Releases: djansen1987/SAJeSolar
🎉🎉Bugfixes Session timeout & Missing sensors on the SEC module
It appeared that after 24 hours the sensors got stuk at 0 and no updates were received. This had to do with de session cookies which were expired. Session cookies are now reset after getting the data and should not be an issues any more.
On the Sec module there were sensor data missing. It was hard to find the right data with the right permissions. I hope to have add the correct sensors. Please check the to see the correct sensor names for the configuration.yaml
new sensors:
- totalGridPower
- totalLoadPower
- totalPvgenPower
If you run into any issues please let us know at
Creating a module takes a lot of time if you like the module please consider letting us know.
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Energy Dashboard Support added
Energy Dashboard Support added
From Home assistant version 2021.08 they have added an Energy dashboard. For this to work with the SAJ component we had to modify the module to support Device and State classes. The code has been optimized.
Also we deprecated the following 2 sensors. Please remove them from the configuration.yaml
Please let us know if there are any issues.
Bug Fix and Error logging
Fixed bug in getUserPlantList request witch needed a payload and
Fixed bug in getPlantDetailChart2 which missed the device serial number also they now request the epoch in milliseconds. Because of this the peakpower was not displayed.
Fixed session timeout by closing the session when done.
Increased scan interval from 60 seconds to 300 seconds (5 minutes)
Added Saj Sec Module Support
Attention: Sensor names are updated, please update your configuration.yaml with the correct sensor names. (capitalized)
Added support for the SAJ Sec eSolar Module. With this module you can measure how much energy is used or sell back to the grid. Big Thanks to @LowKey88 for providing an account to develop with
Version Bump
Version Bump
Were live
Initial publish of the addon