[TOC] TA0011 - 命令&控制 Command and Control T1043 - 常用端口 Commonly Used Port T1092 - Communication Through Removable Media T1090 - 连接代理 Connection Proxy T1094 - 自定义命令控制协议 Custom Command and Control Protocol T1024 - Custom Cryptographic Protocol T1132 - 数据编码 Data Encoding T1001 - 数据混淆 Data Obfuscation T1172 - Domain Fronting T1483 - Domain Generation Alogorithms T1008 - Fallback Channels T1188 - Multi-hop Proxy T1104 - Multi-Stage Channels T1026 - Multiband Communication T1079 - Multilayer Encryption T1205 - Port Knocking T1219 - Remote Access Tools T1105 - Remote File Copy T1071 - 标准应用层协议 Standard Application Layer Protocol T1032 - Standard Cryptographic Protocol T1095 - Standard Non-Application Layer Protocol T1065 - Uncommonly Used Port T1102 - Web Service