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Status Service

Fetch the kubernetes API to expose deployment information about a specific namespace via the following endpoints:

GET status-service/deployments

Returns a map of deployment names with its details, for more information on the deployment details visit the kubernetes API docs, deployment v1 apps

GET status-service/deployments/health

Gets a list of users from the MariaDB database. You can filter by the username using the name parameter and by the role(s) using the roles/roles[] parameter. The parameters are vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks:

GET status-service/users?name=robot&roles=AD_MANAGER

How to Run

  • Locally (convenient for development)
  • Directly into minikube using skaffold (instructions in general

Local Development

To avoid image building and deployment to minikube overhead, you could also run the server locally for a little development speed boost.


Run MariaDB locally

The status-service requires a running relational database MariaDB. This database needs to be initialized by the user-auth-service. Therefore, before you run the status-service locally, you need to start the user-auth-service, as described in the user-auth-service's Readme. And then update the environment variables for the status-service to fit:

export MARIADB_PASSWORD=mariadb-root-password
export MARIADB_SERVICE=$(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' user-auth-db)

Switch Kubernetes API connection approach to from outside-cluster

status-service is developed to work inside a pod and connect to the Kubernetes API from within, we need to change our local connection to connect from outside the cluster.

Run the server

go run server.go

access the server via localhost:8083

E.g GET localhost:8083/status-service/deployments

Environment Variables

Name Example Value Description
SERVER_PORT 8083 The port that the server will run on
API_PATH /status-service Api entrypoint path
KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE unguard Namespace to fetch deployments from
IGNORED_DEPLOYMENTS unguard-user-simulator That should be ignored for health assessment
MARIADB_SERVICE localhost Address of MariaDB database
MARIADB_PASSWORD mariadb-root-password Password of MariaDB database