The stuart-elua project provides self-contained test suites such as test/stuart_class.lua which are well-suited to being sent into Redis to report on test coverage.
A successful test run shows up in the Redis log like this:
22385:M 23 Feb 2019 07:00:31.248 - Accepted
Begin test
✓ class creation works
✓ can create a new instance
✓ constructor params work
✓ class functions are accessible to instance
✓ class __index metamethod works
✓ subclassing works
✓ subclass __index metamethod works
End of test: 0 failures
22385:M 23 Feb 2019 07:00:31.250 - Client closed connection
Lua print statements will show up in the Redis log by setting loglevel debug
within redis.conf
On a Mac using the Homebrew distribution of Redis:
$ sudo vi /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
loglevel debug
$ brew services restart redis
$ tail -f /usr/local/var/log/redis.log
$ luarocks install amalg-redis
Using your local OS and its Lua VM, perform a trial run of the class framework test suite, while allowing amalg-redis
to capture the module dependencies that are used during execution.
$ lua -lamalg-redis stuart_class-tests.lua
Begin test
✓ class creation works
✓ can create a new instance
✓ constructor params work
✓ class functions are accessible to instance
✓ class __index metamethod works
✓ subclassing works
✓ subclass __index metamethod works
End of test: 0 failures
This produces an amalg.cache
file in the current directory, which is used by the amalgamation process.
$ amalg-redis.lua -s stuart_class.lua -o stuart_class-with-dependencies.lua -c -i "^socket"
Tail the Redis log in one shell session:
$ tail -f /usr/local/var/log/redis.log
Then submit the test suite in another:
$ redis-cli --eval stuart_class-with-dependencies.lua 0,0
$ redis-cli --eval stuart-with-dependencies.lua 0,0
Begin test
INFO Running Stuart (Embedded Spark 2.2.0)
✓ NewContext()
INFO Running Stuart (Embedded Spark 2.2.0)
✓ NewStreamingContext()
End of test: 0 failures
$ redis-cli --eval stuart_class-with-dependencies.lua 0,0
Begin test
✓ class creation works
✓ can create a new instance
✓ constructor params work
✓ class functions are accessible to instance
✓ class __index metamethod works
✓ subclassing works
✓ subclass __index metamethod works
End of test: 0 failures
$ redis-cli --eval stuart_Partition-with-dependencies.lua 0,0
Begin test
✓ new()
✓ _count()
✓ _flatten()
✓ _toLocalIterator()
End of test: 0 failures
$ redis-cli --eval stuart_RDD-with-dependencies.lua 0,0
Begin test
INFO Running Stuart (Embedded Spark 2.2.0)
✓ assertContains() works
✓ assertContainsKeyedPair() works
✓ aggregate() Examples 1
✓ aggregate() Examples 2
✓ aggregateByKey()
✓ cartesian()
✓ coalesce()
✓ context, sparkContext
✓ count()
✓ countByKey()
✓ countByValue()
✓ distinct()
✓ filter() without mixed data
✓ filter() with mixed data
✓ first()
✓ flatMap()
✓ flatMapValues()
✓ fold()
✓ foldByKey()
✓ foreach()
✓ foreachPartition()
✓ glom()
✓ groupBy()
✓ groupByKey()
✓ histogram() with even spacing
✓ histogram() with custom spacing
✓ id
✓ intersection()
✓ isEmpty()
✓ join()
✓ keyBy()
✓ keys()
✓ leftOuterJoin()
✓ lookup()
✓ mapPartitions() Example 1
✓ mapPartitionsWithIndex()
✓ mapValues()
✓ max()
✓ mean()
✓ min()
✓ reduce()
✓ reduceByKey()
✓ repartition()
✓ name, setName()
✓ partitions
✓ sortBy()
✓ stats()
✓ stdev()
✓ subtract()
✓ subtractByKey()
✓ take()
✓ toLocalIterator()
✓ top()
✓ toString()
✓ treeAggregate()
✓ treeReduce()
✓ union()
✓ values()
✓ variance()
✓ zip()
✓ zipWithIndex()
$ redis-cli --eval stuart_SparkConf-with-dependencies.lua 0,0
Begin test
✓ works
End of test: 0 failures
$ redis-cli --eval stuart_util-with-dependencies.lua 0,0
Begin test
✓ jsonDecode() can decode a scalar
✓ jsonDecode() can decode an object
✓ split()
End of test: 0 failures
Stuart makes heavy use of Moses, so it's also useful to see how much of Moses works within Redis.
$ redis-cli --eval moses-with-dependencies.lua 0,0
Begin test
✓ assertContains() works
✓ operator.add()
✓ operator.concat()
✓ operator.div()
✓ operator.eq()
✓ operator.exp()
✓ operator.floordiv()
✓ operator.intdiv()
✓ operator.le()
✓ operator.length()
✓ operator.lnot()
✓ operator.lor()
✓ operator.mod()
✓ operator.mul()
✓ operator.neq()
✓ operator.sub()
✓ operator.unm()
✓ all(t, f)
✓ append()
✓ clone({})
✓ clone(obj)
✖ count(t, val)
FAILED: user_script:4406: Expected 2 but got 3
✓ countf(t, f)
✓ detect(t, value)
✓ difference(array1, array2)
✓ each(t,f)
✓ fill() replacing all
✓ fill() starting at index
✓ fill() replace within range
✓ fill() can enlarge the array
✓ find(array, value)
✓ find(array, value, from)
✓ first(array, n)
✓ flatten()
✓ identity()
✓ include()
✓ indexOf()
✓ intersection()
✓ isBoolean()
✓ isCallable()
✓ isEmpty()
✓ isEqual()
✓ isFinite()
✓ isFunction()
✓ isInteger()
✓ isNil()
✓ isNumber()
✓ isString()
✓ isTable()
✓ keys(obj)
✓ map(array)
✓ map(table)
✓ max(t)
✓ max(t, transform)
✓ min(t)
✓ min(t, transform)
✓ noop()
✓ ones(n)
✓ pack(...)
✓ partition(array, n=2)
✓ partition(array, n=4)
✓ pluck)
✓ range(from)
✓ range(from, to)
✓ range(from, to, step)
✓ reduce(t, f)
✓ reduce(t, f, state)
✓ rep()
✓ result()
✓ reverse()
✓ same()
✓ select()
✓ size()
✓ slice()
✓ sort()
✓ sort() with a custom comparison function
✓ sortBy() with transform function
✓ sortBy() with name property
✓ sortBy() with name property and custom comparator
✓ sortBy() defaults to identity
✓ tabulate()
✓ unique()
✓ values(obj)
✓ zeros(n)
✓ zip(...)
End of test: 2 failures