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Releases: dropy-project/front
Releases · dropy-project/front
- Profils utilisateur (Infos + Photo)
- Report utilisateur (+ shadow ban)
- Block utilisateur
- New image picker with cropping
Full Changelog: 0.0.3...0.0.4
- Amélioration performances de la carte.
- Amélioration de la gestion des déconnexions de l'application.
- Amélioration et correctifs de la messagerie.
- Suivis de la géolocation en arrière plan maintenant disponible plus de 24h sans ouvrir l'app.
- Correctif de bugs
What's Changed
- Fix map performance by @gfroidcourt in #147
- Handle socket loading & disconnections by @celian-rib in #149
- Chat messages timestamp by @gfroidcourt in #150
- Update Sentry token by @celian-rib in #146
- Play store setup by @celian-rib in #145
- Fix #155 - Navigation reseted by @celian-rib in #152
- Fix #153 drops refresh when moving by @celian-rib in #154
- Fix #134 App White Screen by @celian-rib in #157
- Fix scroll behavior chat screen by @gfroidcourt in #159
- Background ping refresh token by @celian-rib in #158
- Chat layout rework by @celian-rib in #160
- Bannière notifications désactivées dans le chat by @celian-rib in #163
- Fix #131 & #140 : Markers timestamp & fonts scaling by @celian-rib in #162
Full Changelog: 0.0.2...0.0.3
What's Changed
- Close conversation by @celian-rib in #130
- Fix #133 conversation update order by @celian-rib in #136
- Release infos by @celian-rib in #135
- Update sockets for new server by @celian-rib in #132
Full Changelog: 0.0.1...0.0.2
(V0) 0.0.1
- Récupération de drops sur la Map.
- Ajout d'un drop depuis la librairie photo.
- Ajout d'un drop textuel.
- Conversation chat avec les personnes qui ont ramassé nos drops.
- Notification de messagerie et de récupération de drops.
- Géolocalisation en background (IOS Uniquement)
What's Changed
- feat: Setup navigation & project initial structure by @tjobit in #14
- feat: Add fonts and colors presets by @celian-rib in #15
- Feat : Bottom Tab (Design + Tab items) by @celian-rib in #21
- Feat : Map implementation (IOS only) by @celian-rib in #19
- Feat: Authentication & Register Screen by @tjobit in #23
- Feat: Dropy selection menu by @celian-rib in #24
- feat: Affichage dropies sur map by @celian-rib in #26
- Fix : Map road name off, screen rotating off, zoom off by @tjobit in #34
- feat : Select from library screen & Confirm drop overlay by @celian-rib in #42
- register user in app with login by @tjobit in #48
- Dropy text screen by @gfroidcourt in #47
- Get dropy front by @gfroidcourt in #49
- compressed images by @gfroidcourt in #51
- Feat: Sonar component with wave animation by @celian-rib in #50
- Fix: findAround at interval + travel distance by @celian-rib in #52
- j'aime faire des pr (et des pates aussi) by @gfroidcourt in #56
- App name / icone pour IOS & Android by @celian-rib in #59
- Retrieve dropy page by @tjobit in #53
- Background Geolocation by @celian-rib in #55
- fix android build by @gfroidcourt in #69
- Fix setUser async issue by @celian-rib in #72
- Background geolocation fix heartbeat by @celian-rib in #63
- Add new logo by @celian-rib in #76
- Android multiple fixes by @gfroidcourt in #73
- Create dropy from camera by @celian-rib in #70
- Fix background state locking the app by @celian-rib in #81
- Get dropy screen particle emitter by @celian-rib in #80
- Fix dropy responsive by @celian-rib in #84
- Change Android foreground Geolocation API by @celian-rib in #85
- API adapted for new backend token auth by @celian-rib in #87
- Push notifications by @celian-rib in #74
- Confirm drop overlay loading animation & Haptics by @celian-rib in #86
- Fix Location permissions & Android issues by @celian-rib in #88
- New token handling by @celian-rib in #90
- Overlay provider by @gfroidcourt in #91
- Implement overlays & alerts by @celian-rib in #95
- Socket dropy around by @celian-rib in #96
- Fix #89 Background geoloc by @celian-rib in #98
- Chat by @celian-rib in #97
- Dropy in chat by @celian-rib in #101
- Handle socket background disconnection by @celian-rib in #106
- Notifications Sound & Routing by @celian-rib in #105
- Chat conversations sous Socket by @celian-rib in #113
- Chat pagination by @celian-rib in #115
- Crypted messages by @gfroidcourt in #117
- Fix lets chat button by @celian-rib in #118
- header chat when keyboard open by @gfroidcourt in #114
- Sentry setup by @gfroidcourt in #119
- Fix map loading issues on Android by @celian-rib in #121
- Background geoloc, logs and version info on temporary profile page by @gfroidcourt in #122
- fix: fix severals front bugs by @gfroidcourt in #125
- Small fixes (IOS & Android) by @celian-rib in #128
New Contributors
- @tjobit made their first contribution in #14
- @gfroidcourt made their first contribution in #47
Full Changelog: