📰 2023-04-28: Weekly Prophet! #3252
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This is your weekly summary of 37 PRs merged from 24 wizards. Great job everyone! 🎉
We had 23 added models 🟢 and 96 modified models 🟠 for 28 Sectors.
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MODEL: dex_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3171, adding-glacier-exchange
🧙 Author: @discochuck on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: One reference model was added: 'glacier_avalanche_c_trades'. No reference models were removed.
MODEL: dex_aggregator_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3207, Add 0x trades to dex_aggregator.trades
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The diff of the SQL model shows that a reference to 'zeroex_trades' was added to a list of excluded trades. The comment indicates that this exclusion is only temporary and suggests there were issues with these trades. The SELECT statement remains unchanged, so it will still return all columns from the remaining referenced tables.
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MODEL: nft_events.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3244, Add Collectionswap to nft.trades
🧙 Author: @0xRobin on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: A new reference to a SQL model called 'collectionswap_ethereum_events' was added. This model is being included in the SELECT statement along with three other models: 'nftearth_optimism_events', 'rarible_polygon_events', and 'stealcam_arbitrum_events'. No other changes were made to the existing code.
MODEL: nft_fees.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3244, Add Collectionswap to nft.trades
🧙 Author: @0xRobin on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: A reference to a SQL model named 'collectionswap_ethereum_fees' was added. The model is being included in a union with other models, but there were no changes made to the existing models.
MODEL: nft_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3244, Add Collectionswap to nft.trades
🧙 Author: @0xRobin on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: The diff of the SQL model shows that a new reference model was added: 'collectionswap_ethereum_trades'. No reference models were removed.
MODEL: nft_polygon_aggregators.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3222, add Dew aggregator on Polygon
🧙 Author: @sohwak on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: In this diff of a dbt SQL model, a new row has been added to the existing table. The new row contains information about another contract address and its corresponding name.
SECTOR: labels
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MODEL: labels_balancer_v2_gauges.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3208, Feature/add gauge labels
🧙 Author: @Stefenon on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a view that combines data from four different gauges models for Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum and Optimism blockchains. The view includes columns such as blockchain name, gauge address, gauge name and category along with contributor information. This enables data analysts to easily query the combined data across multiple blockchains in one place without having to manually merge the individual tables themselves.
MODEL: labels_balancer_v2_gauges_arbitrum.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3208, Feature/add gauge labels
🧙 Author: @Stefenon on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a view that enables data analysts to query information about Balancer V2 gauges on the Arbitrum blockchain. The view includes details such as the gauge address, name, category, contributor and label type. It also joins multiple sources of data including Ethereum and Arbitrum events to provide a comprehensive dataset for analysis.
MODEL: labels_balancer_v2_gauges_ethereum.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3208, Feature/add gauge labels
🧙 Author: @Stefenon on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This dbt SQL model creates a table that combines data from two sources to provide information on Balancer V2 gauges in the Ethereum blockchain. The resulting table includes columns for the gauge address, name, category, contributor and source. This model enables data analysts to easily query and analyze Balancer V2 gauge data in their analytics platform of choice.
MODEL: labels_balancer_v2_gauges_optimism.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3208, Feature/add gauge labels
🧙 Author: @Stefenon on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a view that enables data analysts to query and analyze Balancer V2 gauges on the Optimism blockchain. The view includes information such as the gauge address, pool name, category, contributor, source of data and timestamps for creation and updates. This allows analysts to track liquidity in pools on the Optimism network over time.
MODEL: labels_balancer_v2_gauges_polygon.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3208, Feature/add gauge labels
🧙 Author: @Stefenon on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This dbt SQL model creates a view that combines data from multiple sources to provide information on Balancer V2 gauges in the Polygon blockchain. The view includes columns for gauge address, name, category, contributor and source. It also includes timestamps for when the data was created and updated as well as label type identifiers. This enables analysts to easily access and analyze information on Balancer V2 gauges in Polygon without having to manually combine data from different sources themselves.
MODEL: labels_addresses.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3226, Feature/add gauge labels
🧙 Author: @Stefenon on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: The reference model 'labels_balancer_v2_gauges' was added to the SQL model, while no reference models were removed. The list of reference models in the updated SQL model is: 'labels_aztec_v2_contracts_ethereum', 'labels_balancer_v1_pools', 'labels_balancer_v2_pools', 'labels_balancer_v2_gauges', 'labels_cex',' labels_contracts',' labels_hackers_ethereum'.
🔧 PR: #3226, Labels Clean Up
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The diff of the SQL model shows that new reference models were added and some were removed. The following reference models were added:
. No reference model was removed.MODEL: labels_bridges.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3226, Labels Clean Up
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The diff shows that the previous SQL model was selecting all columns from two different tables and then unioning them together. The updated model uses a for loop to create a list of table references, selects specific columns from each table, and unions them together in a subquery. This change allows for more control over which columns are selected and simplifies the code by removing duplicate select statements.
MODEL: labels_dao.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3226, Labels Clean Up
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The SQL model selects all columns from multiple DAO models and combines them using UNION ALL. The diff shows that the blockchain, address, name, category, contributor, source, created_at and updated_at columns were added to the select statement for each DAO model. Additionally two new columns named 'model_name' and 'label_type' were also added to the select statement for each DAO model.
MODEL: labels_dex.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3226, Labels Clean Up
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The SQL model has been modified to include additional columns in the SELECT statement. The new columns are blockchain, address, name, category, contributor, source and label_type. These changes have been made to all tables specified by the dex_models variable using a for loop. The UNION ALL clause is used to combine data from multiple tables into one result set.
MODEL: labels_institution.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3226, Labels Clean Up
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The SQL model is being updated to combine the results of two different models, 'labels_cex' and 'labels_funds', into a single query. The new code creates a list of these two models and then uses a for loop to iterate over them, selecting specific columns from each table. The UNION ALL operator is used to combine the results of both queries into one result set.
SECTOR: tokens
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MODEL: tokens_bnb_bep20.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3238, Add Thena and Trader Joe trades on BNB chain
🧙 Author: @hsrvc on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: This SQL model selects the contract address, symbol and decimals from a table and creates a temporary table with additional rows containing hardcoded values for contract addresses, symbols and decimal places. The LOWER function is used to convert all characters in the 'contract_address' column to lowercase.
MODEL: tokens_ethereum_erc20.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3221, [Easy] [ERC20] Add 80 missing tokens
🧙 Author: @gentrexha on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: The following token symbols were added: JPOW, IDK, BOG, WARIO, PEPERONI, $MONG, PepeX,GYOSHI,$dick ,WOKE,YE,RICHPEPE,Uncle Pepe,$JEET,RG ,ERMN,GAY,FOMO,FCKMATH,MAMA,GME,GUCCI,JARED,
Gopnick,YUAN,XAEA-12ShibetoshiJEFFMONKED YELLEN$GRECPPWJ SILKSILKWHALED DSYNC.AI GAS CM bb-a-US The following tokens were removed: None.
🔧 PR: #3221, [Erc20] add 79 missing tokens
🧙 Author: @bh2smith on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: A comma separated list of all the token symbols that were added or removed cannot be provided as the diff of the SQL model is not given.
MODEL: tokens_optimism_erc20.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3237, [easy] More OP Static Updates
🧙 Author: @MSilb7 on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: Two tokens were added: 'wTBT' and 'PSP'. No tokens were removed.
MODEL: tokens_optimism_nft_curated.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3229, [easy] OP Static Info & Contract Creator Mapping
🧙 Author: @MSilb7 on 2023-04-25
📝 Summary: A contract address and name were added to a temporary table in the SQL model. The existing code includes a FROM statement with multiple contract addresses and names, but this new addition adds another row to that list.
SECTOR: prices
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MODEL: prices_arbitrum_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3246, Added OATH and GRAIN tokens
🧙 Author: @0xTollywood on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: Three tokens were added to the model: GRAIN, OATH and AXL. One token was removed from the model: AGI.
MODEL: prices_avalanche_c_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3246, Added OATH and GRAIN tokens
🧙 Author: @0xTollywood on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: The added token symbols are GRAIN and OATH. The removed token symbol is AXL.
MODEL: prices_bnb_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3243, Added OATH and GRAIN tokens
🧙 Author: @0xTollywood on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: Three tokens were added to the model: GHNY, GRAIN and OATH. No tokens were removed from the model.
🔧 PR: #3243, [easy] removing $XEN due to price issue
🧙 Author: @0xroll on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: The token symbol XEN was removed from the model.
MODEL: prices_ethereum_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3220, Added OATH and GRAIN tokens
🧙 Author: @0xTollywood on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: Two tokens were added to the model: PEPE and GRAIN.
🔧 PR: #3220, add dragon blood DB to price.usd
🧙 Author: @zalam003 on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The token symbol that was added is 'DB'. No tokens were removed.
🔧 PR: #3220, Add Pepe to prices.usd
🧙 Author: @0xSerPablo on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: Two tokens were added: PEPE and XRIO.
MODEL: prices_fantom_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3246, Added OATH and GRAIN tokens
🧙 Author: @0xTollywood on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: Two tokens were added and one was removed from the SQL model. The removed token is AXL, while the two added tokens are GRAIN and 2SHARES.
MODEL: prices_optimism_tokens_curated.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3246, Added OATH and GRAIN tokens
🧙 Author: @0xTollywood on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: A token with symbol 'GRAIN' and contract address '0xfD389Dc9533717239856190F42475d3f263a270d' was added to the SQL model. The rest of the code remains unchanged.
MODEL: prices_polygon_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3246, Added OATH and GRAIN tokens
🧙 Author: @0xTollywood on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: The added token symbols are GRAIN and OATH, while the removed token symbol is not mentioned in the diff.
SECTOR: thena
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MODEL: thena_bnb_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3238, Add Thena and Trader Joe trades on BNB chain
🧙 Author: @hsrvc on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a union of two existing dbt models, thena_fusion_bnb_trades and thena_v1_bnb_trades. The resulting table includes data on blockchain trades such as token symbols, amounts, addresses involved in the trade, project information and transaction details. This enables data analysts to easily query and analyze all Binance DEX trades across multiple versions of the platform in one consolidated table.
MODEL: thena_fusion_bnb_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3238, Add Thena and Trader Joe trades on BNB chain
🧙 Author: @hsrvc on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a view that enables data analysts to query and analyze swap transactions on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain. The view includes information such as the tokens being swapped, their symbols, amounts bought and sold, prices in USD (if available), transaction hashes, block dates and times. It also joins with other tables to provide additional details about the tokens involved in each swap. This model is designed for use within a larger data pipeline or analytics platform.
MODEL: thena_v1_bnb_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3238, Add Thena and Trader Joe trades on BNB chain
🧙 Author: @hsrvc on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a view that enables data analysts to query and analyze swap transactions on the Thena project's Binance Smart Chain decentralized exchange. The view includes information such as the blockchain, project, version, block date and time, token symbols and amounts bought/sold in each transaction. It also calculates the USD value of each transaction based on current prices at the time of execution. Additionally, it joins with other tables to provide more detailed information about tokens involved in swaps and their respective prices over time.
MODEL: thena_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3238, Add Thena and Trader Joe trades on BNB chain
🧙 Author: @hsrvc on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a view that combines data from the 'thena_bnb_trades' table and any other tables specified in the 'thena_models' variable. The resulting view includes information about blockchain trades such as token symbols, amounts, addresses, and transaction details. This enables data analysts to easily query and analyze trade data across multiple sources within a single view.
SECTOR: trader_joe
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MODEL: trader_joe_bnb_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3238, Add Thena and Trader Joe trades on BNB chain
🧙 Author: @hsrvc on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a view that combines data from the 'trader_joe_v2_bnb_trades' table and any other tables specified in the 'pancake_models' list. The resulting view includes information about blockchain transactions, including token symbols, amounts, addresses, and transaction details. This enables data analysts to easily query and analyze trading activity across multiple sources within a single view.
MODEL: trader_joe_v2_bnb_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3238, Add Thena and Trader Joe trades on BNB chain
🧙 Author: @hsrvc on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a view that enables data analysts to query the blockchain for token swap transactions on the Trader Joe v2 project. The view includes information such as block time, tokens bought and sold, their symbols and amounts in raw form as well as converted to decimals. It also calculates an estimated USD value of each transaction based on available price data at the time of execution. Additionally, it provides details about takers/makers involved in each transaction along with relevant contract addresses and trace indices for further analysis by users.
MODEL: trader_joe_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3238, Add Thena and Trader Joe trades on BNB chain
🧙 Author: @hsrvc on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: In this diff of a dbt SQL model, a reference to the 'trader_joe_bnb_trades' table was added to an existing list of references that includes the 'trader_joe_avalanche_c_trades' table. No other changes were made.
SECTOR: opensea
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MODEL: opensea_v4_ethereum_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3242, Add seaport v1.5 to
🧙 Author: @sohwak on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: The diff shows changes made to a SQL model for Seaport v1.4 and v1.5.The changes include adding new contract addresses, modifying the source_ethereum_transactions table by changing the where clause to filter on multiple contract addresses instead of just one, and adding a new wallet address in iv_platform_fee_wallet table.Other than these modifications, there is an addition of '+' at the end which doesn't seem to change anything significant in this context.
MODEL: opensea_ethereum_seaport_trades_samples.csv
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3242, Add seaport v1.5 to
🧙 Author: @sohwak on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: [changes too large] The model opensea_ethereum_seaport_trades_samples.csv was renamed.
MODEL: opensea_v3_polygon_events.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3219, Correct datatype and typo on
🧙 Author: @sohwak on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The SQL model adds a cast function to convert the 'token_id' column into a varchar(100) data type. The rest of the columns remain unchanged.
SECTOR: zeroex
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MODEL: zeroex_avalanche_c_api_fills.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3209, zeroex - revert avax
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-28
📝 Summary: The removed lines changed the token address used to join with a price table for two different tokens. The added lines are using the same logic as before but without one of those addresses, which means that only one token is being joined with its corresponding price table.
🔧 PR: #3209, zeroex - update bnb, poly
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This SQL model is a LEFT JOIN between the
table and theprices.usd
table. The join condition matches rows where the truncated block time of all transactions equals to minute in prices, and either maker_token or taker_token (if it's WETH) equals to contract_address in prices. The blockchain column must equal 'avalanche_c'.🔧 PR: #3209, zeroex - fill in null swaps - bnb univ2 + wrapped / unwrapped addresses
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This SQL model has two left joins to the
table on different conditions. The first join is based on the taker token and the second join is based on maker token. In both cases, if a specific address matches with either of these tokens, then it will be replaced by another address before joining withprices
. Finally, only those rows are selected where blockchain column in prices table equals 'avalanche_c'.🔧 PR: #3209, 0x - updates to native token addresses, matcha flags
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The diff shows changes made to a SQL model that joins three tables. The first join is an inner join between the 'transactions' table and another table, while the second and third joins are left outer joins with the 'usd' table. In both left outer joins, there were changes made to replace a contract address in a CASE statement for either taker_token or maker_token from one Ethereum network (0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2) to another (0xb31f66aa3c1e785363f0875a1b74e27b85fd66c7).
MODEL: zeroex_polygon_api_fills.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3209, zeroex - update bnb, poly
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: In this SQL model, a left outer join was added to the 'tokens_erc20' table for the maker_token column. Additionally, a WHERE clause was added to exclude transactions with incorrect decimal data.
🔧 PR: #3209, zeroex - fill in null swaps - bnb univ2 + wrapped / unwrapped addresses
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This SQL model is making changes to the left join conditions for two tables, 'prices' and 'usd'. The changes involve replacing certain contract addresses with new ones. Specifically, when the taker_token or maker_token equals a specific address (either 0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee or 0x0d500b1d8e8ef31e21c99d1db9a6444d3adf1270), it will be replaced by a new address (either 0x00000000000000000000000000...1010). Additionally, there are some minor formatting differences between what was added and removed.
🔧 PR: #3209, 0x - updates to native token addresses, matcha flags
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The changes made in the SQL model involve updating token addresses for a specific blockchain. The code checks if the taker/maker token is equal to a certain address and replaces it with another one if true. Additionally, there are left joins with two different sources of prices where date truncation is used to match timestamps between tables. Finally, filters are applied based on block time and minute values being greater than or equal to a specified start date value for each source table respectively.
MODEL: zeroex_bnb_api_fills.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3209, zeroex - fill in null swaps - bnb univ2 + wrapped / unwrapped addresses
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: The diff shows changes made to a SQL model that extracts data from two sources,
. The changes include adding columns for taker_token, maker_token and evt_index in the CTEs (zeroex_tx
), as well as joining on these new columns in the final select statement. Additionally, there are modifications to substring functions used to extract specific values from input strings.🔧 PR: #3209, 0x - updates to native token addresses, matcha flags
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The changes made in the SQL model involve left joining two tables, 'prices' and 'usd', to the main table. The first change involves replacing a contract address with another one when it matches a specific condition. The second change is similar to the first one but for another column of data. Both changes are related to token addresses and their corresponding contracts on Binance blockchain, which are used for price calculations in USD currency based on minute-level timestamps of transactions from zeroex_v3_start_date onwards.
MODEL: zeroex_fantom_api_fills.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3209, zeroex - fill in null swaps - bnb univ2 + wrapped / unwrapped addresses
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: The SQL model has been updated to include a new condition in the CASE statement. The maker_token and taker_token columns have been modified to exclude certain values, and the mp.price and tp.price columns are checked for NULL values. If these conditions are met, then a calculation is performed using all_tx.maker_token_amount_raw or all_tx.taker_token_amount_raw multiplied by either mp.price or tp.price respectively. Otherwise, volume_usd is calculated as the result of an alternative formula that uses COALESCE function on both calculations mentioned above.
🔧 PR: #3209, 0x - updates to native token addresses, matcha flags
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The added and removed code is related to the left join of two tables, 'prices' and 'usd'. The changes involve updating the contract address for a specific token in both cases. Specifically, when taker_token or maker_token equals a certain value (0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee), it will be replaced with another value (0x21be370d5312f44cb42ce377bc9b8a0cef1a4c83). Additionally, there are some conditions that need to be met before joining these tables such as matching blockchain type and date truncation.
MODEL: zeroex_arbitrum_api_fills_deduped.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3207, Add 0x trades to dex_aggregator.trades
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The diff shows a change in the SQL model where an empty array is replaced with an array containing -1. The rest of the code selects columns from two tables and aliases them, including blockchain, tx_from, tx_to, evt_index, type and swap_flag.
MODEL: zeroex_avalanche_c_api_fills_deduped.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3207, Add 0x trades to dex_aggregator.trades
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The diff shows a change in the SQL model where an empty array is replaced with an array containing -1. The rest of the code selects columns from two tables and aliases them as blockchain, tx_from, tx_to, evt_index, trace_address (which now contains -1), type, swap_flag and fills_within.
MODEL: zeroex_bnb_api_fills_deduped.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3207, Add 0x trades to dex_aggregator.trades
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The diff shows a change in the SQL model where an empty array is replaced with an array containing -1. The rest of the code selects columns from two tables and aliases them as blockchain, tx_from, tx_to, evt_index, trace_address (which has been modified), type, swap_flag and fills_within.
MODEL: zeroex_ethereum_api_fills_deduped.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3207, Add 0x trades to dex_aggregator.trades
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The diff shows a change in the trace_address column of a SQL model. The original code had an empty array, while the updated version has an array with -1 as its only element. No other changes were made to the SELECT statement or any other part of the model.
MODEL: zeroex_fantom_api_fills_deduped.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3207, Add 0x trades to dex_aggregator.trades
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The diff shows a change in the SQL model where an empty array is replaced with an array containing -1. The rest of the code selects columns from two tables and aliases them as blockchain, tx_from, tx_to, evt_index, trace_address (which now contains -1), type, swap_flag and fills_within.
MODEL: zeroex_optimism_api_fills_deduped.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3207, Add 0x trades to dex_aggregator.trades
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The diff shows that two lines were removed and two lines were added to a SQL model. The removed lines include a column named
and an empty array of typearray<bigint>
. The added lines include the same column name, but with an additional line specifying the data type as well as another line adding-1
to the previously empty array. Overall, this suggests that changes have been made to how certain columns are being selected in this query.MODEL: zeroex_polygon_api_fills_deduped.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3207, Add 0x trades to dex_aggregator.trades
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The diff shows a change in the trace_address column of a SQL model. The original code had an empty array, while the updated version has an array with -1 as its only element. No other changes were made to the SELECT statement or any other part of the model.
MODEL: zeroex_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3207, Add 0x trades to dex_aggregator.trades
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The SQL model adds a constant value of '1' as the version for the given blockchain data. It also renames a column from 'maker_symbol' to 'token_bought_symbol'. No other significant changes were made in this diff.
MODEL: zeroex_arbitrum_api_fills.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3209, 0x - updates to native token addresses, matcha flags
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The changes made in the SQL model involve updating the contract addresses for tokens and adding a condition to filter by blockchain. The first change updates the taker_token and maker_token contract addresses from '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2' to '0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1'. The second change adds a condition to filter by blockchain, where only transactions on Arbitrum are included.
MODEL: zeroex_ethereum_api_fills.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3209, 0x - updates to native token addresses, matcha flags
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The SQL model adds a column called 'matcha_limit_order_flag' to the existing table. The flag is set to true if the value of 'feeRecipient' in the fills table matches any of three specific addresses, including '0x9b858be6e3047d88820f439b240deac2418a2551'.
MODEL: zeroex_optimism_api_fills.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3209, 0x - updates to native token addresses, matcha flags
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The changes made in this SQL model involve updating the contract addresses used for token pairs. The
are checked against specific values, and if they match, a new address is assigned to them respectively. Additionally, there are left joins with two different sources of price data (prices.usd
) where the block time is truncated by minute and matched with either the taker or maker token's respective contract address on Optimism blockchain.MODEL: zeroex_api_fills_deduped_test.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3209, 0x - updates to native token addresses, matcha flags
🧙 Author: @RantumBits on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: This SQL model is a unit test that checks for mismatches between two tables,
. The test compares the values of columns in both tables (taker_symbol
, andtaker
) to determine if they match. If there are any mismatches, it returns a count of those rows as well as the total number of rows tested. The main logic added was checking for matches on the column 'taker' instead of 'maker_symbol'.SECTOR: trove
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: trove_v2_arbitrum_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3245, add older v2 of trove
🧙 Author: @bizzyvinci on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: The diff shows a change in the project start date and modifications to the currency_contract column. The paymentToken column is now being checked for null values, and if it's null, then a default value is assigned. This SQL model also includes columns such as seller, buyer, amount_raw (calculated by multiplying pricePerItem with quantity), nft_contract_address, project_contract_address and tx_hash from marketplace table.
SECTOR: collectionswap
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: collectionswap_ethereum_events.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3244, Add Collectionswap to nft.trades
🧙 Author: @0xRobin on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a view of trade data for the CollectionSwap project on Ethereum, enabling data analysts to analyze trades by various attributes such as block date, buyer/seller addresses, collection name and token standard. The model calculates various metrics such as platform fee percentage and royalty fee percentage in addition to converting amounts into USD using price data from an external source. It also includes information about the transaction associated with each trade.
MODEL: collectionswap_ethereum_fees.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3244, Add Collectionswap to nft.trades
🧙 Author: @0xRobin on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This SQL model selects various fields from the 'collectionswap_ethereum_events' table, including blockchain, project, version, token_id and trade_type. It also includes platform and royalty fee amounts in both raw and USD values as well as their respective percentages. Other fields include seller/buyer information, NFT contract address and transaction details such as tx_hash. This model enables data analysts to analyze swap events on Ethereum-based marketplaces for NFTs with a focus on fees charged by platforms/aggregators/royalty holders during trades.
MODEL: collectionswap_ethereum_pools.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3244, Add Collectionswap to nft.trades
🧙 Author: @0xRobin on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This new dbt SQL model creates a table that enables data analysts to track the creation of NFT pools and their associated token addresses. The table includes information such as the pool address, NFT contract address, token address, transaction hash for pool creation and block time for when it was created. This allows analysts to better understand how these pools are being created and what tokens they are using. Additionally, this model supports incremental updates by only including data from the past week if specified in the query parameters.
MODEL: collectionswap_ethereum_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3244, Add Collectionswap to nft.trades
🧙 Author: @0xRobin on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a table that enables data analysts to query and analyze various attributes of Ethereum blockchain events related to collection swaps. The table includes information such as the blockchain, project, version, token ID, trade type (buy/sell), seller/buyer addresses and more. This will allow analysts to gain insights into the trading behavior of NFT collectors on Ethereum-based marketplaces.
SECTOR: balances
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: balances_ethereum_erc721_latest.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3202, Erc721 check missing nfts - reopen
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: The added line reverts a previous change that removed a condition from the WHERE clause. The condition checks if there is no match between two tables after performing a LEFT JOIN operation, and it filters out any rows where there is such a match.
MODEL: balances_ethereum_erc721_noncompliant.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3202, Erc721 check missing nfts - reopen
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: The SQL model checks for wallet addresses that have multiple owners and selects the distinct token addresses associated with those wallets. The only change made in the pull request was removing the semicolon at the end of the query.
SECTOR: transfers
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: transfers_ethereum_erc721_agg_day.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3202, Erc721 check missing nfts - reopen
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This SQL model selects data from a table called 'transfers_ethereum_erc721'. If the run is incremental, it filters the results to only include events that occurred within the last week. The query groups by six columns and previously had a commented-out line of code that filtered for
sum(amount) = 1
, but this has been removed as it was affecting rolling models.MODEL: transfers_ethereum_erc721_agg_hour.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3202, Erc721 check missing nfts - reopen
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This SQL model selects data from a table called 'transfers_ethereum_erc721'. If the run is incremental, it filters the results to only include events that occurred within the last week. The query groups by six columns and previously had a commented-out line of code that filtered for sum(amount) equaling 1, but this has been removed as it was affecting rolling models.
MODEL: transfers_ethereum_erc721_rolling_day.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3202, Erc721 check missing nfts - reopen
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: The added code calculates the sum of token amounts for each wallet, token and tokenId combination over time. It also assigns a recency index to each row based on the date of transfer.
SECTOR: aragon
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: aragon_polygon_app_dao_addresses.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3235, add aragon app (polygon) - Ready for review
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: This dbt SQL model creates a query that extracts data from the DAORegistry_evt_DAORegistered table in the aragon_app_polygon source. It selects specific columns and renames them, including creating a new column called 'product'. The model enables data analysts to retrieve information about DAOs created using Aragon on Polygon blockchain, such as their wallet address, creation date and time, and which tool was used to create them. Analysts can also filter results by project start date or incremental updates within the last week.
MODEL: aragon_polygon_dao_addresses.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3235, add aragon app (polygon) - Ready for review
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-27
📝 Summary: The diff of the SQL model shows that a reference to 'aragon_polygon_app_dao_addresses' was added to the existing list of references in 'aragon_models'. No other changes were made.
SECTOR: balancer
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: balancer_v2_arbitrum_liquidity.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3039, fix balancer liquidity v2
🧙 Author: @mendesfabio on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The SQL model is being updated to include additional columns and calculations. In the
CTE, thedecimals
column has been added to calculate average price for tokens with different decimal places. In thezipped_balance_changes
CTE, new columns have been added to calculate token balance in raw and normalized form as well as USD amount based on token balance and its corresponding price. Finally, in the main query of this model, these newly calculated fields are included along with existing ones like pool symbol and liquidity estimate for each day/token combination.MODEL: balancer_v2_ethereum_liquidity.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3039, fix balancer liquidity v2
🧙 Author: @mendesfabio on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The diff shows changes made to a SQL model. The first change adds the 'decimals' column and modifies the GROUP BY clause in a CTE called 'pool_labels'. Another CTE, 'zipped_balance_changes', has three new lines of code that add two columns: token_balance_raw and token_balance. The third line calculates amount_usd using these new columns along with price data from another table. Finally, there are two additional columns added to the SELECT statement in the main query: token_balance_raw and token balance.
MODEL: balancer_v2_optimism_liquidity.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3039, fix balancer liquidity v2
🧙 Author: @mendesfabio on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The SQL model is being updated to include decimals for tokens in the pool_labels CTE. The zipped_balance_changes CTE has been modified to calculate token balance and amount in USD using decimals from either the token table or price table, whichever is available. Additionally, a filter has been added to exclude rows where amount_usd <= 0. Finally, the main SELECT statement now includes columns for token_balance_raw and token_balance which are calculated values from zipped_balance_changes CTE based on cumulative_amount divided by 10 raised to power of COALESCE(t.decimals,p1.decimals).
MODEL: balancer_v2_polygon_liquidity.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3039, fix balancer liquidity v2
🧙 Author: @mendesfabio on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The SQL model is being updated to include decimals for tokens in the pool_labels CTE. The zipped_balance_changes CTE has been modified to calculate token balance and amount in USD using decimals from either token or price table. Additionally, a filter has been added to exclude rows where amount_usd is less than or equal to zero. Finally, the main query selects pool_symbol, token_address, token_symbol along with raw and normalized balances of tokens as well as their corresponding amounts in USD calculated based on liquidity estimates and cumulative balance data.
SECTOR: tigris
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: tigris_v1_arbitrum_events_limit_order.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3236, update pairs contract for version 2 (tigris trades)
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The SQL model shows a change in the reference table used for the 'pairs' query. The previous reference to 'tigris_arbitrum_events_asset_added' was replaced with a new reference to 'tigris_v1_arbitrum_events_asset_added'. Additionally, there is a set variable called 'limit_order_trading_evt_tables', which contains an array of tables that are not shown in this diff.
MODEL: tigris_v1_arbitrum_events_open_position.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3236, update pairs contract for version 2 (tigris trades)
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The change in the SQL model involves renaming a reference to another table. The original reference was to
and it was changed totigris_v1_arbitrum_events_asset_added
. This change affects the creation of a new table called 'pairs' which selects all columns from the renamed table. There is no other significant logic added or removed in this diff.MODEL: tigris_v2_arbitrum_events_asset_added.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3236, update pairs contract for version 2 (tigris trades)
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: This SQL model selects the event transaction hash, asset ID and pair name from a source table called 'tigristrade_v2_arbitrum' and its 'PairsContract_evt_AssetAdded' event. This enables data analysts to retrieve information about assets added to pairs in the Tigris Trade platform on Arbitrum.
MODEL: tigris_v2_arbitrum_events_limit_order.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3236, update pairs contract for version 2 (tigris trades)
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The SQL model shows a change in the reference table used for the 'pairs' query. The previous reference table was 'tigris_arbitrum_events_asset_added', which has been replaced with 'tigris_v2_arbitrum_events_asset_added'. Additionally, there is a set of tables called 'limit_order_trading_evt_tables' that have not been changed and are still being referenced in the model.
MODEL: tigris_v2_arbitrum_events_open_position.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3236, update pairs contract for version 2 (tigris trades)
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The change in the SQL model involves renaming a reference to another table. The original reference was to
and it has been changed totigris_v2_arbitrum_events_asset_added
. This change is made in the definition of a CTE called 'pairs'. There are no other changes made in this diff.MODEL: tigris_v1_polygon_events_limit_order.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3236, update pairs contract for version 2 (tigris trades)
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The SQL model shows a diff in the 'pairs' table where the reference to 'tigris_polygon_events_asset_added' has been changed to 'tigris_v1_polygon_events_asset_added'. Additionally, a set variable called 'limit_order_trading_evt_tables' has been defined with an array of table names. No further information is provided about the purpose or logic of these changes.
MODEL: tigris_v1_polygon_events_open_position.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3236, update pairs contract for version 2 (tigris trades)
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The diff shows that a reference to a dbt model called 'tigris_polygon_events_asset_added' was changed to 'tigris_v1_polygon_events_asset_added'. This change was made in the definition of a CTE (common table expression) called 'pairs'. No other changes were made in this SQL model.
MODEL: tigris_v2_polygon_events_asset_added.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3236, update pairs contract for version 2 (tigris trades)
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: This SQL model selects the event transaction hash, asset ID and pair name from a source table called 'PairsContract_evt_AssetAdded' in the 'tigristrade_v2_polygon' database. This enables data analysts to retrieve information about assets added to pairs contracts for further analysis.
MODEL: tigris_v2_polygon_events_limit_order.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3236, update pairs contract for version 2 (tigris trades)
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The SQL model shows a diff in the 'pairs' table where the reference to 'tigris_polygon_events_asset_added' has been changed to 'tigris_v2_polygon_events_asset_added'. Additionally, a new set called 'limit_order_trading_evt_tables' has been defined.
MODEL: tigris_v2_polygon_events_open_position.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3236, update pairs contract for version 2 (tigris trades)
🧙 Author: @henrystats on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The diff of the SQL model shows that a reference to a previous table
was replaced with a reference to an updated version of the same table calledtigris_v2_polygon_events_asset_added
. No other changes were made in this section.SECTOR: tofu
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: tofu_polygon_events.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3192,
: add tofu_nft on Polygon🧙 Author: @sohwak on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a view that enables data analysts to query and analyze trade events for NFTs on the Polygon blockchain. The view includes information such as the token ID, collection name, trade type (single item or bundle), number of items traded, seller and buyer addresses, price in both native currency and USD equivalent, platform fees and royalties paid out to various parties involved in the transaction. Additionally it provides unique identifiers for each trade event along with relevant contract addresses of tokens involved in trades.
MODEL: tofu_polygon_fees.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3192,
: add tofu_nft on Polygon🧙 Author: @sohwak on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: This SQL model selects various fields from the 'tofu_polygon_events' table, including blockchain, project, version, token ID and trade details such as trade type and number of items. It also includes information on platform fees and royalty fees in both raw amounts and USD equivalents. This model enables data analysts to analyze trades made on the Polygon network with a focus on NFTs (non-fungible tokens) by providing detailed transaction information for each trade.
MODEL: tofu_polygon_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3192,
: add tofu_nft on Polygon🧙 Author: @sohwak on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: This SQL model selects various fields from the 'tofu_polygon_events' table where the event type is a trade. The selected fields include information about blockchain, project, version, token ID and standard, collection details as well as trade specifics such as amount in USD and original currency symbol. This model enables data analysts to analyze trades on the Polygon network by providing relevant information for further analysis or reporting purposes.
MODEL: tofu_events.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3192,
: add tofu_nft on Polygon🧙 Author: @sohwak on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: A new reference to a SQL model called 'tofu_polygon_events' was added to the list of references in the variable 'tofu_models'. The SELECT statement remains unchanged and will return all columns from these referenced models.
MODEL: tofu_fees.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3192,
: add tofu_nft on Polygon🧙 Author: @sohwak on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: A new reference to a SQL model called 'tofu_polygon_fees' was added to the existing list of references for tofu_models. The SELECT statement at the end of the code remains unchanged and will select all columns from these referenced models.
MODEL: tofu_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3192,
: add tofu_nft on Polygon🧙 Author: @sohwak on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: A new reference to a SQL model called 'tofu_polygon_trades' was added to the list of references. The SELECT statement remains unchanged and will return all columns from the referenced models.
SECTOR: contracts
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: contracts_bnb_contract_mapping.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3239, Bnb av
🧙 Author: @akritivij on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: [changes too large] The model contracts_bnb_contract_mapping.sql was modified.
MODEL: contracts_optimism_contract_creator_address_list.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3218, [easy] More OP Static Updates
🧙 Author: @MSilb7 on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: The diff of the SQL model shows additions and removals to a list of contracts and their creators. Several new projects were added, including Zerion, Paraswap, Chainlink, Tellor and KyberSwap. Some existing entries were updated with corrected names (e.g., CurveFi was changed to Curve).
🔧 PR: #3218, [easy] OP Static Info & Contract Creator Mapping
🧙 Author: @MSilb7 on 2023-04-25
📝 Summary: This diff adds a SQL query that maps creator addresses to their corresponding contract projects. It does this by first creating a curated list of known creators and their associated projects, then mapping additional creators from an external table if they are not already in the curated list. The final output filters out any creator addresses that appear in another table of nondeterministic contract creators and groups the results by address and project name.
🔧 PR: #3218, [EASY] OP Fix Contract Mappings
🧙 Author: @MSilb7 on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The diff shows changes made to three nested SELECT statements. In the first statement, a column named 'contract_project' is cast as varchar(250) and some values are added or removed. The second statement has several rows of data added or removed. Finally, in the third statement, one row of data is changed by replacing 'Rainbow' with 'Socket'.
MODEL: contracts_optimism_project_name_mappings.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3237, [easy] More OP Static Updates
🧙 Author: @MSilb7 on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: In this SQL model, two entries were added to a temporary table that maps Dune Analytics names to their corresponding mapped names. Specifically, 'Avalon Lyra' was mapped to 'Lyra', and 'avalon_lyra' was also mapped to 'Lyra'.
MODEL: contracts_optimism_contract_overrides.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3229, [easy] OP Static Info & Contract Creator Mapping
🧙 Author: @MSilb7 on 2023-04-25
📝 Summary: A new contract label called 'LayerZero Oracle' was added to the SQL model. No other changes were made.
SECTOR: staking
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: staking_ethereum_entities.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3216, Add P2P.org to Identified ETH Stakers
🧙 Author: @hildobby on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: A new entity called 'P2P.org' with the category of 'Staking Pools' was added to an existing list of entities that includes Prysm Team, Teku Team, and Nimbus Team.
🔧 PR: #3216, Staking (+RocketPool-specific fixes)
🧙 Author: @hildobby on 2023-04-25
📝 Summary: The SQL model is a CTE (Common Table Expression) that creates a table called 'contracts'. The table contains three columns: address, entity, and category. The values in the address column are trimmed and converted to lowercase. In this diff of the SQL model, two rows were removed from the VALUES clause of contracts CTE while three new rows were added with different entities and categories for Rocket Pool.
MODEL: staking_ethereum_deposits.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3216, Staking (+RocketPool-specific fixes)
🧙 Author: @hildobby on 2023-04-25
📝 Summary: The diff of the SQL model shows that two conditions were added to the deposit_events CTE. The first condition filters out certain call types and null values, while the second condition filters for successful transactions with a value greater than 0. Additionally, an optional time filter was added to only include data from October 14th, 2020 onwards if it is not an incremental run.
SECTOR: giveth
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: giveth_gnosis_airdrop_claims.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3233, Fix giveth blockchain (fix dbt warning)
🧙 Author: @hildobby on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: [changes too large] The model giveth_gnosis_airdrop_claims.sql was renamed.
MODEL: giveth_gnosis_schema.yml
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3233, Fix giveth blockchain (fix dbt warning)
🧙 Author: @hildobby on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: [changes too large] The model giveth_gnosis_schema.yml was renamed.
MODEL: giveth_gnosis_sources.yml
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3233, Fix giveth blockchain (fix dbt warning)
🧙 Author: @hildobby on 2023-04-26
📝 Summary: [changes too large] The model giveth_gnosis_sources.yml was renamed.
SECTOR: test-helpers
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: test_helpers_schema.yml
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3231, reorg macros
🧙 Author: @jeff-dude on 2023-04-25
📝 Summary: [changes too large] The model test_helpers_schema.yml was renamed.
SECTOR: addresses
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: addresses_optimism_grants_funding.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3229, [easy] OP Static Info & Contract Creator Mapping
🧙 Author: @MSilb7 on 2023-04-25
📝 Summary: This diff of a dbt SQL model shows the addition of 25 new projects to Season 3 and two projects to Partner Fund. The removed line was a duplicate entry for Velodrome in Partner Fund. Each project has its name, contract address, and season number specified as columns in the table.
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: op_token_distributions_optimism_project_name_mapping.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3229, [easy] OP Static Info & Contract Creator Mapping
🧙 Author: @MSilb7 on 2023-04-25
📝 Summary: A new row was added to the SQL model with the proposal name 'Rabbit Hole' and project name 'Rabbithole'. The rest of the code remains unchanged.
MODEL: op_token_distributions_optimism_project_wallets.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3229, [easy] OP Static Info & Contract Creator Mapping
🧙 Author: @MSilb7 on 2023-04-25
📝 Summary: This SQL model contains a list of Ethereum addresses and their corresponding names and descriptions. The new lines added include various wallet addresses with their respective names and descriptions, such as Kyberswap, Crypto LDFM, Nested Treasury Wallet, Geo Web Team Multisig & Protocol Treasury etc.
SECTOR: liquidifty
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: liquidifty_bnb_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3225, trade_type column typo fix for liquidifty_bnb_trades and liquidifty_ethereum_trades
🧙 Author: @0xSector on 2023-04-25
📝 Summary: The SQL model was modified to change the trade_type from 'Bundle Item Trade' to 'Bundle Trade'. The rest of the code remains unchanged.
MODEL: liquidifty_ethereum_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3225, trade_type column typo fix for liquidifty_bnb_trades and liquidifty_ethereum_trades
🧙 Author: @0xSector on 2023-04-25
📝 Summary: The SQL model was updated to change the trade_type from 'Bundle Item Trade' to 'Bundle Trade'. The rest of the code remains unchanged.
SECTOR: oneinch
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: oneinch_contract_addresses.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3212, WIP [oneinch] add static contract addresses
🧙 Author: @grkhr on 2023-04-25
📝 Summary: [changes too large] The model oneinch_contract_addresses.sql was added.
SECTOR: maker
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: maker_ethereum_accounting.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3217, Added missing revenue due to new accounting method to maker_ethereum.accounting
🧙 Author: @web3lyt on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The added logic includes a union of two queries, one that selects data from a specific table and another that calculates the sum of values from another table. The conditions for selecting data include checking if the call was successful and if dart is greater than zero. The result is grouped by timestamp, transaction hash, and ilk.
SECTOR: arbswap
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MODEL: arbswap_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #3204, Add Arbswap Stableswap
🧙 Author: @StagArbswap on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: The SQL model has been updated to include a new UNION ALL statement that selects data from another table called 'ArbswapStableSwapTwoPool_evt_TokenExchange'. This is used to calculate the token_bought_amount_raw and token_sold_amount_raw. The SELECT statement now includes additional columns such as tx_hash, trace_address, evt_index. A LEFT JOIN with the 'usd' table has also been modified to filter by date range if it's an incremental build or project start date if not. Finally, NULL values for amount_usd have been casted as DOUBLE instead of being set as NULL directly.
SECTOR: glacier
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MODEL: glacier_avalanche_c_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #3171, adding-glacier-exchange
🧙 Author: @discochuck on 2023-04-24
📝 Summary: This SQL model creates a table that enables data analysts to analyze token swaps on the Avalanche C chain. The table includes information such as the blockchain, project, version, block date and time, token symbols and amounts bought/sold in raw and decimal format. It also includes USD values for each swap based on current prices at the time of swap. Additionally it provides details about taker/maker addresses involved in each transaction along with their respective contract addresses and trace index numbers.
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