This is a registry for chef provisioning. It can be be used with any drivers, and defaults to the ssh_driver when a registry match is found.
There are two ways to add an entry to the registry:
resource that can be used in recipes -
An Api that uses scripts to register via a curl post
The scripts and API will also create a provisioning
user and keys for that user and add them to the api.
basically, the scripts tell the API this is what i am - CPU Count, Memory, Etc. - and this is how you get to me. Much more can potentially be added or removed going forwared.
This is is very early development, but fully functional.
A demo is included in docs/examples
, usage of demo is explained below.
The main thrust of usage is a new machine resource called machine_registry
that searches the registry if told to and defaults to whatever driver is given - vagrant in the demo example - if no match is found.
It looks like this:
machine_registry "one" do
action [:ready, :setup, :converge]
converge true
use_registry true
registry_options 'machine_type' => 'rails_server', 'memory' => ['235', '256']
note memory match is done via an array that will match a range like above, cause memory registers are not exact.
the scripts used can be seen here:
and here:
api output json can be seen here:
and the data bag created for a match can be seen here:
more coming...
The Demo was tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and OSX 10.10.1. should work wherever with minimal to no mods.
For the demo, chefdk is necessary.
Gems are in docs/examples/gems
for now.
To test it out, clone the repo:
git clone
cd chef-provisioning-registry/docs/examples
open another tab, and from the docs/examples directory run
which will start the api in the foreground. When the machine registers you will see the json entry it will create outputted there.
once the api is started bring up the vagrant boxes
There is a Vagrantfile with two machines, one for registering with the registry_machine
resource, the othere for api.
LOCAL_IP=your.ip.add.ress vagrant up
where LOCAL_IP is an ip that vagrant can talk to on your local machine.
the scripts will log to /tmp
once you see the entry hit the api
and two nodes will be converged, both using the registry. the other registry entry is created via the registry_machine
resource in the examples recipe.
Authors: Zack Zondlo