This Alexa skill calls Wikipedia to get history info about a specific day in history
- logging level setting (debug)
- custom intent
- Amazon intent
- use of slots
- conditional response
- stack dialog manager
- required fields processing
- default intent handler
- voice response (ssml) with variable content
- provide a card title and card content creation
Before starting make sure you have satisfied the prerequisites.
in cli_config.json. Open a terminal window and change into the directory for this skill and edit cli_config.json. If you don't have a role you can create one with the following command:ask-amy-cli create_role --role-name alexa_skill_role
$ cd xxxxxxx/ask_amy_example_skills/alexa_04_history_buff_skill $ vim cli_config.json
Deploy the code to AWS Lambda
- Note: Initial deploy should use (create).
$ ask-amy-cli create_lambda --deploy-json-file cli_config.json
- Note: Subsequent deploys should use (deploy).
$ ask-amy-cli deploy_lambda --deploy-json-file cli_config.json
- Take note of the "FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:**********2273:function:alexa_*****"
- Note: Initial deploy should use (create).
Create a new skill in your Amazon Development Account.
Create Skill
at -
Enter a Skill Name (history buff) and select custom as the skill type and Provision your own as the method to host the backend. Then select
Create a skill
. -
On the Choose a template page select select Start from Scratch. and click
. -
Select the
JSON Editor
(Note: theJSON Editor
is in the left menu pane) Drag & drop the interaction_model.json on to the new skill. ClickSave
andBuild Model
. -
selectAWS Lambda ARN
copy the Lambda arn arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:******** (Note: It was returned in step two above) toDefault Region
selectSave Endpoint
. -
tab (Note:Test
is in the menu bar at the top of the page). On the test page enable testing by toggling the Off/Development drop down.
"Congratulations you have deployed a new skill!"
Note: If you want to check the lambda logs you can use the below
$ ask-amy-cli logs --log-group-name /aws/lambda/alexa_history_buff_skill
Many of the example skills were first published as Java or Node.js code by Amazon However since Amazon created the new interaction model the original code is no longer available.