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Acquire directions for the HF Factor and the LF Factor. I paired with Chris on this, and we used some code that we extracted from here: Weight Visualization Demo
Measure the responses of the HF factor and LF factor to the synthetic stimuli, and plot it in a line plot averaged over angle.
Screenshots generated in the interim
According to my notes, I had applied a multiplicative factor of 0.5 to the natural range I was getting just by copying the existing sinusoidal checkerboard code in order to shift the frequencies to get exactly these ones in particular.
Also according to my notes, I decided to only rotate the stimuli images through 0.125 of tau, down from the original value of 0.5 of tau, in order to reduce some symmetries which seemed to distract from the main point.
Progress I'd made towards extracting out helper functions from the Colab
This is just a big long Python file that I had been referring to as and using as a common place to import stuff from in my Jupyter notebook. The first half is stuff I extracted from the Colab, and then a few functions from the end are from pairing with Chris to get the HF-factor and LF-factor synthetic stimuli going. What was lost in the devbox crash was the code in the Jupyter notebook itself: some code to actually invoke these functions, create the synthetic stimuli, and run the analysis.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Circuits -- High-Low Frequency Detectors.ipynb
Automatically generated by Colaboratory.
Original file is located at
# Install / Import / Load
This code depends on [Lucid]( (our visualization library).
The following cell will install it plus dependencies such as TensorFlow, and import them as appropriate.
import functools
from collections import namedtuple
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as nd
import tensorflow as tf
from more_itertools import chunked
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
import lucid.optvis.objectives as objectives
import lucid.optvis.param as param
import lucid.optvis.render as render
import lucid.optvis.transform as transform
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cycler import cycler
from lucid.misc.channel_reducer import ChannelReducer
from lucid.misc.gradient_override import gradient_override_map
from import collapse_channels, save, scoping, show
from import _display_html, _image_url
from lucid.modelzoo import vision_models
from lucid.optvis.overrides import linearization_overrides
should_save = False
assert tf.test.is_gpu_available()
# "Connections" between adjacent layers are simply their weights.
# When we want to inspect connections across multiple layers, we compute
# the gradient between them on a linearized version of the model:
# ReLU gradients are replaced with the identity, and MaxPool layers are
# treated as average pooling layers.
def linearized_connection(model, layer1, layer2, W=5, offset=2):
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session(), linearization_overrides():
t_input = tf.placeholder_with_default(
tf.zeros(model.image_shape), model.image_shape
T = render.import_model(model, t_input, t_input)
# Compute activations
acts1 = T(layer1).eval()
acts2 = T(layer2).eval()
print(acts1.shape, acts2.shape)
n_chan2 = tf.placeholder("int32", [])
gradients = tf.gradients(T(layer2), [T(layer1)])
t_grad = gradients[0]
# print( T(layer2).eval({T(layer1): acts1[:,0:W,0:W]}).shape)
return np.stack(
t_grad.eval({n_chan2: i, T(layer1): acts1[:, 0:W, 0:W]})[0]
for i in range(acts2.shape[-1])
def positive_negative_image(array):
"""Splits a single-channel array into positive and negative components.
Used for visualization, mapping:
positive -> orange (= red + .5* green)
negative -> cyan (= blue + .5* green)
zero -> white
p, n = np.maximum(0, array), np.maximum(0, -array)
return np.stack([1 - 2 * n, 1 - (p + n), 1 - 2 * p], axis=-1)
# Alternative: map 0 to medium green if 0 is important to see
# return np.stack([p, .5*np.ones_like(p), n], axis=-1)
# Colab matplotlib styles 2020-01-27 schubert@
mpl.rcParams["lines.linewidth"] = 1.5
# Viridis. Not really meant as a categorical scale.
# colors = reversed(("#440154","#46327e","#365c8d","#277f8e","#1fa187","#4ac16d","#a0da39","#fde725"))
mpl.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] = cycler(color=mpl.colors.TABLEAU_COLORS)
mpl.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = "383838" # background inside plot
mpl.rcParams["axes.facecolor"] = "383838" # background around plot
mpl.rcParams["axes.edgecolor"] = "EEEEEEAA" # axis itself
mpl.rcParams["xtick.color"] = "EEEEEEAA"
mpl.rcParams["ytick.color"] = "EEEEEEAA"
mpl.rcParams["text.color"] = "EEEEEEAA"
mpl.rcParams["axes.labelcolor"] = "EEEEEEAA"
mpl.rcParams["legend.edgecolor"] = "383838"
mpl.rcParams["axes.spines.right"] = False
mpl.rcParams[""] = False
mpl.rcParams["axes.grid"] = True
mpl.rcParams["grid.alpha"] = 0.5
mpl.rcParams["grid.color"] = "666666"
mpl.rcParams["grid.linestyle"] = "solid"
mpl.rcParams["grid.linewidth"] = 1
def render_units(
objective = sum(
objective_f(layer, index, batch=batch_index)
for batch_index, index in enumerate(units)
param_f = lambda: param.image(w, batch=len(units), alpha=alpha)
trans = transforms or transform.standard_transforms.copy()
if regularize_l1:
objective -= 1e-3 * objectives.L1(constant=0.5)
if alpha:
objective += 1e-3 * objectives.blur_alpha_each_step()
trans += [
transform.crop_or_pad_to(w, w),
return render.render_vis(
"""# Analysis"""
class HiLo:
"""Class for keeping track of a model's High-Low Frequency Detectors"""
model: vision_models.Model
layer_name: str
channel_indices: List[int] = field(hash=False)
weight_node_name: str
previous_layer_name: str
def incoming_weights(self):
(weight_node,) = [
for node in self.model.graph_def.node
if == self.weight_node_name
weights = tf.make_ndarray(weight_node.attr["value"].tensor)
if self.model.__class__ == vision_models.AlexNet:
result = weights[..., -128:] # weights are split...
elif self.model.__class__ == vision_models.InceptionV1:
# weights are multiplied by a 1x1 conv...
(bn_weight_node,) = [
for node in self.model.graph_def.node
if == "mixed3a_3x3_bottleneck_w"
bn_weights = tf.make_ndarray(bn_weight_node.attr["value"].tensor)
result = np.einsum("abij,cdjk->cdik", bn_weights, weights)
return result
result = weights
return result
def factorize_weights(self, return_components=False, subset_to_candidates=True):
# factorize all weights at once, or:
# subset to the channel_indices we believe to be hl frequency detectors
if subset_to_candidates:
connection = self.incoming_weights[..., self.channel_indices].transpose(
-1, 0, 1, 2
connection = self.incoming_weights.transpose(-1, 0, 1, 2)
# split into positive and negative components
pn_components = [np.maximum(0, connection), np.maximum(0, -connection)]
pn_connection = np.concatenate(pn_components, axis=0)
# NMF dimensionality reduction
reducer = ChannelReducer(2)
pn_nmf_factors = reducer.fit_transform(pn_connection)
# Recombine positive and negative components
nmf_factors_split = np.split(pn_nmf_factors, 2, axis=0)
nmf_factors = nmf_factors_split[0] - nmf_factors_split[1]
# print(f"Factors: {nmf_factors.shape}, Components: {reducer.components.shape}")
if return_components:
return nmf_factors, reducer.components
return nmf_factors
def render_components(self):
_, components = self.factorize_weights(return_components=True)
if self.model.__class__ == vision_models.AlexNet: # weights are split...
components = np.concatenate(
[np.zeros_like(components), components], axis=-1
param_f = lambda: param.image(112, batch=len(components))
objective = sum(
objectives.direction(self.previous_layer_name, component, batch=i)
for i, component in enumerate(components)
return render.render_vis(
self.model, objective, param_f=param_f, verbose=False, thresholds=[128]
def render_units(self, channel=False):
obj_f = if channel else objectives.neuron
return render_units(
def render_factors(self):
factors = self.factorize_weights()
results = []
for factor_index in range(factors.shape[-1]):
factor = factors[..., factor_index]
factor = (factor - np.min(factor)) / (np.max(factor) - np.min(factor))
factor = factor - 0.5
image = positive_negative_image(factor)
padded = np.pad(
((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)),
return results
def save_assets(self):
results = {}
with scoping.io_scope(f"4.1-universality/{}"):
results["components"] = [
save(component, f"component-{index}.png")
for index, component in enumerate(self.render_components())
results["units"] = [
save(fv, f"unit-{index}.png")
for index, fv in enumerate(self.render_units())
results["unit_channels"] = [
save(fv, f"unit-channel-{index}.png")
for index, fv in enumerate(self.render_units(channel=True))
results["factors"] = [
save(unit, f"factor-{index}-unit-{unit_index}.png")
for index, factors in enumerate(self.render_factors())
for unit_index, unit in enumerate(factors)
save(results, "manifest.json")
def show_factors(factors):
for factor_index in range(factors.shape[-1]):
factor = factors[..., factor_index]
factor = (factor - np.min(factor)) / (np.max(factor) - np.min(factor))
factor = factor - 0.5
print(factor.min(), factor.max())
factor = np.pad(factor, ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)), mode="constant")
show(positive_negative_image(factor), w=80)
def fv_url(
layer_name, channel_index, objective_name="channel", model_name="InceptionV1"
if model_name == "InceptionV1":
return f"{model_name}%2Ffeature_visualization%2Falpha%3DFalse%26layer_name%3D{layer_name}%26negative%3DFalse%26objective_name%3D{objective_name}%2Fchannel_index={channel_index}.png"
if model_name == "AlexNet":
return f"{model_name}/feature_visualization/alpha%3DFalse%26layer%3D{layer_name}%26negative%3DFalse%26objective_name%3D{objective_name}/channel-{channel_index}.png"
def reorder_as_hf_lf(component):
assert component.shape[0] == 2
coeffs_hf = component[0][known_hf[layer_name]]
coeffs_lf = component[0][known_lf[layer_name]]
is_lf_factor = sum(coeffs_lf) > sum(coeffs_hf)
if is_lf_factor:
f"{layer_name}'s factor 0 seems to be {'LF' if is_lf_factor else 'HF'} factor. (HF: {sum(coeffs_hf)}, LF: {sum(coeffs_lf)})"
f"Swapping order of {layer_name}'s component 0 and 1 so HF is component 0."
return np.flip(component, axis=0)
return component
def cos_aliased(X, eps):
return (np.sin(X + eps) - np.sin(X - eps)) / (2 * eps)
def sinusoidal_grating(ang, freq, N=60, phase=0):
X = np.linspace(-1, 1, num=N, endpoint=False)[None]
eps = 1 / (N) # 2/4N
Y = X.T
ang *= 6.283
phase *= 6.283
# our_cos = lambda X: cos_aliased(X, eps) # np.cos
our_cos = (
lambda X: sum(np.cos(X + eps * rand) for rand in np.random.randn(10)) / 10.0
X_, Y_ = np.cos(ang) * X + np.sin(ang) * Y, -np.sin(ang) * X + np.cos(ang) * Y
a = 0.5 + 0.3 * (our_cos(6.28 * X_ * freq + phase)) # +np.cos(6.28*Y_*freq))
b = 0.5 + 0.3 * (our_cos(6.28 * X_ * freq + phase)) # +np.cos(6.28*Y_*freq))
cut = np.clip(0.5 + 5 * X_, 0, 1)
return cut * a + (1 - cut) * b
def high_low_freq(ang, r=2, N=60):
X, Y = axes(N)
ang *= 6.283
X_, Y_ = np.cos(ang) * X + np.sin(ang) * Y, -np.sin(ang) * X + np.cos(ang) * Y
ka, kb = 2 * r, 2 / r
a = 0.5 + 0.3 * (np.cos(6.28 * X_ * ka) + np.cos(6.28 * Y_ * ka))
b = 0.5 + 0.3 * (np.cos(6.28 * X_ * kb) + np.cos(6.28 * Y_ * kb))
cut = np.clip(0.5 + 5 * X_, 0, 1)
return cut * a + (1 - cut) * b
def stimuli_iter(
for freq in np.logspace(0, 1, num=num_frequencies):
for angle in np.linspace(0, max_angle, num=num_angles):
oversampled = iterator(angle, freq, oversample * w, phase, **kwargs)[
..., None
] + np.zeros([1, 1, 3])
if oversample == 1:
yield oversampled
yield zoom(oversampled, (1 / oversample, 1 / oversample, 1), order=3)
def stimuli_array(
array = np.array(
return array.reshape((num_frequencies, num_angles, w, w, 3))
def high_low_freq2(ang, f1, f2, N=60):
X, Y = axes(N)
ang *= 6.283
X_, Y_ = np.cos(ang) * X + np.sin(ang) * Y, -np.sin(ang) * X + np.cos(ang) * Y
ka, kb = f1, 1 / f2
a = 0.5 + 0.3 * np.cos(6.28 * X_ * ka) * np.cos(6.28 * Y_ * ka)
b = 0.5 + 0.3 * np.cos(6.28 * X_ * kb) * np.cos(6.28 * Y_ * kb)
cut = np.clip(0.5 + 5 * X_, 0, 1)
return cut * a + (1 - cut) * b
def hilo_stimuli_two_frequencies(num_freq1=60, num_freq2=60, num_angles=360, w=60):
for freq1 in np.logspace(0, 1.0, num=num_freq1):
for freq2 in np.logspace(0, 1.0, num=num_freq2):
for angle in np.linspace(0, 1.0, num=num_angles):
yield high_low_freq2(angle, freq1, freq2, N=w)[..., None] + np.zeros(
[1, 1, 3]
def get_responses(model, layer, sample_iterator):
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
t_img = tf.placeholder("float32", [None, None, None, 3])
T = render.import_model(model, t_img, t_img)
t_layer = T(layer)
responses = []
for batch in chunked(sample_iterator, 64):
for acts_ in t_layer.eval({t_img: batch}):
D = (acts_.shape[0] + 1) // 2 - 1
if D > 0:
acts_ = acts_[D:-D, D:-D]
resp = acts_.max(0).max(0)
return np.asarray(responses)
def rotated_stimuli(stimulus, N=360, W=96):
for angle in range(-N // 2, N // 2):
rotated = nd.rotate(stimulus, angle)
rotated_width = rotated.shape[0]
D = int((rotated_width - W) / 2)
yield rotated[D : D + W, D : D + W]
def vis_html(layer_name, n, W=120):
a_url = "" % (
img_url = (
% (layer_name, n)
img = "<img style='width: %spx;' src='%s'>" % (W, img_url)
return "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (a_url, img)
def inline_block(html, margin=0):
return (
"<div style='display: inline-block; margin-right: %spx; margin-bottom: -20px;'>%s</div>"
% (margin, html)
H = lambda S: int(S, 16) / 255.0
C = lambda X: np.asarray([H(X[0:2]), H(X[2:4]), H(X[4:6])])
def weight_color_scale(x):
if x < 0:
x = -x
if x < 0.5:
x = x * 2
return (1 - x) * C("f7f7f7") + x * C("92c5de")
x = (x - 0.5) * 2
return (1 - x) * C("92c5de") + x * C("0571b0")
if x < 0.5:
x = x * 2
return (1 - x) * C("f7f7f7") + x * C("f4a582")
x = (x - 0.5) * 2
return (1 - x) * C("f4a582") + x * C("ca0020")
weight_heatmap = lambda X: np.asarray([[weight_color_scale(x) for x in X_] for X_ in X])
def W_image(x, width=60):
W_img = weight_heatmap(x)
img2 = (
"<img src='%s' style='width: %spx; height: %spx; image-rendering: pixelated;'>"
% (_image_url(W_img, domain=[0, 1]), width, width)
return img2
### For Synthetic Stimuli
H = lambda S: int(S, 16) / 255.0
C = lambda X: np.asarray([H(X[0:2]), H(X[2:4]), H(X[4:6])])
def weight_color_scale(x):
if x < 0:
x = -x
if x < 0.5:
x = x * 2
return (1 - x) * C("f7f7f7") + x * C("92c5de")
x = (x - 0.5) * 2
return (1 - x) * C("92c5de") + x * C("0571b0")
if x < 0.5:
x = x * 2
return (1 - x) * C("f7f7f7") + x * C("f4a582")
x = (x - 0.5) * 2
return (1 - x) * C("f4a582") + x * C("ca0020")
weight_heatmap = lambda X: np.asarray([[weight_color_scale(x) for x in X_] for X_ in X])
def precomputed_featurevis_html(layer_name, n, W=None):
W_dict = {
"mixed3a": 60,
"mixed3b": 60,
"mixed4a": 100,
"mixed4b": 110,
"mixed4c": 120,
"mixed4d": 130,
if W is None:
if W in W_dict:
W = W_dict
W = 60
img_url = (
% (layer_name, n)
img = "<img src='%s'>" % (img_url)
a_url = "" % (
img = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (a_url, img)
return img
def neuron_with_weight(layer, unit, W):
width_dict = {
"mixed3a": 60,
"mixed3b": 60,
"mixed4a": 100,
"mixed4b": 110,
"mixed4c": 120,
"mixed4d": 130,
"mixed4e": 130,
"mixed5a": 150,
"mixed5b": 150,
if layer in width_dict:
width = width_dict[layer]
width = 60
if width < 70:
width = 70
assert W.min() >= -1.01 and W.max() <= 1.01
if len(W.shape) == 2:
W_img = weight_heatmap(W)
W_img = W
url = _image_url(W_img, domain=(0, 1))
return f"""
<div style="display: inline-block; margin-right: 2px; margin-bottom: 4px;">
<div style="image-rendering:pixelated; display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
{precomputed_featurevis_html(layer, unit, W=width)}
<img src="{url}" style="width:{width-2}px; height: {width-2}px;" class="weight">
def neuron_with_weight_row(layer, units, W):
inner_html = " ".join(neuron_with_weight(layer, n, W[..., n]) for n in units)
return f"""<div style="width: 5000px; margin-top: 2px;">{inner_html}</div>"""
def neuron_with_weight_row_preselected(layer, units, W):
inner_html = " ".join(
neuron_with_weight(layer, n, W[i]) for i, n in enumerate(units)
return f"""<div style="width: 5000px; margin-top: 2px;">{inner_html}</div>"""
def ForceAvgPoolGrad(op, grad):
inp = op.inputs[0]
op_args = [op.get_attr("ksize"), op.get_attr("strides"), op.get_attr("padding")]
smooth_out = tf.nn.avg_pool(inp, *op_args)
inp_smooth_grad = tf.gradients(smooth_out, [inp], grad)[0]
return inp_smooth_grad
def MaxAsAvgPoolGrad(op, grad):
inp = op.inputs[0]
op_args = [op.get_attr("ksize"), op.get_attr("strides"), op.get_attr("padding")]
smooth_out = tf.nn.avg_pool(inp, *op_args)
inp_smooth_grad = tf.gradients(smooth_out, [inp], grad)[0]
return inp_smooth_grad
def get_expanded_weights(model, layer1, layer2, W=5):
"""Get the "expanded weights" between two layers.
model: model to get expanded weights from
layer1: earlier layer to expand weights between
layer2: later layer to expand weights between
W: spatial width of expanded weigths
Expanded weights as numpy array of shape
[W, W, layer1 channels, layer2 chanels]
Sometimes the meaningful weight interactions are between neurons which aren’t
literally adjacent in a neural network, or where the weights aren’t directly
represented in a single weight tensor. A few examples:
* In a residual network, the output of one neuron can pass through the
additive residual stream and linearly interact with a neuron much later
in the network.
* In a separable convolution, weights are stored as two or more factors,
and need to be expanded to link neurons.
* In a bottleneck architecture, neurons in the bottleneck may primarily be
a low-rank projection of neurons from the previous layer.
* The behavior of an intermediate layer simply doesn’t introduce much
non-linear behavior, leaving two neurons in non-adjacent layers with a
significant linear interaction.
As a result, we often work with “expanded weights” -- that is, the result
of multiplying adjacent weight matrices, potentially ignoring non-linearities.
We generally implement expanded weights by taking gradients through our model,
ignoring or replacing all non-linear operations with the closest linear one.
These expanded weights have the following properties:
* If two layers interact linearly, the expanded weights will give the true
linear map, even if the model doesn’t explicitly represent the weights in a
single weight matrix.
* If two layers interact non-linearly, the expanded weights can be seen as
the expected value of the gradient up to a constant factor, under the
assumption that all neurons have an equal (and independent) probability of
They also have one additional benefit, which is more of an implementation
detail: because they’re implemented in terms of gradients, you don’t need to
know how the weights are represented. For example, in TensorFlow, you don’t
need to know which variable object represents the weights. This can be a
significant convenience when you’re working with unfamiliar models!
# Set up a graph for doing attribution...
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session(), gradient_override_map(
{"Relu": lambda op, grad: grad, "MaxPool": MaxAsAvgPoolGrad}
t_input = tf.placeholder_with_default(
tf.zeros([1, 224, 224, 3]), [None, None, None, 3]
T = render.import_model(model, t_input, t_input)
# Compute activations; this gives us numpy arrrays with the right number of channels
acts1 = T(layer1).eval()
acts2 = T(layer2).eval()
# Compute gradient from center; due to overrides this just multiplies out the weights
t_offset = (tf.shape(T(layer2))[1] - 1) // 2
t_center = T(layer2)[0, t_offset, t_offset]
n_chan2 = tf.placeholder("int32", [])
t_grad = tf.gradients(t_center[n_chan2], [T(layer1)])[0]
arr = np.stack(
t_grad.eval({n_chan2: i, T(layer1): acts1[:, 0:W, 0:W]})[0]
for i in range(acts2.shape[-1])
return arr
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Artifacts that may help
Overall thrust of the approach
Screenshots generated in the interim
According to my notes, I had applied a multiplicative factor of 0.5 to the natural range I was getting just by copying the existing sinusoidal checkerboard code in order to shift the frequencies to get exactly these ones in particular.
Also according to my notes, I decided to only rotate the stimuli images through 0.125 of tau, down from the original value of 0.5 of tau, in order to reduce some symmetries which seemed to distract from the main point.
Progress I'd made towards extracting out helper functions from the Colab
This is just a big long Python file that I had been referring to as
and using as a common place to import stuff from in my Jupyter notebook. The first half is stuff I extracted from the Colab, and then a few functions from the end are from pairing with Chris to get the HF-factor and LF-factor synthetic stimuli going. What was lost in the devbox crash was the code in the Jupyter notebook itself: some code to actually invoke these functions, create the synthetic stimuli, and run the analysis.The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: