(docTrees, p); } + Map> innerClasses = ElementFilter.typesIn(elements).stream() + .filter(t -> t.getKind() != ElementKind.INTERFACE) + .filter(t -> t.getNestingKind() != NestingKind.TOP_LEVEL) + .filter(t -> !isExcluded(t)) + .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(t -> (TypeElement) t.getEnclosingElement())); + + for (TypeElement t : innerClasses.keySet()) { + String reference = t.getQualifiedName().toString(); + classNameMapping.put(reference, reference + ".README"); + } + for (TypeElement t : ElementFilter.typesIn(elements)) { if (t.getKind() == ElementKind.INTERFACE) { continue; @@ -289,11 +303,12 @@ static TypeElement getSuperclassElement(TypeElement typeElement) { return (TypeElement) ((DeclaredType) superclass).asElement(); } - static String qualifiedNameToPath(QualifiedNameable element) { - return qualifiedNameToPath(element.getQualifiedName().toString()); + String qualifiedNameToPath(QualifiedNameable element) { + String reference = element.getQualifiedName().toString(); + return qualifiedNameToPath(classNameMapping.getOrDefault(reference, reference)); } - static String qualifiedNameToPath(String reference) { + String qualifiedNameToPath(String reference) { if (reference.endsWith("qute")) { reference += ".README"; } diff --git a/src/test/java/dev/ebullient/convert/docs/TemplateDocTest.java b/src/test/java/dev/ebullient/convert/docs/TemplateDocTest.java index 818d652ee..e51623802 100644 --- a/src/test/java/dev/ebullient/convert/docs/TemplateDocTest.java +++ b/src/test/java/dev/ebullient/convert/docs/TemplateDocTest.java @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public static void prepare() { tui.init(null, true, false); } - // Uset this test in IDEs + // Use this test in IDEs @Test @DisabledIfSystemProperty(named = "maven.home", matches = ".*") public void buildVerifyDocs() throws Exception {