Android Version Migrator is a utility that allows you to define and execute the necessary logic during application updates.
For example, starting with Android 10, public storage can no longer be used. If the existing app used public storage, the files managed there need to be moved to app-specific storage. In such cases, this library executes the migration logic written by the developer and ensures that it is not executed multiple times.
Extend VersionMigration to define the version code, failure policy, and migration logic.
The failure policy includes CONTINUE
, which ignores the failure and proceeds with the next task,
and STOP
, which
all migration tasks.
object V1 : VersionMigration {
override val versionCode: Long = 1
override val policy: VersionMigrationPolicy =
VersionMigrationPolicy.CONTINUE // or VersionMigrationPolicy.STOP
override suspend fun migrate(): Result<Unit> {
return try {
// Insert your migration logic.
} catch (e: Exception) {
SequentialVersionMigrator is a migrator that executes registered VersionMigrations sequentially in ascending order of their versions.
val versionMigrator = SequentialVersionMigrator(
context = applicationContext,
versionMigrations = listOf(V1, V2, V3)
does not meet your requirements, you can create a new migrator by extending theVersionMigrator
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
} catch (e: YourCustomException) {
Note: Exceptions are thrown only if
is set.
Next is the flowchart provided by the library for the SequentialVersionMigrator
This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. - see the LICENSE file for details.