NB! Not all features are covered yet.
The whole SDK comprises modules and submodules with different functionality:
- SDK.Debug
- SDK.DebugUpvalue
- SDK.Entity
- SDK.MiniMap
- SDK.PersistentData
- SDK.Player
- SDK.Remote
- SDK.World
Module SDK.Debug
helps with mod debugging.
As it's a common practice to put different messages throughout your code to see what exactly your function is doing through the console. This enables more transparency over the business logic and simplifies tracking the unexpected behaviour.
SDK.Debug.String("Hello", "World!") -- prints: [sdk] [your-mod] Hello World!
SDK.Debug.String("Hello", "World!") -- prints nothing
Even though it's really easy to make a similar solution, you can still find mods
which just use print
for this purpose and pollute the logs giving no option to
disable this behaviour.
local function GetComponent(name)
local component = ThePlayer.components[name]
if component then
SDK.Debug.String("Component", name, "is available")
return component
SDK.Debug.Error("Component", name, "is not available")
-- prints: [sdk] [your-mod] Component health is available
-- prints: [sdk] [your-mod] [error] Component foobar is not available
NB! Should be used with caution and only as a last resort.
Module SDK.DebugUpvalue
allows accessing some in-game local variables using
the debug module.
local fn = TheWorld.net.components.weather.GetDebugString
local _moisturefloor = SDK.DebugUpvalue.GetUpvalue(fn, "_moisturefloor")
print(_moisturefloor:value()) -- prints a moisture floor value
Inspired by UpvalueHacker created by Rafael Lizarralde (@rezecib).
Not documented yet...
Module SDK.PersistentData
handles storing any data for later access.
It works in 2 modes:
DEFAULT (default): data is stored in a non-server specific way, meaning that it can be accessed outside of gameplay and/or no matter in which server you are. The data doesn't become stale and is stored permanently until it's cleared manually.
SERVER: data is stored in a server specific way, meaning that it can only be accessed during gameplay and only on a certain server. When the data has not been accessed or stored for a certain amount of time (by default, 30 days) it's removed during the next load.
-- optional, the data is loaded automatically when SDK is loaded
-- general data (can be accessed in every server or outside of gameplay)
SDK.PersistentData.Set("foo", "bar")
SDK.PersistentData.Get("foo") -- returns: "bar"
-- server data (can be accessed only on a certain server during gameplay)
SDK.PersistentData.Set("foo", "bar")
SDK.PersistentData.Get("foo") -- returns: "bar"
NB! Only available when ThePlayer
global is available.
NB! Requires SDK.Remote.Player
to be loaded to work on dedicated
servers with administrator rights. On master instances, it tries to set things
locally by calling the corresponding component function. On non-master instances
(dedicated servers) it calls the corresponding SDK.Remote.Player
for sending a request to change it.
Module SDK.Player
handles player functionality and consists of 5 submodules:
Module SDK.Player.Attribute
handles getting or setting different player
if SDK.Player.Attribute.GetTemperature(ThePlayer) <= 0 then
SDK.Player.Attribute.SetTemperature(36, ThePlayer)
local function SetFullAttributes(player)
SDK.Player.Attribute.SetHealthLimitPercent(100, player)
SDK.Player.Attribute.SetHealthPercent(100, player)
SDK.Player.Attribute.SetHungerPercent(100, player)
SDK.Player.Attribute.SetSanityPercent(100, player)
SDK.Player.Attribute.SetMoisturePercent(0, player)
SDK.Player.Attribute.SetTemperature(36, player)
print(SDK.Player.Attribute.GetHealthPercent(ThePlayer)) -- prints: 50
print(SDK.Player.Attribute.GetHealthPercent(ThePlayer)) -- prints: 100
Module SDK.Player.Craft
handles player crafting.
if not SDK.Player.Craft.HasFreeCrafting(ThePlayer) then
Not documented yet...
Not documented yet...
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Not documented yet...
Module SDK.Remote
is responsible for sending different requests to the server.
It consists of 2 submodules:
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Not documented yet...