Releases: dmrickey/fvtt-ckl-roll-bonuses
Roll Bonuses 2.15.0
Lots of data changed internally. Anything necessary should automatically migrate to the new format when the GM first logs in. I tried to test as thoroughly as I can and everything I tested is working, but it's always possible that I missed something. Please take advantage of foundry's backup and backup before updating just in case.
- Addressed all warnings. Hopefully you'll never see a warning from Roll Bonuses about non async rolls being deprecated.
- Removed all usages of Dictionary Flags. You should never again see a warning from the system about multiple conflicting Weapon Focus flags.
- Tons of UX improvements.
- Bonus Picker is now split into separate tabs for Targeted Bonuses versus Specific Bonuses
- Item/Spell/Weapon/Attack/Action targets now have a filter so you can quickly find the exact item you're looking for
- When viewing Item/Spell/Weapon/Attack/Action/Tokens targets you can now right click on them (icon in the Item sheet after selecting targets, or on the row in the picker dialog itself) to open the associated sheet (if you have the rights to be able to see the sheet to begin with)
- Token Targeting UI highlights the corresponding tokens on the map so you can be sure the token you're selecting in the dialog is the correct token for the
- Most dialogs have helper text in them to give a bit more context about exactly how they work
- Modified 153 files. Added 4066 new lines. Removed 2954 lines.
Global Bonuses
- Global bonuses that restricted actions from completing or applied penalties now have an optional checkbox in the attack dialog to suppress the check and allow the attack to happen regardless
- You can optionally skip requiring melee range for melee attacks and also skip applying ranged penalties
- These are available in the attack dialog so if you're skipping the dialolg by default but want to bypass them for an individual attack, be sure to hold shift to bring up the system's attack dialog.
- When skipped, a footnote is added so the GM has visibility when a player skips a bonus like this
- You can optionally skip requiring melee range for melee attacks and also skip applying ranged penalties
- The "disablers" on the actor settings now include a journal link to the documentation so you can verify if that's something you want to disable for this actor.
- Shooting into melee now ignores the penalty if the attacker has a condition which would preclude them from attacking
New Targeted Bonuses
- Maximize Damage
- This maximizes damage for anything it tagets
New Targeted Targets
- Action Target
- You can now also target individual actions instead of just an entire item
- Natural Weapon Target
- Thrown Weapon Target
Specific Bonuses
- Versatile Performance can now have multiple sets on a single feature
- Offset Modifier bonus now has a toggle-able "set" option so instead of modifying a given type of bonus, you can instead completely override the total bonus to a specific value (e.g. "add +1 to all luck bonuses" versus "set all morale bonuses to 0")
- Function Target now shows up in the bonus picker dialog when the user is a GM
- Added True Strike buff
- Added Misfortune (hex) debuff
- Fixed z-height calculations with reach attacks
- Fixed ammo enriching footnotes
- Fixed item targets when modifying an actor/item within a compendium
- Fixed Trap Actors (and other non-character actors) breaking during data prep
- The D20 icon in the Roll Bonuses header on items now correctly opens the in-game documentation
- Fixed Permanent skill bonus that broke with v10
- Fixed Versatile Performance targeting subskills
- Some Specific Bonuses were removed as the system now directly supports them.
- CL/DC bonuses for everything and specific schools have been migrated to the system's native changes
- CL/DC bonuses for specific elements remain unchanged
- CL/DC bonuses for everything and specific schools have been migrated to the system's native changes
- Some Specific bonuses were removed as they're better suited as Targeted Bonuses
- Critical "specific bonuses" were removed and automatically migrated to targeted bonuses.
Roll Bonuses 2.14.1
- Distance calculations now use the token's scene instead of the active scene
- Auto-configuration for Elemental Bonus now won't force the feat inputs on the kineticist's class ability of the same name
- Added range offset to new Targeted Bonus that's available when the Increment Range Penalty Global Bonus is enabled
- distance showing in increment penalty label so that it's fixed to a single decimal (very noticeable on gridless scenes)
Roll Bonuses 2.14.0
New Bonus Type - Global Bonuses
These global bonuses are new and somewhat experimental. They require a bit more flexibility on how I interpret data than most of the other bonuses I have previously implemented which are much more straightforward. A lot of these are based on where tokens are placed on the map (and thus require a bit of math to correctly figure everything) and there are some things I cannot account for. If you see anything weird or wrong please let me know and I'll do what I can to fix it. That being said, these all work quite well and the quirks I did find are very minor.
These bonuses attempt to automate parts of combat that are too tedious to track otherwise. A GM can disable any of these individually by going into the module settings.
- Higher Ground
- Automatically grant +1 when with a melee attack from a higher elevation.
- Ranged Increment Penalty
- Automatically apply a penalty when attacking with a ranged attack based on the Action's defined range and increments. Having this Global Bonus enabled makes an associated targeted bonus enabled to modify these for various targets (see below). Will cancel the attack with a warning if attempting to hit a ranged target outside of the maximum range.
- Shooting into Melee
- Grant -4 penalty when shooting into melee (see in-game documentation for further details). Having this enabled grants a Precise Shot specific bonus to negate this penalty.
- Require Melee Threaten
- Cancel a melee attack (with a warning) if attempting to hit a target outside of melee range.
New Bonuses
These bonuses are only able to be added if the associated Global Bonus above is enabled for your world
- Precise Shot
- Negates above global bonus for shooting into melee
- Range Increment Penalty Bonuses
- Reduce the incremental penalty, overall penalty, or modify the maximum range for the targeted actions.
- Crit footnotes no longer show up on basically every chat card, but only on attacks with modified crit range/multipliers
Roll Bonuses 2.13.0
New Targets
- Condition Target
- You can grant bonuses whenever you or the token(s) you are currently targeting has a specific condition. Targeting multiple tokens mean all have to have the condition.
- Spell Descriptor Target
- Grant bonuses to specific spells by their descriptors (e.g. language-dependent, mind-affecting, force, etc)
- Target within Range
- You can configure bonuses that trigger when your targeted token(s) are within a specified range (targeting multiple mean all have to be within range). This means that you Point-blank Shot can be easily automated and you don't have to remember to check a box on the attack dialog.
New Bonuses
- Footnote Bonus
- Add new footnotes (also called context notes) to the targeted actions. This pairs very well with all of the new enrichers available in pf1 v10 for if you need a particular action under certain circumstances.
Other Features
- Bonuses and Targets now give more feedback when you forget one or the other. There is now an error message within the Roll Bonuses section on the Item sheet when a bonus or target needs to be added. When neither are present, there is a more obvious way to add what's needed.