This library can be used to create PDF invoices with or without a payment slip.
- Create an InvoiceGeneratorConfiguration. This contains the layout for invoices (Header, Footer, Bank account, ...). There are also static elements available, that remain the same for all invoices, such as payment conditions.
- An InvoiceGenerator instance can now be created with the InvoiceGeneratorConfiguration.
- The InvoiceGenerator can now be used to create PDF invoices from Invoice objects. (bearbeitet)
private final InvoiceGeneratorConfiguration configuration = new InvoiceGeneratorConfiguration(Alignment.LEFT);
InvoiceGenerator invoiceGenerator = new InvoiceGenerator(configuration);
final Invoice invoice = new Invoice(columnTitle, titel, summary, einleitung, adresse, einzahlungsschein, positionen, total);
invoiceGenerator.generateInvoice(Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("target/Invoice.pdf")), invoice);
To be able to use specific fonts, in particular the OCR-B font, required for the coding line of the payment slip, the fonts must be registered before they are accessed, e.g.
FontFactory.register("/font/br_ocrb.ttf", FontConfiguration.FONT_FACE_OCRB);
Font ocrbFont = FontFactory.getFont(FontConfiguration.FONT_FACE_OCRB);
The FontConfiguration
can be used as a container for the default fonts of the generator. You can define your own
and set it in PageConfiguration