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ZigBee Devices

Erik Baauw edited this page Aug 3, 2017 · 34 revisions

This page provides an overview per manufacturer of the ZCL configuration of the ZigBee Devices connected to my Hue bridge, as reported by deCONZ. It lists the endpoints and clusters per device type. Server clusters are in boldface.

I joined my RaspBee to the ZigBee network created by my Hue bridge and, after that, these devices where discovered automatically by deCONZ.


  • Try and touch link a second Hue bridge to a Hue bridge;
  • Try and touch link a Hue bridge to a Hue dimmer switch;


Hue Bridge

Here's the configuration for a second-generation Hue bridge (firmware version 01038390):

Endpoint Profile Cluster Name
F2 ZGP 0061 unknown

0021 ZigBee Green Power Proxy
40 ZLL Control Bridge

1000 ZLL Commissioning

0019 OTAU

1000 ZLL Commissioning

0004 Groups

0005 Scenes

0000 Basic

0300 Color Control

0003 Identify

0008 Level Control

0006 On/Off
41 ZHA Combined Interface

000F Binary Input (Basic)

0406 Occupancy Sensing

0402 Temperature Measurement

0405 Humidify Measurement

FC00 Vendor Specific

0400 Illuminance Measurement


  • A first-generation Hue bridge (firmware version 01036659) looks the same, except for the order of the endpoints: 40, 41, F2 instead of F2, 40, 41.
  • The ZGG endpoint matches the Hue lights and, I suspect, the Hue tap.
  • The ZLL endpoint matches the Hue lights, except for the ZLL Commissioning server cluster. As mentioned in the Hue developer forum, it was possible to (touch?) link two Hue bridges, but the procedure seems to be lost.
  • So the Hue bridge does talk ZHA?!
  • The Hue motion sensor has corresponding server clusters for the ZHA 0406, 0402, and 0040 clients.
  • The Hue dimmer switch has a corresponding server clusters for the ZHA 000F and FC00 clients. FC00 is used for buttonevent.
  • When connecting a previously standalone dimmer switch to a Hue bridge (using the Hue app), the bridge can "inherit" the lights from the dimmer switch. Since the Hue dimmer switch lacks a ZLL Commissioning cluster, I suspect the 000F cluster might be used for this.
  • I cannot find a matching server cluster for the ZHA 0405 client. Apparently Philips considered a ZigBee version of the CLIPHumidity sensor? However, there doesn't seem to be a ZigBee version of the CLIPOpenClose sensor?

Hue Lights

Here's the configuration for a Hue Extended Color Light:

Endpoint Profile Cluster Name
0B ZLL Extended Color Light

0000 Basic

0003 Identify

0004 Groups

0005 Scenes

0006 On/Off

0008 Level Control

0300 Color Control

1000 ZLL Commissioning

0019 OTAU
F2 ZGP 0061 unknown

0021 ZigBee Green Power Sink

0021 ZigBee Green Power Proxy


  • A Hue Color Light and a Hue Color Temperature Lights have the same configuration. So does a Hue Dimmable Light, except that, of course, it misses the Color Control cluster.
  • On the Hue bridge, the uniqueid attribute for a Hue light is 00:17:88:01:0x:xx:xx:xx-0b, matching the ZLL endpoint.

Hue Motion Sensor

Here's the configuration for a Hue motion sensor:

Endpoint Profile Cluster Name
02 ZHA Occupancy Sensor

0000 Basic

0001 Power Configuration

0003 Identify

0406 Occupancy Sensing

0400 Illuminance Measurement

0402 Temperature Measurement

0019 OTAU
01 ZLL On/Off Sensor

0000 Basic

0000 Basic

0003 Identify

0004 Groups

0006 On/Off

0008 Level Control

0300 Color Control

0005 Scenes


  • So the Hue motion sensor does talk ZHA?!
  • On the Hue bridge, a Hue motion sensor is exposed as three sensor resources: a ZLLPresence with a uniqueid of 00:17:88:01:02:xx:xx:xx-02-0406, a ZLLLightLevel with 00:17:88:01:02:xx:xx:xx-02-0400, and a ZLLTemperature with 00:17:88:01:02:xx:xx:xx-02-0402. These match the ZHA endpoint and cluster.
  • The ZLL endpoint seems to suggest a Hue motion sensor could work standalone, without a Hue bridge, like the Hue dimmer switch?!
  • The Hue motion sensor uses standard ZigBee attribute reporting on the 0406, 0400, and 0402 clusters to inform the Hue bridge of changes to motion, light level, or temperature. It also supports attribute reporting on the 0001 cluster for the battery percentage.

Hue Dimmer Switch

Here's the configuration for a Hue dimmer switch (firmware

Endpoint Profile Cluster Name
01 ZLL Non-Color-Scene Controller

0000 Basic

0000 Basic

0003 Identify

0004 Groups

0006 On/Off

0008 Level Control

0005 Scenes
02 ZHA 000C unknown

0000 Basic

0001 Power Configuration

0003 Identify

000F Binary Input (Basic)

FC00 Vendor Specific

0019 OTAU


  • The Scenes cluster is missing from two of my dimmers, which report as a Non-Color Controler device. These dimmers have a different label on the back and a different firmware version (
  • So the Hue dimmer switch does talk ZHA?!
  • On the Hue bridge, a Hue dimmer switch is exposed as a ZLLSwitch sensor with a uniqueid of 00:17:88:01:10:xx:xx:xx-02-fc00. This matches the ZHA endpoint and the FC00 cluster.
  • The Hue bridge has a corresponding clients for the 000F and FC00 clusters. The FC00 cluster is used for button events. It's unknown what the 000F cluster is used for.
  • The Hue dimmer switch uses standard ZigBee attribute reporting for the FC00 cluster, to send button events to the Hue bridge. In addition, it sends commands from the 0006 and 0008 clusters, to interact directly with lights.

Hue tap

The Hue tap doesn't show in the deCONZ gui, but the REST API reports ep of 242 which is 0xF2.

Endpoint Profile Cluster Name
F2 ZGP ?


  • On the Hue bridge, a Hue tap is exposed as a ZGPSwitch sensor with a uniqueid of 00:00:00:00:00:xx:xx:xx-f2, matching the ZGP endpoint on the Hue bridge and Hue lights.


Lightify Gateway

Here's the configuration for a Lightify Home Gateway (ZigBee firmware version

Endpoint Profile Cluster Name
40 ZLL Control Bridge

1000 ZLL Commissioning

0019 OTAU

1000 ZLL Commissioning

0004 Groups

0005 Scenes

0000 Basic

0300 Color Control

0003 Identify

0008 Level Control

0006 On/Off
41 ZHA Combined Interface

000F Binary Input (Basic)

0406 Occupancy Sensing

0402 Temperature Measurement

0405 Humidify Measurement

FC00 Vendor Specific

0400 Illuminance Measurement
F2 ZGP 0061 unknown

0021 ZigBee Green Power Proxy


  • This is exactly the same configuration as for a (first-generation) Hue bridge.

Lightify Light

Here's the configuration for an Osram E14 bulb:

Endpoint Profile Cluster Name
03 ZLL Color Temperature Light

1000 ZLL Commissioning

0000 Basic

0003 Identify

0004 Groups

0005 Scenes

0006 On/Off

0008 Level Control

0300 Color Control

FC0F ? Device Setup

0019 OTAU


  • On the Hue bridge, an OSRAM light has a uniqueid of 84:18:26:00:00:xx:xx:xx-03, matching the ZLL endpoint.
  • I suspect OSRAM use the FC0F cluster for setting the power-on default. There's no corresponding client cluster in the Lightify Home Gateway, though.
  • The light does support attribute reporting on the 0006, 0008, and 0C00 clusters.

Lightify Plug

Here's the configuration for an Osram plug (firmware 01020315):

Endpoint Profile Cluster Name
03 ZLL On/Off Plug-In Unit

1000 ZLL Commissioning

0000 Basic

0003 Identify

0004 Groups

0005 Scenes

0006 On/Off

0B04 ? Electrical Measurement

0019 OTAU


  • On the Hue bridge, an OSRAM plug has a uniqueid of 84:18:26:00:00:xx:xx:xx-03, matching the ZLL endpoint.
  • There doesn't seem to be any Electrical Measurement feature in the OSRAM Lightly app. There's no corresponding client cluster in the Lightify Home Gateway either.


innr Gateway

I've not been able to join the RaspBee to a network created by the innr Gateway. innr seem to use a different commissioning scheme: their lights only join a network for a short period after they're powered on.

innr Bulbs

Here's the configuration for an innr RB 162 dimmable light:

Endpoint Profile Cluster Name
01 ZLL Dimmable Light

0000 Basic

0004 Groups

0003 Identify

0006 On/Off

0008 Level Control

0005 Scenes
02 ZLL 1000 unknown

1000 ZLL Commissioning


  • On the Hue bridge, an innr bulb has a uniqueid of 00:15:8d:00:00:xx:xx:xx-01, matching the first ZLL endpoint.
  • Indeed, no over-the-air update for the firmware as innr support had indicated.

innr Control Board

Here's the configuration for an innr PL 110 or UC 110, which use the same control board:

Endpoint Profile Cluster Name
01 ZLL Dimmable Light

0000 Basic

0004 Groups

0003 Identify

0006 On/Off

0008 Level Control

0005 Scenes


0019 OTAU

0000 Basic

0004 Groups

0003 Identify

0006 On/Off

0008 Level Control

0005 Scenes

0019 OTAU


  • On the Hue bridge, an innr light has a uniqueid of 00:15:8d:00:00:xx:xx:xx-01, matching the ZLL endpoint.
  • Huh, support for over-the-air update for the firmware?
  • Huh, no ZLL Commissioning? Maybe that's why these aren't listed under certified devices on the ZigBee alliance website?
  • I've no clue about the FFFF cluster. Maybe it's the ZLL Commissioning with a wrong cluster ID? The control board can be touch linked to the Hue bridge.
  • The control board seems to be configurable as a ZigBee control device as well. Physically, it does contain an unused header. Maybe innr plan to use the same board in their sensors?


Currently, the Ikea Trådfri lights are advertised as not compatible with the Hue bridge. Curious to find out why, I got myself an E27 980lm Color temperature light with a round, 5-button remote. The light and the remote work well together, out of the box.
I touchlinked the light to the Hue bridge, and it responded. As expected, the light no longer reacts to the remote. So the light joins the ZigBee network created by the Hue bridge without any problem.
As advertised, the Hue bridge doesn't find the light when searching for new lights, but it does appear in the deCONZ GUI. The deCONZ REST API picked it up as well:

  "etag": "162cd7e2cd4b29553fbe5deea036de83",
  "hascolor": true,
  "manufacturer": "IKEA of Sweden",
  "modelid": "TRADFRI bulb E27 WS�opal 980lm",
  "name": "Light 17",
  "pointsymbol": {},
  "state": {
    "alert": "none",
    "bri": 127,
    "colormode": "ct",
    "ct": 300,
    "effect": "none",
    "hue": 0,
    "on": true,
    "reachable": true,
    "sat": 0,
    "xy": [
  "swversion": "",
  "type": "Color temperature light",
  "uniqueid": "00:0b:57:ff:fe:xx:xx:xx-01"

Likewise, I touch linked the remote to the Hue bridge. It appears in the deCONZ GUI, so the remote also joins the Hue bridge ZigBee network without any issue. Neither the Hue bridge, nor the deCONZ REST API finds the remote.

Trådfri E27 980lm

Here's the configuration for an Ikea Trådfri E27 980lm bulb:

Endpoint Profile Cluster Name
01 ZHA Color temperature light

0000 Basic

0003 Identify

0004 Groups

0005 Scenes

0006 On/Off

0008 Level Control

0300 Color Control

0B05 Diagnostics

1000 ZLL commissioning

0005 Scenes

0019 OTAU

0020 Poll Control

1000 ZLL commissioning


  • So the light provides the usual clusters, like the other vendor's lights, but on a ZHA endpoint. This is consistent with the info on the Internet. No way the Hue bridge is going to accept that.
  • The light supports ct values from 250 (4000K) to 454 (~2200K). The box seemed to suggest that it only had three colour temperature settings, but that's a limitation of the remote.
  • The light supports attribute reporting for the 0006, 0008, and 0C00 clusters, but you need to write the config, before it can be read.

Trådfri remote control

Here's the configuration for an Ikea Trådfri remote control:

Endpoint Profile Cluster Name
01 ZHA Color scene controller

0000 Basic

1000 Power Configuration

0003 Identify

0009 Alarms

0B05 Diagnostics

1000 ZLL commissioning

0003 Identify

0004 Groups

0005 Scenes

0006 On/Off

0008 Level Control

0019 OTAU

1000 ZLL commissioning


  • As with the Trådfri light, it exposes the usual cluster, but on a ZHA endpoint.
  • The remote uses commands from the 0006, 0008, and 0005 clusters. The Previous and Next buttons use non-standard Scene commands to change the colour temperature of Trådfri lights.


Unisys switches use ZigBee 3.0, so they won't pair with the Hue bridge. They work with deCONZ.


Xiaomi use ZigBee in a very non-standard way, but deCONZ does support some of these devices.

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