Fetch the repo:
git clone git://github.com/dougal/dotvim.git ~/.vim
Create symlinks:
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/vim ~/.vim
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/vim ~/.config/nvim
Plugins are managed by Plug. Open a Vim process and install plugins with:
Install system dependencies:
brew bundle
This installs the following:
- Fuzzy finder. Installation for other OS
- Silver Searcher. Installation for other OS
- Shellcheck. Installation for other OS
Matching colourscheme for terminal:
If on MacOS using iTerm or Terminal.app, install the WWCD16 colourscheme.
curl -OO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jeffkreeftmeijer/wwdc16.terminal/master/wwdc16-dark.terminal
open wwdc16-dark.terminal
This can be set as default in Terminal.app by opening preference, navigating to
, selecting the Text
tab, selecting the wwdc16-dark
theme, and
clicking the Default
button in the bottom right of the source panel.
Typeface should be Monaco 11.
Select Use bright colours for bold text
Select Cursor - Blink cursor