NOTE: This is a draft in progress, so that I can get some feedback from early reviewers. It is not yet ready for learning.
Before you start playing with Bitcoin, you may always want to come to a better understanding of your setup.
To start with, you should understand where everything is kept: the ~/.bitcoin directory.
The main directory just contains your config file and the testnet directory:
$ ls ~/.bitcoin
bitcoin.conf testnet3
The setup guides in Chapter Two: Creating a Bitcoin-Core VPS laid out a standardized config file. §3.1: Verifying Your Bitcoin Setup suggested how to change it to support more advanced setups. If you're interested in learning even more about the config file, you may wish to consult Jameson Lopp's Bitcoin Core Config Generator.
Moving back to your ~/.bitcoin directory, you'll find that the testnet3 directory contains all of the guts:
$ ls ~/.bitcoin/testnet3
banlist.dat blocks database debug.log wallet.dat chainstate db.log peers.dat
You shouldn't mess with most of these files and directories — particularly not the blocks and chainstate directories, which contain all of the blockchain data, and the wallet.dat file, which contains your personal wallet. However, do take careful note of the db.log and debug.log file, which you should refer to if you ever have problems with your setup.
TESTNET vs MAINNET: If you're using mainnet, then everything will instead be placed in the main ~/.bitcoin directory. These various setups do elegantly stack, so if you are using mainnet, testnet, and regtest, you'll find that ~/.bitcoin contains your config file and your mainnet data, ~/.bitcoin/testnet3 contains your testnet data, and ~/.bitcoin/regtest contains your regtest data.
Most of your early work will be done with the bitcoin-cli
command, which offers an easy interface to bitcoind
. If you ever want more information on its usage, just run it with the help
argument. Without any other arguments, it shows you ever possible command:
$ bitcoin-cli help
== Blockchain ==
getblock "hash" ( verbose )
getblockhash index
getblockheader "hash" ( verbose )
getmempoolancestors txid (verbose)
getmempooldescendants txid (verbose)
getmempoolentry txid
getrawmempool ( verbose )
gettxout "txid" n ( includemempool )
gettxoutproof ["txid",...] ( blockhash )
verifychain ( checklevel numblocks )
verifytxoutproof "proof"
== Control ==
help ( "command" )
== Generating ==
generate numblocks ( maxtries )
generatetoaddress numblocks address (maxtries)
== Mining ==
getblocktemplate ( TemplateRequest )
getnetworkhashps ( blocks height )
prioritisetransaction <txid> <priority delta> <fee delta>
submitblock "hexdata" ( "jsonparametersobject" )
== Network ==
addnode "node" "add|remove|onetry"
disconnectnode "node"
getaddednodeinfo dummy ( "node" )
setban "ip(/netmask)" "add|remove" (bantime) (absolute)
== Rawtransactions ==
createrawtransaction [{"txid":"id","vout":n},...] {"address":amount,"data":"hex",...} ( locktime )
decoderawtransaction "hexstring"
decodescript "hex"
fundrawtransaction "hexstring" ( options )
getrawtransaction "txid" ( verbose )
sendrawtransaction "hexstring" ( allowhighfees )
signrawtransaction "hexstring" ( [{"txid":"id","vout":n,"scriptPubKey":"hex","redeemScript":"hex"},...] ["privatekey1",...] sighashtype )
== Util ==
createmultisig nrequired ["key",...]
estimatefee nblocks
estimatepriority nblocks
estimatesmartfee nblocks
estimatesmartpriority nblocks
signmessagewithprivkey "privkey" "message"
validateaddress "bitcoinaddress"
verifymessage "bitcoinaddress" "signature" "message"
== Wallet ==
abandontransaction "txid"
addmultisigaddress nrequired ["key",...] ( "account" )
addwitnessaddress "address"
backupwallet "destination"
dumpprivkey "bitcoinaddress"
dumpwallet "filename"
encryptwallet "passphrase"
getaccount "bitcoinaddress"
getaccountaddress "account"
getaddressesbyaccount "account"
getbalance ( "account" minconf includeWatchonly )
getnewaddress ( "account" )
getreceivedbyaccount "account" ( minconf )
getreceivedbyaddress "bitcoinaddress" ( minconf )
gettransaction "txid" ( includeWatchonly )
importaddress "address" ( "label" rescan p2sh )
importprivkey "bitcoinprivkey" ( "label" rescan )
importpubkey "pubkey" ( "label" rescan )
importwallet "filename"
keypoolrefill ( newsize )
listaccounts ( minconf includeWatchonly)
listreceivedbyaccount ( minconf includeempty includeWatchonly)
listreceivedbyaddress ( minconf includeempty includeWatchonly)
listsinceblock ( "blockhash" target-confirmations includeWatchonly)
listtransactions ( "account" count from includeWatchonly)
listunspent ( minconf maxconf ["address",...] )
lockunspent unlock ([{"txid":"txid","vout":n},...])
move "fromaccount" "toaccount" amount ( minconf "comment" )
removeprunedfunds "txid"
sendfrom "fromaccount" "tobitcoinaddress" amount ( minconf "comment" "comment-to" )
sendmany "fromaccount" {"address":amount,...} ( minconf "comment" ["address",...] )
sendtoaddress "bitcoinaddress" amount ( "comment" "comment-to" subtractfeefromamount )
setaccount "bitcoinaddress" "account"
settxfee amount
signmessage "bitcoinaddress" "message"
You can also type bitcoin help [command]
to get even more extensive info on that command. For example:
$ bitcoin-cli help getmininginfo
Returns a json object containing mining-related information.
"blocks": nnn, (numeric) The current block
"currentblocksize": nnn, (numeric) The last block size
"currentblockweight": nnn, (numeric) The last block weight
"currentblocktx": nnn, (numeric) The last block transaction
"difficulty": xxx.xxxxx (numeric) The current difficulty
"errors": "..." (string) Current errors
"networkhashps": nnn, (numeric) The network hashes per second
"pooledtx": n (numeric) The size of the mempool
"testnet": true|false (boolean) If using testnet or not
"chain": "xxxx", (string) current network name as defined in BIP70 (main, test, regtest)
> bitcoin-cli getmininginfo
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getmininginfo", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
What is RPC? bitcoin-cli
is just a handy interface that lets you send commands to the bitcoind
. More specifically, it's an interface that lets you send RPC (or Remote Procedure Protocol) commands to the bitcoind
. Often, the bitcoin-cli
command and the RPC command have identical names and interfaces, but some bitcoin-cli
commands instead provide shortcuts for more complex RPC requests. Generally, the bitcoin-cli
interface is much cleaner and simpler than trying to send RPC commands by hand, using curl
or some other method. However, it also has limitations as to what you can ultimately do.
A variety of bitcoin-cli commands can give you additional information on your bitcoin data. The most general ones are:
$ bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo
$ bitcoin-cli getmininginfo
$ bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo
$ bitcoin-cli getnettotals
$ bitcoin-cli getwalletinfo
For example bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo
gives you a variety of information on your setup and its access to various networks:
$ bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo
"version": 140000,
"subversion": "/Satoshi:0.14.0/",
"protocolversion": 70015,
"localservices": "000000000000000d",
"localrelay": false,
"timeoffset": 0,
"networkactive": true,
"connections": 9,
"networks": [
"name": "ipv4",
"limited": false,
"reachable": true,
"proxy": "",
"proxy_randomize_credentials": false
"name": "ipv6",
"limited": false,
"reachable": true,
"proxy": "",
"proxy_randomize_credentials": false
"name": "onion",
"limited": true,
"reachable": false,
"proxy": "",
"proxy_randomize_credentials": false
"relayfee": 0.00001000,
"incrementalfee": 0.00001000,
"localaddresses": [
"address": "",
"port": 18333,
"score": 52
"warnings": "Warning: unknown
Feel free to references any of these and to use "bitcoin-cli help" if you want more information on what any of them do.
The ~/.bitcoin directory contains all of your files, while bitcoin-cli help
and a variety of info commands can be used to get more information on how your setup and Bitcoin work.
Continue "Understanding Your Bitcoin Setup" with §3.3: Setting Up Your Wallet.