terraform {
required_providers {
nsxt = ">= 3.1.1"
module "nsxt_dhcp_server_ip_pool" {
source = "./modules/nsxt/r/nsxt_dhcp_server_ip_pool"
# description - (optional) is a type of string
description = null
# display_name - (optional) is a type of string
display_name = null
# error_threshold - (optional) is a type of number
error_threshold = null
# gateway_ip - (optional) is a type of string
gateway_ip = null
# lease_time - (optional) is a type of number
lease_time = null
# logical_dhcp_server_id - (required) is a type of string
logical_dhcp_server_id = null
# warning_threshold - (optional) is a type of number
warning_threshold = null
dhcp_generic_option = [{
code = null
values = []
dhcp_option_121 = [{
network = null
next_hop = null
ip_range = [{
end = null
start = null
tag = [{
scope = null
tag = null
variable "description" {
description = "(optional) - Description of this resource"
type = string
default = null
variable "display_name" {
description = "(optional) - The display name of this resource. Defaults to ID if not set"
type = string
default = null
variable "error_threshold" {
description = "(optional) - Error threshold"
type = number
default = null
variable "gateway_ip" {
description = "(optional) - Gateway ip"
type = string
default = null
variable "lease_time" {
description = "(optional) - Lease time, in seconds"
type = number
default = null
variable "logical_dhcp_server_id" {
description = "(required) - Id of dhcp server this pool is serving"
type = string
variable "warning_threshold" {
description = "(optional) - Warning threshold"
type = number
default = null
variable "dhcp_generic_option" {
description = "nested block: NestingList, min items: 0, max items: 0"
type = set(object(
code = number
values = list(string)
default = []
variable "dhcp_option_121" {
description = "nested block: NestingList, min items: 0, max items: 0"
type = set(object(
network = string
next_hop = string
default = []
variable "ip_range" {
description = "nested block: NestingList, min items: 0, max items: 0"
type = set(object(
end = string
start = string
default = []
variable "tag" {
description = "nested block: NestingSet, min items: 0, max items: 0"
type = set(object(
scope = string
tag = string
default = []
resource "nsxt_dhcp_server_ip_pool" "this" {
# description - (optional) is a type of string
description = var.description
# display_name - (optional) is a type of string
display_name = var.display_name
# error_threshold - (optional) is a type of number
error_threshold = var.error_threshold
# gateway_ip - (optional) is a type of string
gateway_ip = var.gateway_ip
# lease_time - (optional) is a type of number
lease_time = var.lease_time
# logical_dhcp_server_id - (required) is a type of string
logical_dhcp_server_id = var.logical_dhcp_server_id
# warning_threshold - (optional) is a type of number
warning_threshold = var.warning_threshold
dynamic "dhcp_generic_option" {
for_each = var.dhcp_generic_option
content {
# code - (required) is a type of number
code = dhcp_generic_option.value["code"]
# values - (required) is a type of list of string
values = dhcp_generic_option.value["values"]
dynamic "dhcp_option_121" {
for_each = var.dhcp_option_121
content {
# network - (required) is a type of string
network = dhcp_option_121.value["network"]
# next_hop - (required) is a type of string
next_hop = dhcp_option_121.value["next_hop"]
dynamic "ip_range" {
for_each = var.ip_range
content {
# end - (required) is a type of string
end = ip_range.value["end"]
# start - (required) is a type of string
start = ip_range.value["start"]
dynamic "tag" {
for_each = var.tag
content {
# scope - (optional) is a type of string
scope = tag.value["scope"]
# tag - (optional) is a type of string
tag = tag.value["tag"]
output "display_name" {
description = "returns a string"
value = nsxt_dhcp_server_ip_pool.this.display_name
output "id" {
description = "returns a string"
value =
output "revision" {
description = "returns a number"
value = nsxt_dhcp_server_ip_pool.this.revision
output "this" {
value = nsxt_dhcp_server_ip_pool.this