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File metadata and controls

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Step by step AdonisJS crash course

Inpired from by Marius Espejo

1. npm init adonis-ts-app@latest name-of-project
(for a TypeScript language following the framework adonis)

2. Type of:

  • web - for a front + back-end project
  • api - to a bacj-end aplication
  • slim - the most basic one

3. Enter name + eslint or/and prettier

4. npm run dev or cd name-of-project
node ace serve --watch

5. at this start moment you should play with routes on de file inside the start folder
make sure to use inside the async function ({ params, request, response, query })
get the request.body()
inform a response.status()
and return 'something' so you can check everything out

Routes created for test


GET '/'

{ "hello": "world" }

POST '/post'

{ "message": "Hello I am the first route created by Duda's hands on this project" }

GET '/get/:id'


The id informated on params is 25

PATCH '/context'

{ "name": "Duda", "message": "It's a plesure to meet you" }

It's a plesure to meet you

  1. now its time to organize your controllers
    node ace make:controller Pet
    on this file you should provide some metodos so you can call on the routes file between string 'SomethingsController.index'

GET '/pets' = index()

list of pets

POST '/pets/new' = store()

{ "name": "Bobby", "especie": "Cat", "description": "It has a cold heart but it's beautiful", "family": "2 sons" }

{ "whatWasAdded": { "name": "Bobby", "especie": "Cat", "description": "It has a cold heart but it's beautiful", "family": "2 sons" }, "message": "You added sucessfully a pet" }

  1. node ace list:routes
    (show you all the routes that you created until now)

  2. to make crud more flexible:
    Route.resource('/cars', 'CarsController') + node ace list:routes
    you will be able to get all the possible routes on your terminal
    apiOnly() at the end is ideal if its just a back-end application

GET '/animals' = index()

Should list all the content related to the class

GET '/animals/create'

just example, this is for web format

POST '/animals' = store()

{ "name": "Lion" }

{ "message": "We gonna add the content of body on the database", "newAnimal": { "name": "Lion" } }

GET '/animals/:id' = show()

Display only the animal number 1

GET '/animals/:id/edit' = edit()

just example, this is for web format

PUT | PATCH '/animals/:id' = update()

{ "name": "tiger" }

{ "message": "We going to edit the animal that already exists at database based on the id informed", "dataToUpdated": { "name": "tiger" }, "animalThatWillBeUpdated": "2" }

DELETE '/animals/:id' = destroy()

response: The idea is to delete / destroy the number 2 on the list

Now it's time to make thing feel more real

  1. Add and Config database
    npm install @adonisjs/lucid
    node ace configure @adonisjs/lucid
    select the type of system of database

  2. To work with database you must create some tables based on the project Let's create a migration node ace make:migration pets node ace make:migration animals the sintax of migration is based on Knex.js Examples:
    { table.increments('id'); table.string('name'); } Time to run this migration:
    node ace migration:run

  3. To manipulate the data inside migration its time for the model
    Let's create a model
    node ace make:model Pet
    @column() public name:string
    For each table you need to have a individual model
    ! luxon is a library that are use inside Adonis to define a type of date
    ! luxon = moment.js
    The model are not going to change the schema for migrations / database

  4. Import the model inside the controller with the first letter upper case
    index () ---> await Pet.all() = select * from pets
    store () ---> await Pet.create(request.body()) = insert
    show () ---> await Pet.findOrFail(
    update () ---> const pet = await Pet.findOrFail(
    PUT) pet = body PATCH) pet.something = body.something await destroy () ---> const pet = await Pet.findOrFail( await pet.delete()

! findOrFail() is used to stop the application at this current line if there is anything at the specific search at database
! Pet.findOrFail( = select * from pets where 'id'

  1. Time to validate our request
    Let's create a validator
    node ace make:validator CreateFish
    public schema = schema.create({ name: schema.string({ trim: true }), age: schema.number(), description: schema.string(), email: schema.string({}, [, ]), })
    import the validator on the controller and use
    await request.validate(CreateFish)
    The name of the vallidate data normally are call of 'payload'

GET '/owner' = index()


  • Array with all the owners
    [ { "id": 1, "name": "Duda", "email": "[email protected]", "age": 19, "description": 1, "created_at": "2022-09-19T11:15:57.000-03:00", "updated_at": "2022-09-19T11:15:57.000-03:00" } ]

POST '/owner' = store()

{ "name": "Duda", "email": "[email protected]", "age": 19, "description": 1 }

{ "message": "Owner created successfully" }

this is the type of error you are going to recive if something goes wrong: { "errors": [ { "rule": "alpha", "field": "name", "message": "alpha validation failed" }, { "rule": "unique", "field": "email", "message": "unique validation failure" } ] }

GET '/owner/:id' = show()

{ "id": 2, "name": "Maria", "email": "[email protected]", "age": 30, "description": 2, "created_at": "2022-09-19T11:24:37.000-03:00", "updated_at": "2022-09-19T11:24:37.000-03:00" }

PUT | PATCH '/owner/:id' = update()

{ "name": "Elena", "email": "[email protected]", "age": 26, "description": 1 }

{ "id": 2, "name": "Elena", "email": "[email protected]", "age": 30, "description": 2, "created_at": "2022-09-19T11:24:37.000-03:00", "updated_at": "2022-09-19T11:27:29.390-03:00" }

DELETE '/owner/:id' = destroy()

{ "message": "Owner deleted" }

  1. Don't forgot that we have to important commands
    npm run build
    to make typescript into javascript. you need to use before commit
    npm run dev
    to make your project run on localhost

  2. test everything to make sure you understand

  3. git add . && git commit -m "Project completed"
    git push origin master / main

I hope we have learn something funny together today. Have a wonderful day!