This is the second programming project in data structures course.
In this project we will implement a fibonacci heap using java.
Heap Node class implement a Node in the fibonacci heap.
Function | Description | Time Complexity |
getKey() | Returns the key field of this. | O(1) |
getRank() | Returns the rank field of this. | O(1) |
isMarked() | Returns true if this is marked, or false otherwise. | O(1) |
mark() | Mark this. | O(1) |
unMark() | Unmark this. | O(1) |
getChild() | Returns the child field of this. | O(1) |
getParent() | Returns the parent field of this. | O(1) |
getNext() | Returns the next field of this. | O(1) |
getPrev() | Returns the prev field of this. | O(1) |
Fibonacci Heap include the implementation of the Heap's functionality and the methods that the user will use.
Function | Description | Time Complexity |
iEmpty() | Returns true if and only if the Heap is empty. | O(1) |
insert(int i) | Inserts to the heap new heap node with the key i and returns the new heap node. | O(1) |
deleteMin() | Removes the node with the minimal key from the heap. | O(log(n)) |
findMin() | Returns the node with the minimal key from the heap. | O(log(n)) |
meld(FibonacciHeap heap2) | Melds heap2 with the current heap. | O(1) |
size() | Returns the size of the heap. | O(1) |
counterRep() | Returns an array where the i'th element represents the num of trees in the heap which their rank is i. | O(n) |
delete(HeapNode x) | Deletes x from the heap. | O(n) |
decreaseKey(HeapNode x, int d) | Decreases the key of x by d. | O(log(n)) |
nonMarked() | Returns the number of nodes in the heap which are not marked. | O(1) |
potential(lst) | Returns the current potential of the heap which we calculate by num of trees + 2 * num of marked nodes. | O(1) |
totalLinks() | Static function which returns the sum of links done while the app is running. | O(1) |
totalCuts() | Static function which returns the sum of cuts done while the app is running. | O(1) |
kMin(FibonacciHeap H, int k) | Static function which returns a sorted array of the k smallest nodes in a heap. | O(k * deg(H)) |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
- Fork the repository to your own Github account.
- Clone the project to your machine.
- Create a branch locally with a succinct but descriptive name.
- Commit changes to the branch.
- Following any formatting and testing guidelines specific to this repo.
- Push changes to your fork.
- Open a Pull Request in my repository.
- Dor Liberman (dorlib)
- Afik Ben Shimol (AfikBenShimol)
If you have any questions or feedback, I would be glad if you will contact me via mail.
This project was created for educational purposes, for personal and open-source use.
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