Deep mutational scanning reveals the functional constraints and evolutionary potential of the influenza A virus PB1 protein
Li et. al. measured the effects of thousands of mutations to the PB1 subunit of the RdRP on the replicative fitness of the lab-adapted influenza strain A/WSN/1933(H1N1) (Li et. al., 2023).
The visualization above shows the mean mutation-fitness at each site in the PB1 subunit. Sites that tolerate the most mutational change will be closet to a fitness score of 0. The structure used for this visualization is 7NHX, which is a cryo-EM structure of the 1918 H1N1 Viral influenza polymerase heterotrimer - full transcriptase (Class1). The IAV PB1 subunit is chain B
of the full assembly.
The configure-dms-viz
command used to generate this visualization is:
configure-dms-viz format
--input tests/IAV-PB1-DMS/input/pb1_fitness.csv
--sitemap tests/IAV-PB1-DMS/sitemap/sitemap.csv
--output tests/IAV-PB1-DMS/sitemap/pb1.json
--name "IAV PB1"
--metric "fitness"
--metric-name "Replicative Fitness"
--structure "7NHX"
--included-chains "B"
--title "IAV PB1 Deep Mutational Scan"
--description "Deep mutational scan of influenza virus A/WSN/1933(H1N1) PB1 RdRp subunit"
For more information about the study, check out the manuscript:
Deep mutational scanning reveals the functional constraints and evolutionary potential of the influenza A virus PB1 protein
Yuan Li, Sarah Arcos, Kimberly R. Sabsay, Aartjan J.W. te Velthuis, Adam S. Lauring
A small amount of pre-processing was performed on the raw data from the manuscript to conform to the data requirements detailed in the documentation of dms-viz
# Import and format the data from the supplement
fitness_df = pd.read_csv("../data/supplemental-data.csv")
# Drop the amplicon column
fitness_df.drop('amplicon', axis=1, inplace=True)
# Replace the three letter code with one letter code
fitness_df['wildtype'] = fitness_df['wildtype'].replace(AA_DICT)
fitness_df['substitution'] = fitness_df['substitution'].replace(AA_DICT)
# Rename the columns
fitness_df.rename(columns={'substitution': 'mutant'}, inplace=True)
# Save the output data
fitness_df.to_csv("../data/fitness.csv", index=False)
To summarize, the columns were renamed according to the dms-viz
naming scheme and the three-letter amino acid code was converted to the one-letter code.