Object classification pipelines take encoded video frames and produce bounding boxes of regions of interest with labels and attributes. Object classification pipelines include a detection model and one or multiple classification models.
direction LR
state Object-Classification {
direction LR
state video_source {
direction LR
demux --> parse
state classify {
direction LR
frames_1 --> crop_1
objects_1 --> crop_1
crop_1 --> scale_2
scale_2 --> csc_2
csc_2 --> inference_2
inference_2 --> tensors_to_attributes_1
state detect {
direction LR
scale --> csc
csc --> inference
inference --> tensors_to_objects
state classify_N {
direction LR
frames_N --> crop_N
objects_N --> crop_N
crop_N --> scale_N
scale_N --> csc_N
csc_N --> inference_N
inference_N --> tensors_to_attributes_N
state fork <<fork>>
state join <<join>>
media --> video_source
video_source --> decode
decode --> detect
detect --> objects
detect --> frames
fork --> classify
fork --> classify_N
classify --> join
classify_N --> join
join --> objects_attributes