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19 lines (12 loc) · 683 Bytes

File metadata and controls

19 lines (12 loc) · 683 Bytes

Common Pitfalls

This document is for writing down all weird errors, that show up when developing a district. Please don't forget to include solution for the error as well.

Problem 1 (SqliteError: near "/": syntax error)

$ node node memefactory-tests/memefactory-server-tests.js


throw [cljs.core.str.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(["could not start [",cljs.core.str.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(state),"] due to"].join(''))," ",cljs.core.str.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(t__22248__auto__)].join('');
could not start [#'memefactory.server.db/memefactory-db] due to SqliteError: near "/": syntax error


Clean compilation folder and recompile files.