- Let us first disabuse ourselves of the notion that this is anyhthing more than a toy database.
- That said, it’s written in a language which is easy to experiment with, on top of a simple database which is easy to use.
- Also, none of what I’m proposing in here is peculiar to either Ruby or LMDB.
- Indeed, any language and any direct-attached key-value store that does transactions could support this (I think?)
- So whereas other products like Oxigraph are focused on features like SPARQL, I am particularly interested in how you lay out a key-value store in general such that you can represent an RDF store with characteristics like:
- RDF-star (which I should just do anyway)
- a change history (i.e., undo)
- dealing with multiple users
- (i.e., access control)
- efficient storage of typed literals
- efficient handling of large literals and
URIs- unicode normalization for literals for sure
- outsourcing to content-addressable storage would be ideal
- There are going to be really silly SPARQL queries like searching substrings in
URIs- at the basic graph level we will probably just have to serve those up and deal with the cost of doing that
- Inferencing:
- RDFS, OWL, SHACL inferencing for basic graph queries
- don’t generate statements here, just return them if the inferences resolve
- RDFS, OWL, SHACL inferencing for basic graph queries
- Layering:
- think ~unionfs~ but for RDF stores
- “union graphs”, contexts which merge two or more other contexts together
- no context is kind of like the union of all contexts
- except triples have to be stored in an invisible null context if they aren’t explicitly ascribed a context
- if you select without a context it should return statements from all contexts at once
- if you delete a triple (ie not a quad) it should delete it from all contexts (y/n?)
- it should be possible to specify contexts that union other arbitrary contexts together
- this should recurse but probably not loop/self-reference
- the question (as ever) will be when you write to one of these, what happens?
- “consensus graphs” which extend the idea of union graphs to a shared reality for multiple users
- “proxy graphs” that map to other systems (e.g. SQL)
- or even other RDF stores
- statement-generating layers that do things we actually do want statements in the graph for, but generated rather than stored (or perhaps merely cached, and thus not subject to versioning)
- e.g. “soft” inferences, stuff written in vocab specs that had no way to formally express at the time
- I’m thinking specifically how
?c a skos:OrderedCollection; skos:memberList (?m1 ?m2 ?mn)
implies?c skos:member ?m1
and so on. - Totally achievable with SHACL rules
- I’m thinking specifically how
- e.g. stateful or aggregate statements computed from other statements
- again this is totally doable with SHACL.
- e.g. “soft” inferences, stuff written in vocab specs that had no way to formally express at the time
- at root there are terms
- terms can be normalized and hashed
- each term is assigned a numeric identifier that is local to the database and not otherwise exposed
- assume this is a native-endian
integer; we are not gonna screw around with portability across cpu architectures- so intel (and apple silicon coincidentally) will be 64-bit little-endian
- assume this is a native-endian
- statements are composed of terms
- statements can be represented as:
statement id => [subject id, predicate id, object id]
- statements can be represented as:
- quad stores have contexts
- a context is just a term
context id => statement id
- also
statement id => context id
- also
- the gist of RDF* is that entire statements can also be terms
- and this can be recursive
- so subjects and objects can now be statements in addition to URIs and bnodes (and literals for objects)
- so it shouldn’t be the end of the world to make that a thing
- albeit backward-compatibility to existing stores might be a problem
- well if anybody wants to hire me te do that for them, they can
- anyway, that aside, what we’re actually after is being able to access the state of the database at the instant of a particular transaction
- random access is ideal
- indeed random access is probably necessary, all things considered
- so there should be a basic key-value map that maps statement identifiers to statements
- then there is another one that maps statements to contexts; this is how contexts are handled
- each transaction can basically be seen as a “meta-context”
- i.e., the state after the transaction is committed may as well have its own context URL.
- the grammar of change in an rdf store reduces to:
- statements added
- statements removed
- we can work with this
- again, you have layer zero which maps between terms and hashes/internal IDs
- this is like saying “the database has seen these terms.”
- you have layer one which maps statements (which are also considered terms) to their referents
- this is like saying “the database has seen these statements.”
- (again note statements are also terms under RDF*.)
- layer two says which contexts the statements belong to.
- this is like saying “the context currently contains these statements.”
- there is a “null” context that includes all statements ever
- between-/ish/: you can easily imagine removing a statement from one context and adding it to another within a single transaction
- every transaction can be represented as adding and/or removing zero or more quads such that the union of both sets is nonempty
- otherwise there’s nothing to record
- in other words to be recorded as a transaction you have to either add or remove at least one quad, otherwise it’s a no-op
- originally considered using generated contexts as a surrogate interface for identifying individual states
- this obviously isn’t going to work because a context implies what remains is a triple, not a quad, so diffs that don’t change anything but the context of a given statement aren’t going to be visible
- although ehhh that’s gonna be weird already because you’ll have to have individual contexts for the add side and remove side
- how else are you going to represent statements that were removed?
- anyway there is the technical problem of how to implement this without a shitload of waste
- change ID
- statements removed
- statements added
- if the change ID monotonically increases (it should, at least internally) on retrieval we just do this:
- retrieve the statement from whatever stateless storage
- check if it has been added by whatever change ID we’re currently looking at
- check if it has not been subsequently removed
- if it has been subsequently removed, check if it has been re-added
- basically we need a mapping of statement ID to change ID
- why not just stick a bit on the end of that as to whether it’s added or removed
- so we have
tables of the formchange id => statement id
- we also have i dunno,
or something of the formstatement id => change id, bit for added/removed
- each individual user gets their own quad store from their point of view
- “consensus graph” for multiple users
- union of individual spaces
- one context identifier everybody involved can read in its totality
- every statement you add goes into your own slice and is visible to everybody in the group
- you can’t add or delete statements in other people’s slices and they can’t change yours
- though they should be able to transfer ownership of a set of statements to you somehow
- (but the person receiving should be able to decline the transfer)
- union of individual spaces
- evaluate different approaches
- resource-based
- individual resources or sets of resources?
- privileges:
- know the existence of a resource
- i.e. you don’t see statements with this rsource
- read statements where the resource is a subject
- going to have to censor
etc, i.e. access control will have to be evaluated before inferences
- going to have to censor
- add statements with this subject
- remove statements with this subject
- know the existence of a resource
- statement-based
- just access-control entire contexts?
- that would probably be easiest
- identity-oriented vs capability-oriented
- would kinda love to do capability-oriented
- resource-based
- yeah this is gonna be hard lol