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Ad Service

Contains web-app which displays a simple image, and some Endpoints to manage the ads.

Getting started



dotnet build AdService.sln
docker image build:
docker build -t ad-service .



Service will run on port 8082.

dotnet run AdService.dll

Image will be forwarded to port 80

docker run -it -p 80:8082 --name ad-service-container ad-service

Currently, AdService will show a picture under the path /app/wwwroot/adFolder/bird.jpg. Therefore, if your want to a display custom images, you have to mount a folder with a picture named bird.jpg in it and state it in the command instead of ''.

docker run -it -v <your-directory>:/app/wwwroot/adFolder -p 80:8082 --name ad-service-container ad-service

If you want to make use of mounting your own folder, make sure to delete volume comments and state your folder.

docker compose up -d

API Endpoints

GET /ad

Return a HTML page which will show an image(ad). This including a js file which will reload the page after certain time. Therefore, the last used image name will be saved in a cookie so that the backend knows which imaged should be loaded next.

GET /ads

Return available files on server.

POST /delete-ad

  • "filename": string

Deletes the file with the passed attribute name, if existing.

POST /update-ad

  • "file": zip-file

Uploads and extracts a passed zip file.