diff --git a/qi-doc/scribblings/principles.scrbl b/qi-doc/scribblings/principles.scrbl index a3fab2d4..09afcdde 100644 --- a/qi-doc/scribblings/principles.scrbl +++ b/qi-doc/scribblings/principles.scrbl @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ @section{Flows as Graphs} - A flow could also be considered an @hyperlink["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_acyclic_graph"]{acyclic graph}, with its component flows as nodes, and a directed edge connecting two flows if an output of one is used as an input of the other. There may be many distinct @deftech{paths} that could be traced over this graph, and we may imagine values to flow along these paths at runtime (although of course, @seclink["Values_and_Flows"]{there is nothing that flows}). At each point in the flow (in this spatial sense), there is a certain number of values present, depending on the runtime inputs. We refer to this number as the @deftech{arity} or the @deftech{volume} of the flow at that point. Volume is a runtime concept since it depends on the actual inputs provided to the flow, although there may be cases where it could be determined at compile time. + A flow could also be considered an @hyperlink["https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_acyclic_graph"]{acyclic graph}, with its component flows as nodes, and a directed edge connecting two flows if an output of one is used as an input of the other. There may be many distinct @deftech{paths} that could be traced over this graph, and we may imagine values to flow along these paths at runtime (although of course, @seclink["Values_and_Flows"]{there is nothing that flows}). At each point in the flow (in this spatial sense), there are a certain number of values present, depending on the runtime inputs. We refer to this number as the @deftech{arity} or the @deftech{volume} of the flow at that point. Volume is a runtime concept since it depends on the actual inputs provided to the flow, although there may be cases where it could be determined at compile time. @section{Values are Not Collections}