- Uplifted jackson-databind from to 2.10.1 to resolve security vulnerability issue.
- Uplifted jackson-databind from to to resolve security vulnerability issue.
- Uplifted jackson-databind from 2.9.9 to to resolve security vulnerability issue.
- Upgraded jackson-databind from 2.9.8 to 2.9.9 to resolve security vulnerability issue.
- Version upgrade for Agen Edition uplift
- Group Id Changed from Ericsson to eiffel-community
- Version upgrade.
- Upgraded the remrem parent version to 1.0.0
- Version upgrade.
- Jackson.databind.version updated to 2.9.8
- Version upgrade.
- json-schema-validator updated to 2.2.8
- Version upgrade.
- Jackson.databind.version updated to 2.9.5
- Verson alignments.
- google-gson.version to 2.8.1 and logback.version to 1.1.9
- Roll back version of logback-classic to 1.1.7 due to incompatibilies with some Tomcat versions
- down graded json-schema-validator version to 2.2.6
- Added few more common dependencies required for eiffel components
- Added common dependencies required for all eiffel components in parent pom