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Extract results

duartej edited this page Feb 15, 2013 · 8 revisions

Extract results: several python utilities

The output returned by the runanalysis executable is a root file having the following contents

  • TH1 histograms of defined observables for several stages of the analysis
  • cuts TTree with cut information: integer with a cut code for the event, weight applied, the event id number and the run number
  • evtlist TTree with high level information for each event, such dilepton mass of the event, the transverse mass, the pt of the Z candidate leptons, ... Note that this tree is present only for the real data processed samples.

There are several python utilities which deal with the output to extract relevant and presentable information.

  • plothisto: used to plot any of the TH1 defined in the outputs using all the samples found in a given path.
  • printtable: used to build html or/and latex table using all the samples found in a given path. The tables show the yields at different analysis stages.
  • processedsample: python class encapsulating the output files from the analysis. It contains useful methods to get information, do plots, ...
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