Branch Unity SDK change log
- Fix for Unity 2017
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.11.1 and iOS version 0.17.7
- Updating Branch to iOS version 0.17.6
- Updated algorithm for android manifest updating
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.10.3 and iOS version 0.17.5
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.10.2
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.8.0 and iOS version 0.15.3
- Adding cononicalUrl for BranchUniversalObject
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.6.1 and iOS version 0.14.12
- Fixing RewardsHistoryPanel
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.6.0
- Fixing AndroidThirdParty
- Updating BranchThirdParty.jar for Fabric solution
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.5.9 and iOS version 0.13.5
- Adding strings.xml to AndroidWrapperProject and AndroidThirdParty for avoiding of building error
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.5.7 and iOS version 0.12.27
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.5.5 and iOS version 0.12.24
- Changing namespace name from MiniJSON to BranchThirdParty_MiniJSON
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.5.2 and iOS version 0.12.19
- Fix for Android/iOS link-click compatibility when used with BUO.
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.5.1
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.4.7 and iOS version 0.12.16
- Fixing editor script for creating/updating android manifest
- Fix for crash on sharesheet when user taps cancel(iOS)
- Fixing data retrieving when app is in background (Android)
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.4.5 and iOS version 0.12.11
- Adding getAutoInstance() for Android platfrom (see README)
- Fixing of getting deep linking data when app is in background
- PostProcessBuild is enabled for iOS platfrom only
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.4.4
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.4.2 and iOS version 0.12.10
- Fixing android manifest
- Fixing "simulate fresh installs" for android
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.4.0 and iOS version 0.12.9
- Returning InitSession methods for iOS
- Updating Branch to Android version 2.2.0 and iOS version 0.12.6
- Updating Testbed
- Added listOnSpotlight(string universalObject)
- Deleted initSessionAsReferrable(bool isReferrable)
- Deleted initSessionWithCallback(string callbackId)
- Deleted initSessionAsReferrableWithCallback(bool isReferrable, string callbackId)
- Deleted closeSession()
- Deleted getFirstReferringParams()
- Deleted getLatestReferringParams()
- Deleted loadActionCountsWithCallback(string callbackId)
- Deleted getTotalCountsForAction(string action)
- Deleted getUniqueCountsForAction(string action)
- Deleted getContentUrlWithParamsChannelAndCallback(string parametersDict, string channel, string callbackId)
- Deleted getContentUrlWithParamsTagsChannelAndCallback(string parametersDict, string tags, string channel, string callbackId)
- Deleted shareLink(string parameterDict, string tagList, string message, string feature, string stage, string defaultUrl, string callbackId)
- Deleted getShortURLWithCallback(string callbackId) getShortURLWithParamsAndCallback(string parametersDict, string callbackId)
- Deleted getShortURLWithParamsTagsChannelFeatureStageAndCallback(string parametersDict, string tags, string channel, string feature, string stage, string callbackId)
- Deleted getShortURLWithParamsTagsChannelFeatureStageAliasAndCallback(string parametersDict, string tags, string channel, string feature, string stage, string alias, string callbackId)
- Deleted getShortURLWithParamsTagsChannelFeatureStageTypeAndCallback(string parametersDict, string tags, string channel, string feature, string stage, int type, string callbackId)
- Deleted getShortURLWithParamsTagsChannelFeatureStageMatchDurationAndCallback(string parametersDict, string tags, string channel, string feature, string stage, int matchDuration, string callbackId)
- Deleted getShortURLWithParamsChannelFeatureAndCallback(string parametersDict, string channel, string feature, string callbackId)
- Deleted getShortURLWithParamsChannelFeatureStageAndCallback(string parametersDict, string channel, string feature, string stage, string callbackId)
- Deleted getShortURLWithParamsChannelFeatureStageAliasAndCallback(string parametersDict, string channel, string feature, string stage, string alias, string callbackId)
- Deleted getShortURLWithParamsChannelFeatureStageTypeAndCallback(string parametersDict, string channel, string feature, string stage, int type, string callbackId)
- Deleted getShortURLWithParamsChannelFeatureStageMatchDurationAndCallback(string parametersDict, string channel, string feature, string stage, int matchDuration, string callbackId)
- Deleted getReferralUrlWithParamsTagsChannelAndCallback(string parametersDict, string tags, string channel, string callbackId)
- Deleted getReferralUrlWithParamsChannelAndCallback(string parametersDict, string channel, string callbackId)
- Deleted getReferralCodeWithCallback(string callbackId)
- Deleted getReferralCodeWithAmountAndCallback(int amount, string callbackId)
- Deleted getReferralCodeWithPrefixAmountAndCallback(string prefix, int amount, string callbackId)
- Deleted getReferralCodeWithAmountExpirationAndCallback(int amount, string expiration, string callbackId)
- Deleted getReferralCodeWithPrefixAmountExpirationAndCallback(string prefix, int amount, string expiration, string callbackId)
- Deleted getReferralCodeWithPrefixAmountExpirationBucketTypeLocationAndCallback(string prefix, int amount, string expiration, string bucket, int calcType, int location, string callbackId)
- Deleted validateReferralCodeWithCallback(string code, string callbackId)
- Deleted applyReferralCodeWithCallback(string code, string callbackId)
- Updating Branch to Android version 1.14.3 and iOS version 0.12.3
- Fixing "~tags" parsing
- Updating Branch to Android version 1.12.1 and iOS version 0.12.2
- Updating Branch to Android version 1.12.0 and iOS version 0.12.1
- Fixing trouble with Unity5.4.x
- Adding generation intent-filter for Android Path Prefixs
- Fixing trouble with empty expired data
- Fixing metadata
- Fixing non-string parameters
- Updating Branch to Android version 1.10.8 and iOS version 0.10.17
- Adding accountForFacebookSDKPreventingAppLaunch
- Fixing cold launch
- Updating Branch to Android version 1.10.5 and iOS version 0.10.16
- Fixing BranchAppController
- Fixing BranchiOSWrapper
- Updating Branch to Android version 1.10.4 and iOS version 0.10.14
- Adding auto management for Branch session
- Fixing method Branch.SetDebug()
- Fixing URI Scheme postprocesser (now postprocesser doesn't delete all existing settings)
- Fixing parsing of BranchUniversalObject and LinkProperties
- Bunch of bug fixes
- Cleaner integration steps
- Updating Branch to Android version 1.10.1 and iOS version 0.11.8
- Added setDebug
- Support for Universal Links on iOS
- Support for content analytics
- Support for native share sheet
- Updating Branch to Android version 1.8.0 and iOS version 0.10.7
- Updating parameter type "List list" to "List list" in callback BranchCallbackWithList
- Updating parameter "DateTime expiration" to "DateTime? expiration" in methods getReferralCode
- Adding share link functional for Android/iOS
- Adding source code of demo app into BranchUnityWrapper.unitypackage
- Adding full demo project archive into github
- Fixing return value in method getTotalCountsForAction
- Fixing return value in method getUniqueCountsForAction
- Fixing methods for converting string to date in Android/iOS wrappers
- Deleting method _runBlockOnThread because this method throws AndroidJavaException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Only one Looper may be created per thread
v0.1.3 Fixing a potential null pointer in the Android wrapper when no Activity was provided in the init.
v0.1.2 Fixing reverse param order on getShortUrl(params, callback) for Android.
- Adding missed setDebug method.
- Moving to using runnables instead of Looper.prepare which conflicts with some other JNI items.
- Adding compiler flags to meta.
- Recompiling plugin jar with Java 1.6.