A judge for the Prolog language.
QuickCheck testfiles should be named with a name ending in .qc.pl
. The name
before the extension will be used as tabname.
All tests must have a name starting with prop_
. There should be at least one
blank line separating the definition from other things. A property must not
contain empty lines in its definition (you may use comments to fill the space).
Tests may contain comments. Comments within the test will be shown to the
student, comments outside it wil not.
prop_reverse_twice(L:list(integer)) :-
% This comment is shown to students
my_reverse(L, R),
my_reverse(R, L).
PLUnit testfiles should be named with a name ending in .unit.pl
. The name
before the extension will be used as tabname.
The testfile will be split up into the parts between the tags
:- begin_tests(...).
and :- end_tests(...).
. All the lines specified before
the begin_tests
and not in another part can be used.
:- consult(database).
:- begin_tests(groupname).
test(name_of_the_test) :- clause(largest(A,B,A),true).
test(name_of_an_other_test) :- clause(largest(A,B,A),true).
:- end_tests(groupname).
Regular PLUnit can be used
The form check checks the form of submissions. This is basically a linter.
It is not driven by a test file, but by the exercise configuration. Following
keys can be inclused in the evaluation
: A boolean value indicationg if cuts are allowed (default false)predefined
: List of predefined predicates inName/Arity
form, if this is set,check:check
will be executed (may be the empty list)
The checkCheat test is always executed, it looks for ocurrences of
and marks them as erronous.
example config
"predefined" : ["word/8"],
"cutallowed": false
Compares the output (that is true/false) of the students predicates with that of a supplied correct solution.
Test files ending in .simple.pl
will automatically be be executed by this
file. Such a test file should be a module that exports one predicate: test/6
The form is:
%- consult public "database.pl".
:- module(dodonaevaluate, [tests/6]).
% ...
tests("markdown name",dodonaevaluate:thepredicate,thepredicate,true,10000, L) :-
Pers = [waldo,odlaw,swi,wilma,whitebeard,woof,watchers],
The test/6
predicate has 6 arguments
- The name, a string (double quotes), that is rendered as markdown
- The functor name of a correct implementation (mostly of the form
) - The functor name of the student implementation
- A Boolean value indicating whether cuts are allowed (does not work properly yet)
- An inference limit
- A list of argument lists
- Example for a one argument predicate : [[1],[2],[3]]
- Example for a two argument predicate : [[1,a],[2,a],[3,a]]
- Example for a one argument predicate that takes lists : [[[1,a]],[[2,a,9,8]],[[3,a,4]]
To make files available to both the user and test code, use one of the following lines
%- consult public "file.pl".
%- consult private "file.pl".
%- consult public ["file1.pl","file2.pl"].
%- consult private ["file1.pl","file2.pl"].
The prolog checker code is contained in
simpletest/checker.pl. It is loaded together with the
student code as follows, with a copy of the workspace folder as workspace and
as goals for swipl
:- use_module("{judgePath}/simpletest/checker.pl").
:- consult("/mnt/.../submission/submission.pl").
:- use_module("/mnt/.../evaluation/.....simple.pl").
The results stored in workspace/results.json
are then consulted to build the
feedback table
- Using the partial format
- make text below clearer