diff --git a/dotnet-desktop-guide/net/wpf/get-started/create-app-visual-studio.md b/dotnet-desktop-guide/net/wpf/get-started/create-app-visual-studio.md
index 95451287ad..00b652ec20 100644
--- a/dotnet-desktop-guide/net/wpf/get-started/create-app-visual-studio.md
+++ b/dotnet-desktop-guide/net/wpf/get-started/create-app-visual-studio.md
@@ -355,7 +355,6 @@ Notice that the label moved to the second column. You can use the `Grid.Row` and
## Create the name list box
Now that the grid is correctly sized and the label created, add a list box control on the row below the label.
01. Declare the `` control under the `