Active fork of Daemonite Material UI.
- More plugins integration + documentation (Input mask, Calendar)
- New Upgraded to Material 3 aka Material You.
- New variables: $chip-border-radius
- Fixed
transitions - Fixed
style after 2022 update - Updated Bootstrap-maxlength 1.10.1
- Removed some useless
properties - TODO: table width fit-content ?
- New Upgraded to Bootstrap 4.6.2.
- New Upgraded to Bootstrap 4.6.1.
- New
is the equivalent for the Full-screen dialog of Material Design components. - New Documentation search is back thanks to Algolia Docsearch.
- Fixed
documentation updated to reflect max sizes. - Fixed
overflow behavior reverted to standard BS4. - Fixed
: Removed label color on form-group:focus-within. - Fixed Most components with text overflow are now with an ellipsis ...
- Fixed
word break. - Fixed Various bugs related to IE11 (
aspect ratio, Material Icons, Select2 items alignment, chip close icon). - Fixed search displays suitable number of results.
- Fixed Various minor changes.
- Improved responsive rendering.
- Improved JavaScript compilation.
- Updated build dependencies.
- New Upgraded to Bootstrap 4.6.
- Updated docs for BS 4.6.
- Updated JS dependencies from BS 4.6.
- Fixed Removed link:hover underline.
- Fixed
ripple effect on buttons. - Fixed
background-color. - Removed Outdated JS fix for Chromium checkbox focus state.
- Updated build dependencies.
Next release will focus on awesome Dark theme.
- New NPM package.
- Fixed
padding-top coming aftercard-body
and z-index. - Improved ionRangeSlider documentation.
- New Material Sliders documentation.
- Improved Tabs inverse style + animation.
- Improved Material style for table caption, definition lists.
- Improved SVG style when used in replacement of Material Icons.
- Improved Flatpickr Date picker plugin initialization changed from JQuery to pure JavaScript.
- Improved
media query for all components and dropped useless_scrollspy.scss
. - Improved Custom CSS scrollbar declaration for Firefox.
- Fixed Snackbars transitions + auto-sizing.
- Fixed Very long
. - Fixed
flex-shrink. - Fixed
top border. - Fixed Documentation JS crashes due to Jekyll compress (// comments in JS failing).
- New. Sliders are designed as Material guidelines 2
ionRangeSlider plugin styled accordingly. - Removed Dark theme media-query until improvement (opt-in via
Dark theme can still be used by applyingdata-theme="dark"
opening tag (Material > Dark theme documentation). - Fixed
flex-shrink and color. - Fixed
alignment in Navbar. - Fixed Select input styling.
- Fixed Select2 plugin. Placeholder color, container max-width, dropup animation.
- NEW Upgrade to Bootstrap 4.5.3.
- NEW Dark theme in early version (refer to Material section in documentation).
- NEW Material themes for flatpickr (which will probably become main Picker) and
- Improved Dialogs/modals on small devices.
- Improved documentation dependencies initialization.
- Fixed Form label color and caret color.
- Fixed Character counter spacing and visibility (plugin).
- Updated build dependencies.
- NEW Upgrade to Bootstrap 4.5.2
- NEW Ripple effect for other components (Card-primary-action, Lists, Menus) based on Ripplet library
- Improved Ripplet JS declaration + upgrade to v0.3x
- NEW Material themes for Autosize, ionRangeSlider, Select2, Maxlength.
. - NEW Plugin themes integrated in build
- NEW Plugins documentation
- Fixed Helper text position,
top padding, Alerts style - Fixed Switch disabled + hover state
- Fixed. Glitches in docs
- Update build dependencies (+ revert stylelint to 0.16.x)
- New Upgrade to Bootstrap 4.5.0
Moved 4.4.1 to a new branch for those who need it - New Ripple effect for buttons based on Luncheon awesome Ripplet.js
- Fixed Switch component is back !
- Updated webkit-custom icons as Google Chrome is updated with new icons
- Rework button's CSS
- Updated Roboto font URL
- Improving documentation to reflect BS 4.5.0 changes
- New Label color on form focus (for form-group and form-ripple containers. See Material > Text fields)
- Improve btn-icon-prepend and list-group-item-icon svg color and sizing
- Improve doc for line ripple with text-helper
- Cleanup Buttons CSS (background-color, background-image)
- Improve icons in buttons (Material-icons or Fontawesome or SVG)
- Updated documentation
- Updated dependencies
- New One-line and two-line lists (see Material > Lists documentation)
- New Line ripple for forms/inputs (see Material > Text fields documentation)
- Desactivate _waves.scss for button ripples integration
- Improved documentation
- New
class (see Material > Cards documentation) - Enhenced badges (see Material > Badges documentation)
elements now haveuser-select: all
to copy-paste code with 1 click- Enhenced card-links positionning
- Fix button.dropdown-item styling
- Fix btn-float and btn-flat background
- Fix Elevation-shadow crash during build
- Fix toast's z-index leading to inactive Action button
- Cleanup typography classes
- Revert doc TOC from sticky to static for long TOC management
- Revert jQuery to 3.4.1 for Collapse component compatibility
- All dependencies are up to date
New Bootstrap 4.4.1 responsive containers support (
, ...) -
New Full toast/snackbar support
Global Material documentation overhaul
New Smooth scroll in pure CSS
New .fab-actions container to wrap FAB bottom right of screen
Improved Bootstrap collapse component
Many bug fixes (stretched-links, chips, breadcrumbs, pagination, data-tables)
All build dependencies are up to date
BUG. Elevation-shadow can still crash during build todo
Full Bootstrap 4.4.1 support
Added components according to Density guidelines
Expansion panels according to MD v2
Dialog buttons are always flat
Btn-link styled as btn-flat-primary
Added btn-xs and btn-icon-prepend
Improved buttons
Improved Steppers
Improved documentation (faster, up to date)
Improved Dialog transitions
UPDATED dependencies
FIXED Links used as buttons aspect on hover
- NPM build fixed by @tiberiumihai
- BS 4.4.1 grid support
- Enhance date picker
FIXED Datepicker autoclosing FIXED Helper text left padding for textfield-box inputs FIXED Indeterminate custom checkbox color (when checkbox is not disabled)
FIXED Links used as elements (dropdown-items, ...) aspect on hover FIXED Picker input if disabled or readonly
- chips look like Material Design v2
- chip outline style
- chip choice
- chip filter FIXED Buttons on links hover effect
- Modal margins enhanced
- Primary color tweaked
- Tables overflowing of container