A light version of video decoder that utilizes avcodec library. It decodes a video and display image frames.
This library requires libav. To install it on Linux,
sudo apt-get install -y libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libavcodec-dev libswscale-dev libfreetype6-dev
On Mac,
brew install ffmpeg
To build library,
if you have a recent version of ffmpeg.
It can decode a local video file
qlua test-frame.lua -v /path/to/your/video/video.mp4
and also HTTP streaming from IP camera by making the following change in test-frame.lua
video.init("IP.ADDRESS.TO.IP.CAMERA", "mjpeg")
If you want to receive a stream and save as a file in background, run the testing script with the sample video stream.
wget http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/public/h264-in-mp2t/bipbop-gear1-all.ts # downalod sample stream
qlua test-stream.lua -v rtsp://
Opens a file/stream with libavformat
- file to open
- file format optional
- status (1=ok, 0=failed)
- width
- height
- number of present frames
- frame rate
local status, height, width, length = video.init('', 'mjpeg')
Opens a video capture device with the videocap library. This function is only available on Linux.
- device path (in the form /dev/videoN)
- width
- height
- fps (optional, driver default in this case)
- number of buffers (optional, default 1)
- encoder path (in the form /dev/videoN, or just "auto", optional)
- encoding quality (suggested values: 20-30, bigger number is worse quality and shorter file, optional)
- status (true=ok, false=failed)
status = video.capture('/dev/video0', 1280, 720, 25)
Gets the next/last frame in RGB format from the file/stream/device
- tensor (has to be byte or float tensor, have dimension 3 and the first size has to be 3)
- status (true=ok, false=failed)
tensor = torch.ByteTensor(3, height, width)
status = video.frame_rgb(tensor)
Note: frame_rgb takes the next received or captured frame. The caller has to process the data fast enough (at the same rate of the stream/camera) or an overrun will occur. If the stream or camera captured frames are read by the background thread started with startremux, this is not necessary anymore, as this function will behave differently and will just take the last received frame. If the caller cannot process the frames fast enough and is not intentioned to save the fragments of the received or captured video in any way, it's just enough to give startremux('dummyfilename', 'mp4', 0) after init or capture. Nothing will be saved if savenow is not called.
Gets the next frame in YUV format from the file/stream. Works in the same way as frame_rgb, but support for float tensors and startremux and capture is missing.
Gets the next frame in RGB format from the file/stream/device and resize it to the tensor size
- tensor (has to be byte or float tensor, have dimension 3 and the first size has to be 3)
- status (true=ok, false=failed)
Note: It works as frame_rgb, but the image is resized to the tensor size and before being resized, is saved to a temporary buffer for subsequent JPEG encoding
If take is true, gets the next batch frames in RGB format from the file or stream, otherwise the images are taken from the internal buffer Rescale them to width x height and return them in a 4D tensor batch can be max 32 because frames are buffered by libavcodec, which has 32 buffers
- batch
- width
- height
- take
- 4D tensor of size (n, 3, height, width) or nil, where n is the minimum between batch and the number of read frames
Encodes in JPEG the frame previously received with frame_resized
- status (true=ok, false=nothing to encode (frame_resized never called))
Note: It will not be encoded again (the cached copy will be used) if frame_jpeg or save_jpeg has been already called for that frame
Encodes in JPEG the frame previously received with frame_resized and saves it to filename
- filename
- status (true=ok, false=nothing to encode (frame_resized never called))
Note: It will not be encoded again (the cached copy will be used) if frame_jpeg or save_jpeg has been already called for that frame
- status (true=ok, false=nothing to encode (frame_resized never called))
Stops and closes the decoder/video capture device/receiving thread
Starts to receive from the stream opened with init or capture and starts to write file fragments. fragment base path in the form A.B is changed to A_timestamp.B. format is the file format (optional), if it cannot be deduced from the file extension. During reception, frame_rgb can be used and it will take the latest received frame
- fragment base path
- format
- fragment size in seconds optional
If fragment size is not given or if it's zero, nothing is saved until a savenow command is given If fragment size is -1, the function will generate a continuous stream (no fragmentation), to be used when streaming to network (in this case fragment base path will not be changed)
- status (1=ok, 0=failed)
local status, height, width, length = video.init('')
video.startremux('video.ts', 'mpegts', 30)
tensor = torch.ByteTensor(3, height, width)
status = video.frame_rgb('torch.ByteTensor', tensor)
Saves a portion of the received video around this moment. Receiving should have been started with startremux (with 0 fragment size) before giving this command. This routine triggers the receiving thread to save the buffered frames from at least now - seconds before to now + seconds after. seconds before is an "at least" value, because saving always starts with a keyframe; of course, it's less than this if there is not enough buffered data.
- seconds before
- seconds after
- filename together with the path
- status (1=ok, 0=failed)
local status, height, width, length = video.init('rtsp://username:[email protected]:88/videoMain')
video.startremux('fragment.mp4', 'mp4')
os.execute("sleep 20")
Stops to receive the stream started by startremux
- status (1=ok, 0=failed)
Set the logging level of the library
- loglevel
Does not return anything. 0 means that only errors are logged, higher (positive) numbers enables more logging
Compare two images
- image1 given as a float or byte tensor
- image2 given as a float or byte tensor (same size as image2)
- sensitivity: the minimum difference between two pixels in order to consider them different
- area: minimum fraction of total area with different pixels, defaults to 0.001
Returns true, if the images are different, otherwise returns false
print(diffimages(image.lena(), image.lena(), 0.01, 0.001))
Opens the libav video encoder
- format (tested formats are: mp4, avi and mpeg)
- file path
- frame width
- frame height
- fps
Returns: nothing
Sends a frame to the encoder
- frame
Returns: nothing
No parameters
Returns: nothing