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BigQuery has a rich set of functionality for working with JSON - see any function with JSON in the name. Most of the BigQuery JSON functions require the use of a JSONPath parameter, which defines how to access the part of the JSON object that is required.
This function simply returns the JSON-string representation of the part of the object that is requested:
with json as (select '''{
"a": 1,
"b": "bee",
"c": [
{ "d": [6, 7] }
}''' as text)
-- Note - all of these result columns are strings, and are formatted as JSON
json_query(text, '$') as root,
json_query(text, '$.a') as a,
json_query(text, '$.b') as b,
json_query(text, '$.c') as c,
json_query(text, '$.c[0]') as c_first,
json_query(text, '$.c[2]') as c_third,
json_query(text, '$.c[2].d') as d,
from json
This function is similar to JSON_QUERY
, but tries to convert some values to native data types - namely strings, integers and booleans. If the accessed part of the JSON object is not a simple data type, JSON_VALUE
returns null:
with json as (select '''{
"a": 1,
"b": "bee",
"c": [
{ "d": [6, 7] }
}''' as text)
json_value(text, '$') as root, -- = null
json_value(text, '$.a') as a,
json_value(text, '$.b') as b,
json_value(text, '$.c') as c, -- = null
json_value(text, '$.c[0]') as c_first,
json_value(text, '$.c[2]') as c_third, -- = null
json_value(text, '$.c[2].d') as d, -- = null
from json