Brewabl is a brewing web app for organizing your brew day. From recipe creation, to brew day logs, and a handful of handy calculators. This site aspires to combine Beersmith's power and versatility with Brewtoad's ease of use. The backend is powered by Python 3.4, Django 1.8, the Django Rest Framework, while the frontend is written in AngularJS 1.4+.
To set up a django development environment quickly, first install Python 3. It comes with virtualenv built-in. So create a virtual env by:
cd backend
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
Install all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements/development.txt
Run migrations:
python makemigrations
python migrate
Run the server:
python runserver
To set up a angular development environment, you'll first need npm installed. Use that to install Bower and Grunt.
npm install -g bower grunt
Install all dependencies and packages:
cd frontend
npm install
bower install
To run the site locally, you'll need to provide a server4 for serving up the angular frontend via index.html, and routing any api and authentication calls to the django server.
Or, visit the lastest version at
Not many. Currently just working on the underlying framework. Maybe a few handy calculators soon(tm).
- Recipe Formulation + management
- Brewday timer + note taking
- Equipment Manager
- Yeast Starter
- Water chemistry
- BeerXML Support
- etc...